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Everything posted by scook

  1. I did just that with a new build last month - complete install (except for tutorials) of X2, X2a, X3, X3e, Platinum 2017.10 and finally CbB 2020.11. While I install the synths, the sample libraries are copied from older machines. This insures all the extra libraries are installed.
  2. Cakewalk activation servers are still running. Here is a similar thread The key is to know what needs to be installed in order and what happens if they are not. The condensed version is advanced install using minimal installation of X2+X2a to get V-Vocal (there is an video in the thread about this) install at least the Platinum program install CbB That is it for the items to install in order. Installing out of order usually means the most recent version of shared utilities is overwritten. The quick fix is uninstall and reinstall CbB. At your leisure and in no particular order run the Platinum plug-in installers and use the advanced install option for X3 and older as needed to pick up plug-ins as needed.
  3. Yes, that would work. I don't bother with project templates, I just have a collection of empty projects. To start a new working project, I open one of the empty projects and "Save As" a new working project.
  4. The sample rate is not stored in the project. Sample rate is read from preferences when a project does not have audio clips otherwise it is read from one of the project's audio clip headers.
  5. Yes, the ASIO limitation is one i/o driver at a time so both must be deselected before a new selection is possible.
  6. To change ASIO drivers, deselect both input and output in preferences. Then the program will allow a new selection. Alternately, temporarily renaming the Scarlett driver will force Cakewalk to select the Yamaha driver. Changing the order of the drivers in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO work too. I do not have a second ASIO driver to test.
  7. There are notes fields at the project, track and take level now. I guess if I felt the need to add notes to an audio clip, there are free VST notes plug-ins for the clip FX rack. AFAIK. there is nothing comparable for MIDI clips. Of course, notes plug-ins would get lost when a track is frozen or plug-ins destructively applied but I am not sure what would happen if the FR was implemented.
  8. Yea, this feature will like remain. Ripple Edit is the solution now
  9. It is true Platinum did away with the advanced install option pick lists provided with SONAR X3 and older. While DP was bundled with Platinum, it has a separate installer. Z3ta+2 was not part of Platinum. With a little effort, it is not that hard to figure out what the Platinum installers contain.
  10. When documented features appear to be missing such as the Video View check the Workspaces setting. Either set Workspaces to None, select a different Workspace or create a new custom Workspace. The second image shows the Workspaces drop down set to Basic. The Basic workspace has a few views removed.
  11. To copy markers from one project to another: Select the source project. If the project only contains markers or the markers extend past the selection use a time-based selection. Using Copy Special make sure Markers is selected Paste into the target project. It is possible to create a text file containing markers. Markers are MIDI data. One way to create a text file from MIDI data is - Save the project containing the markers as a MIDI file. Use MIDICSV to create a text file from the MIDI file. The direct link to the Windows zip is here.
  12. This is a part of the VST spec. Cakewalk has supported this feature for years. A few developers take advantage of it, Cakewalk did for Session Drummer, FXpansion does for the BFD series. Any VST developer that adds the appropriate data to their plug-in will automatically populate the PRV and step sequencer labels.
  13. scook

    Nothing seems to record

    BTW, there is no need for a separate MIDI track. MIDI Clips may be dragged into Track 1. It is an instrument track. They are a combination of a MIDI and audio track pair. Instrument track headers show the MIDI track input and audio track output controls. The track itself records MIDI data or contains MIDI loops. When frozen the track shows the audio clips created by the MIDI data. Instrument track may be split into their constituent MIDI and audio tracks at any time. A MIDI and audio track pair routed to a synth may be combined into an instrument track at any time too.
  14. scook

    Nothing seems to record

    It is possible to record the audio from the plug-in using soft synth audio recording but it is clumsy and difficult to edit. MIDI is the way to go. You can use the PC keyboard (virtual controller) or one of the other methods I describe in my post above until you get a hardware controller. Depending on what you use MIDI for the direct data entry methods I describe above may be sufficient.
  15. scook

    Nothing seems to record

    He is not clicking on the plug-in UI. He mentioned using a MIDI keyboard controller around 8:13 The plug-in UI is responding to the keyboard. The data being recorded is from the keyboard.
  16. scook

    Nothing seems to record

    There are a couple of videos linked in this thread that may help
  17. scook

    Nothing seems to record

    The plug-in UI is for audition purposes. See my reply to a similar post here
  18. Click drag to select what is needed then copy/paste or split to create a separate clip then use as needed.
  19. There appear to be several scans in this log. That makes it a little more difficult to figure out what is going on. I believe Ampire is a VST3 plug-in but I see an ampire.dll in at least 5 locations, Does X3 see this plug-in as a VST2 or VST3? What does X3 report as the path to the plug-in? The full path is shown by clicking the VST2/3 drop down above the plug-in UI selecting Plug-in Properries clicking the Details... button on the plug-in properties page. One of the ampire.dlls c:\program files\common files\presonus\ampire.dll is probably a version locked to Studio One. It should not be in the CbB scan path. Another c:\program files\common files\presonus vst3 shell.vst3\ampire.dll is likely the dll used for the commercial version of Ampire used by SONAR. I can't say for sure because I do not have any Presonus plug-ins. If this is the case, the rest of the ampire.dlls should not be in the scan path. The scan path needed to be cleaned up. Remove the extra copies of the ampire.dll in the other locations. There are also some suspicious entries in the scan path: c:\program files\common files\presonus c:\program files\common files\presonus\presonus hub\plugins c:\users\logic\desktop\dystopian guitars d:\musicdownloads d:\native instruments As a result of these paths the scanner is reporting a lot of dlls in the folders that are not VST plug-ins. Some of these paths contain no scannable files.
  20. Type this in the Windows Explorer path and it will open the log in notepad. %APPDATA% is a Windows system variable that expands to the appdata\Roaming folder in your user directory. For example, on my PC, the fully qualified name of the log is C:\Users\Steve Cook\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Logs\VstScan.log
  21. Cakewalk by BandLab released in June 2018 CbB 2020.11 definitely has the "Generate Scan Log" option in preferences.
  22. "Generate Scan Log" was added to CbB 2018.06 If you are running an older version of CbB, it may be worth updating. Maybe you are looking in the wrong place. Here is the documentation for the 2018.06 scan enhancements Always run scans from preferences NOT the plug-in manager. The plug-in manager retains a scan page for backward compatibility but it does not support new features like logging.
  23. If X3 and CbB are on the same machine, they use the same vst scanner. There is no reason to move the plug-in binary around, just make sure the scan path in X3 and CbB are the same in preferences. Assuming X3 and CbB are on the same machine, open the plug-in manager while running CbB and see if the plug-in is in the Exclude list. To check the exclude list, click on the appropriate category for the plug-in then click the Show Excluded radio button below the plug-in categories. If the plug-in is there, try to enabled it by clicking on the plug-in then click the "Enable Plug-in" button. If that fails you can try a manual scan in CbB with "Rescan Failed Plug-ins" enabled or a Reset (also an option of the plug-in is not excluded) from preferences (same link as above). Make sure to enable the "Generate Scan Log" option so that a record of the scan is retained. This can help if the plug-in fails either scan attempt. If using the manual scan with rescan option, make sure to turn the rescan option off after the scan.
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