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Everything posted by scook

  1. Depends on what you mean by support. Of course, none of those products have been ported by BandLab so there is no official support. That does not mean help is completely unavailable, however; if this is a question about Mac support or porting to the M1, I am not sure if anyone in the CbB group use a Mac DAW and I seriously doubt the old Mac product line will ever get updated.
  2. The old Cakewalk site is running in read-only mode. Email service was shut down with the server switch to read-only. Password reset is performed by support@cakewalk.com (the CbB support team)
  3. I do not upload images directly to the forum. Instead, I created an account on imgur.com drag and drop the images into my account, click on the image, click the copy button next to the BBCode link and paste it into my post. Fast, free and easy. Does not affect this forum's user upload quota. I assume you still have access to the 2013 machine. If so, copy the C:\Cakewalk Content\Rapture Pro and C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Sample Data folders onto the new machine overwriting the existing files and folders.
  4. IDK, this user reactivated earlier today I logged into my BandLab account today too.
  5. UNDUPE,CAL may clean up the track. I usually run this type of CAL script on a duplicate track, just in case.
  6. I already posted this link BandLab support is another point of contact. The main support page is https://help.bandlab.com/hc/en-us I suggested the name change because it is something one can do immediately and not have to wait on BandLab to respond.
  7. It is not necessary to leave legacy DAWs installed. Once, all the legacy products are installed, manually deleting the legacy folders in "Cakewalk Content", "Program Files", ProgramData and the user directory leaves the registry entries intact. The version checks are made against the registry. It is important that CbB is installed after any of the Cakewalk legacy DAWs. For more info see
  8. Adjusting latency using the slider in CbB depends on the driver supporting the feature. For drivers that do not support buffer size change requests from the DAW, use the software supplied by the interface manufacturer.
  9. scook

    VCV Rack 2

    Currently 1520 free modules are available (although some are just artwork) with quite a few more v1 modules yet to be officially ported.
  10. If the install failed in any way, consider running the rollback installer provided in the current release thread then re-update.
  11. Yes, that is the latest production release. Up in the Product Release Info section of this forum the first post always contains info about the "Current Release" For example,
  12. Yes. There are only two basic track types in CbB: audio and MIDI. All the other track types are derived from these. An instrument track is really just a wrapper around an audio+MIDI track pair. That is why the track inspector for an instrument track has an audio tab and a MIDI tab. An audio+MIDI track pair pointing to the same synth may be merged into an instrument track. An instrument track may be split into its audio+MIDI track pair. The merge and split options are on the track header context menu.
  13. Turn off Controlled Folder Access https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/allow-an-app-to-access-controlled-folders-b5b6627a-b008-2ca2-7931-7e51e912b034
  14. If you are running 2020.11 or newer use the activation option on the help menu Older versions require BandLab Assistant for activation. For more info see
  15. Your choice. The name field is not critical to BandLab. Username and email are. I left the username at the default.
  16. Why not use your forum name in the BandLab account?
  17. Any plug-in that scans as a synth must be associated with an audio track even if it is incapable of generating audio data (ex. sequencers). Most also use a MIDI track to receive MIDI data. An instrument track is a wrapper around an audio+MIDI track pair.
  18. WRT the name change issue, I found this thread in the FAQ section
  19. This forum is moderated just like the old forum. Most of the old forum mods are mods in this forum along with a couple of additions when this forum was started. I delete a lot of threads marked for deletion. The name change thing is something running in the background. I have no idea what triggers it.
  20. To bounce multiple tracks into one use a bus (Master is already setup on these tracks) or the entire mix as the source.
  21. Preferences > File > Folder Locations Export Audio Files
  22. There may be entries in the Windows Event log that may be helpful.
  23. Clean up the registry. Here are the instructions for a clean install. After removing everything, consider using the Cakewalk Web Installer rather than BandLab Assistant to install the DAW and add-ons.
  24. Review the signal flow diagram Hardware audio inputs are after the gain control and Audio clips are before the gain control.
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