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Everything posted by scook

  1. Reports about the current release are best posted in the appropriate feedback thread. A thread like this is created for each new release Providing specific examples helps too. A problem with "some VSTs" may be difficult to reproduce.
  2. Make sure Windows and Cakewalk are set to the same sample rate. There Cakewalk sample rate is set here Here is a way to review the sample rate in Win10
  3. There are two different actions associated when holding down the SHIFT key Safe Mode - this is what the first image references. Partial Personalization - this is what the second image references. Safe mode runs when the SHIFT key is held down while opening a project. Opening a project in safe mode gives the user an opportunity to skip or step through loading plug-ins. Run Safe mode to attempt to load problem projects. Partial Personalization runs when the SHIFT key is held down while starting up the DAW. This is part of the process run during install to populate the user directory. Running this after an install restores any files that may be missing from the user folder. Run Partial Personalization to recover missing metronome or drum map files.
  4. My first inclination is review the Troubleshooting section of the documentation. It has a few tips on common problems. http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Troubleshooting.33.html
  5. When sharing an audio device between Windows and Cakewalk make sure no program as exclusive use of the audio device and everything is running the same sample rate. In Cakewalk this means checking the sample rate here and avoiding WASAPI Exclusive driver mode. Here is one way to review the sample rate in Win10
  6. AFAIK, ASIO4All does not come preinstalled on any PC. If you did not install it, the software is probably not installed. Like most software, if ASIO4All is installed it will show up in Windows Settings > Apps & Features. According to the preference screen posted above Cakewalk is set to default to 44.1kHz. Here is one way to check Windows sample rate Google and forum searches are good skills to develop.
  7. It is best to post problems with the current release in the appropriate feedback thread There have been a couple of hotfixes released since build 85. I believe one of them addresses this issue.
  8. Yeah, I believe WASAPI Shared has a buffer set to 10ms by the OS. A factory supplied ASIO driver should be able to outperform all the other driver modes. Unfortunately, there are exceptions.
  9. Record Latency Adjustment is at the bottom of this page The preference screen is slightly different depending on the driver mode.
  10. I remember the threads very well. There is no amount of hand waving that can dismiss the fact that some benefit from an offset. If one wants clips to line up properly, it is a good idea to test and apply any offset as needed regardless of driver mode or sample rate. My current setup using a RME Babyface Pro running at 44.1K sample rate requires a -20 sample offset in ASIO driver mode to achieve this level of alignment
  11. X-Ray is an old feature designed for dealing with plug-ins in the XP era. This FR appears like a refinement of While waiting for either feature the inline PRV (albeit not nearly as convenient as the full PRV) is a way to view and edit both audio and MIDI data on the same timeline with a common Aim Assist and Now line.
  12. I suppose this may be read several ways but it is not the case that all ASIO drivers accurately report latency. If ASIO drivers were always accurate there would be no manual offset provision when running ASIO driver mode. Some ASIO drivers may not require an offset. In some cases, the offset may be very small.
  13. AFAIK, "Remove DC Offset During Record" is off by default.
  14. Note hot spots are hard coded too. See the documentation linked above. Of course, BandLab owns the source code and may modify it as they see fit. Even in the context of this forum, it is difficult to tell in some posts if one is asking "does a feature exist" or "could a feature be added." Generally when I post in this area, I post about existing features and how they work hence the links to the documentation.
  15. Why Steve? Can't we add a function to Shift+Alt+Mouse Move for instance, if ALt+Mouse Move function is not possible? It seems nothing doing different in PRV with Shift+Alt combination with the Smart Tool. I mean it seems available. My post concerns what is available within the program itself, the scope of this forum. Clip hot spots and smart tool bindings are hard coded. The smart tool is not in the keyboard shortcuts area drop down in preferences.
  16. When documented features appear to be missing, review the Workspace setting. Change the setting to a different workspace, create a custom workspace or set it to None.
  17. Process > Apply Effects > Audio Effects does this
  18. Currently, the functions supplied by the smart tool may be altered the hot spots and key combinations bound to the functions cannot.
  19. The audio buffer setting is one source.. Plug-ins are the other. In order to keep all audio in sync, a delay is added based on the track or bus reporting the largest Plug-in Delay Compensation. To see if plug-ins are the problem, bypass all plug-ins using the FX button in the Mix Module. Of course, this will also bypass ampsims but typically they are designed for real time playback so can be ruled out as the cause of the problem. Bypassing all effects is the first step in isolating the offending plug-in chain. If the delay disappears when plug-ins are bypassed, the delay is plug-in related. If plug-ins are the problem, re-enable all plug-ins and bypass individual FX racks and ProChannels to determine the offending plug-ins. Usually the largest sources of plug-in delay compensation are dynamics processors with look-ahead buffers and impulse response based reverbs. Often these plug-ins document the PDC added by their use. Either temporarily delete or replace the plug-ins. Freezing or bouncing and archiving works too. It is possible to override PDC on the recording track by using the PDC button in the Mix module.
  20. The delay experienced when monitoring through the DAW has two sources the user has control over: The buffers used by the audio driver. The buffers used by the plug-ins. Smaller audio buffers result in smaller delays. While recording avoid plug-ins designed for mixing and mastering.
  21. Don't recall this every being reported. The program folder paths are hard coded in the plug-ins. Are the program folders compressed?
  22. If Remove DC Offset During Record is enabled, try recording with the option turned off
  23. Try reduced CPU mode
  24. Generic drivers can be a problem any time a factory driver is present. Many of these drivers are repacked versions of ASIO4All. None of them are true ASIO drivers. They are all software wrappers for other Windows audio drivers. Cakewalk reads HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO from the registry to find out which drivers are installed. There should be at most one ASIO driver for each audio interface.
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