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Everything posted by scook

  1. Here's all you need to know about installing SONAR & CbB on a new machine. The only new bit is the Cakewalk Web Installer.
  2. Run it and see You can cancel out of it anytime But do it after installing all the old Cakewalk stuff first.
  3. Cakewalk Command Center only works with Cakewalk product installers written in 2014 through 2017. There is no need to install BandLab Assistant. The Cakewalk Web Installer will install the current version of CbB which an in-app update process.
  4. If the user theme does not modify the button, no change is required. User themes contain only the images and color changes from Mercury. If the theme contains a modified archive button and is not updated, the button will not display correctly.
  5. Added additional links for 2021.12 Early Access versions. Archive button image updated.
  6. 2021.12 Early access versions of Tuncury, Tuncury Light Green and Mercury Light Green themes are available on my Google page.
  7. Shouldn't this trigger the theme out-of-date message?
  8. To independently adjust a control that is grouped, hold down the CTRL key while making the adjustment.
  9. Audio clip images are decimated wave files. Up until 2020.05, they were rendered when the audio was created or destructively changed. Dynamic waveform scaling when changing clip automation was added in 2020.05 Sounds like Full Screen Mode I am guessing this is the volume control. To see all the controls in the Track header, set Workspaces to None. CbB comes with several predefined workspaces, the default workspace was set after install during the "Getting Started" process. I like to search the CbB documentation index Old forum posts and google results may lead to out-of-date answers. The software is regularly updated. For keyword searches, some use the Reference Guide PDF. It is a snapshot of the CbB documentation in pdf format. Unlike the web-based documentation, the pdf is not updated after every release. Current release notes are at the bottom of the current release announcement in this part of the forum Prior release notes are here. There is nothing wrong with using multiple DAWs. One cannot expect to become proficient with any DAW after a day or so regardless of how much experience they have with other products.
  10. Thanks for chiming in. Looks like a bug to me albeit a cosmetic one.
  11. Synth automation may go on any track in the project. The default when using audio+MIDI tracks is the first audio track.
  12. Copy+Paste works between projects. Copy Special can copy just the automation and ignore everything else. If you see the automation in the parent track but not in the lanes, hit the plus key a lane and the envelopes will be assigned one at a time to the new lanes.
  13. I have not used Soundtrap but the description at the Microsoft store sounds more like BandLab and Cakewalk by BandLab.
  14. Opening automation lanes for any track automatically creates a volume envelope. Here are two ways to delete automation envelopes.
  15. I pick it up when it was a freebie. Kinda cool. Along with http://www.websdr.org/, NASA recordings, and all the stuff on archive.org pretty well have RF covered.
  16. I lobbied Noel pretty hard about this. It was a problem for everyone but really confounded new users because Always Echo Current MIDI Track and Enable MIDI Output (for soft synths) are the default. Some plug-ins send MIDI data some do not. By default, soft synths that can send MIDI data have the option enabled, FXs do not. The default for synths may be changed using the Insert Soft Synth Options dialog although, IIRC, the setting was broken for some time, if the dialog was hidden Enable MIDI Output was always set on. I still prefer to disable Always Echo Current MIDI Track and set input echo manually. An old habit that is errs to safety. I use the default Enable MIDI Output behavior being mindful of what the setting does.
  17. When the track is set to None, no MIDI input is accepted. The trouble starts when the track gets Input Echo enabled. It is not possible to input echo None so the DAW switches to an Omni setting. As of 2021.01, when switching inputs to satisfy Input Echo enable, if the project has any plug-in generating MIDI data, the track should select All External Inputs. This setting ignores MIDI data from plug-ins. For more info see the Option to only use external MIDI inputs section in http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=NewFeatures.029.html It is still possible to create a MIDI feedback loop, manually set track input to All Inputs > MIDI Omni and double up notes with a bad local control setting in a controller. MIDI feedback is pretty hard to ignore like audio feedback it quickly gets out of control.
  18. Depends on what you mean by support. Of course, none of those products have been ported by BandLab so there is no official support. That does not mean help is completely unavailable, however; if this is a question about Mac support or porting to the M1, I am not sure if anyone in the CbB group use a Mac DAW and I seriously doubt the old Mac product line will ever get updated.
  19. The old Cakewalk site is running in read-only mode. Email service was shut down with the server switch to read-only. Password reset is performed by support@cakewalk.com (the CbB support team)
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