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Everything posted by scook

  1. There is an additional medium background (the old large). Most themes will need 6 updates to the Select Module. 1 large background 1 medium background 4 new buttons
  2. This requires attention when running a user theme. Until the user themes are updated consider using Mercury or Tungsten.
  3. The "All External Inputs" option appears when any plug-in (FX or soft synth) has "Enable MIDI Output" turned on.
  4. After importing, select the track and use Bounce To Track(s) with the "Split Mono" channel format to create two new mono tracks from the original clip.
  5. The screen shots are from the documentation The OP is posting from memory.
  6. Please post images of these preference screens on your PC http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x22B19 http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x20075 http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x22B17 Double check the sample rate setting in the software supplied with M-Audio Interface and make sure it agrees with the sample rate set in CbB preferences (the last link above) The USB/Direct Knob will act as a volume knob if there is no signal at the M-Audio inputs. This is because, the knob mixes the signal from these inputs with the signal coming from the PC. All the way counterclockwise is 100% USB (the signal from the DAW) and 100% clockwise is the signal from the M-Audio Inputs.
  7. Reboot, check preferences again and verify the middle image only contains the Presonus driver. If there is still a problem, post the images of these preference pages from your setup
  8. So ASIO is the driver mode set here and Presonus is the only device and it is selected as both the input and output here. and nothing appears in the time master drop downs here
  9. What does CbB show in the timing master drop downs? Other than the Presonus driver are there any other audio device entries in preferences?
  10. The simplest video capture tools are ScreenToGif and LICEcap While uploading directly to the forum is possible, there is a 50MB user quota. Rather than dealing with the user quota, I prefer to upload images and videos to an account on imgur.com and link the images in my posts. Once uploaded to imgur, clicking on the file displays a screen with a variety of options, I click the copy button next to BBCode and paste it into my posts like this
  11. My guess is the track is being summed to mono. This results in a 3db boost. See https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Playback.19.html Rather than work with 2 mono channels in one track bounce the track using the "Split Mono" track format to create two mono tracks. Then throw away one of the tracks and work with a single mono track.
  12. Any Windows program capable of sound is a candidate including the OS. WASAPI Exclusive driver mode may help as gives the DAW exclusive access to the sound chip while the DAW is running. I have not had a machine with the internal sound chip enabled for some time so have no recent direct experience with it.
  13. By convention, on 64bit Windows 64bit software goes in "C:\Program Files" and 32bit software goes in "C:\Program Files (x86)" There is nothing requiring a user or developer to follow the convention though. Since we are having such a basic discussion, I would not recommend simply moving software around. While it will work for some things, software installers typically do more than copy files into folders. This often includes writing registry entries based on the install location.
  14. That is an unusual path for Cakewalk by BandLab to use as it is a 64bit program. The default path for CbB Shared Utilities is "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities" Even if there was a 32bit version of SONAR or other 32bit Cakewalk DAW installed, CbB typically does not install or look for shared files in the "Program Files (x86)" folder. One could directly edit HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk Plugin Manager but there are several registry keys created for items in the "Shared" folders and given this one is messed up makes the rest pf the install suspect. A simple uninstall/re-install does not fix registry problems. A clean install does. The instructions for a clean install are here These instructions remove CbB and all old Cakewalk softeware. If third party plug-ins are installed in the default CbB VST folder "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins" they will be deleted too. This may be avoided by temporarily moving the folder out of the Cakewalk folder before performing step 8 of the clean install instructions.
  15. http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=NewFeatures.53.html
  16. Platinum did not ship with Essential 5 If you upgraded in error, Celemony may be able to help Otherwise it may be time to upgrade the OS It is hard to keep one piece of the software static and upgrade everything else.
  17. Run the Celemony modify option from Windows Apps & Features to install the VST3 plug-in
  18. Platinum came with a license for the full version Melodyne Essential. This required creating a Celemony account and registering the product. CbB includes a time-limited trial version of Melodyne. Use the Melodyne installer available in your Celemony account. Make sure to install the VST3 plug-in. This is what is used as a Region FX.
  19. The online help is pretty comprehensive. It may be found by clicking in the plug-in UI followed by the F1 key. The patterns are stored in C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Studio Instruments\SI-Bass Guitar\Patterns There is no need to access the patterns directly from this folder. They may be dragged and dropped directly from the SI-Bass pattern browser into an instrument or MIDI track in the project. Like SI-Drums, SI-Bass patterns may be played by using MIDI notes below the instrument range. For SI-Bass Pattern 1 is played by MIDI Note 8 Pattern 2 by MIDI note 9 Pattern 3 by MIDI note 10 Pattern 4 by MIDI note 11 and MIDI note 7 stops patterns from playing. Again this info is in the help.
  20. When input is set to None and the track has input echo set enabled, the input is automatically set to Omni. By default if an instrument or MIDI track has focus, input echo is enabled. This is controlled by the Always Echo Current MIDI Track setting in preferences. Either setting inputs to something other than None (or Omni) or turning off "Always Echo" helps stops unexpected data from hitting the track input. This and only turning on "Enable MIDI Output" for plug-ins that actually need to send data in the project are all good ideas. By default any synth that can send MIDI data has "Enable MIDI Output" turned on.
  21. Bitbridge is a 32bit VST host. It loads 32bit plug-ins and handles all the communication between the plug-ins and the 64bit DAW. 64bit DAWs cannot load 32bit plug-ins directly. In the long run it is best to follow the lead of the manufacturer and stop using 32bit plug-ins that are no longer sold or supported. That or stop updating. It makes little sense to keep updating the OS if the software running on it is not kept current too. jBridge a paid alternative to Bitbridge may work better in some cases. Bridges were never intended as a permanent solution. Bridging was developed to give developers and users time to transition to 64bit. The transition started over 15 years ago,
  22. Soundfonts are a binary format requiring a special editor to create and maintain. The files contain audio data. Sfz files are text files that may be created using any text editor. Generally the files do not contain audio data instead, they contain the names of the audio files.
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