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Everything posted by scook

  1. If Remove DC Offset During Record is enabled, try recording with the option turned off
  2. Try reduced CPU mode
  3. Generic drivers can be a problem any time a factory driver is present. Many of these drivers are repacked versions of ASIO4All. None of them are true ASIO drivers. They are all software wrappers for other Windows audio drivers. Cakewalk reads HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO from the registry to find out which drivers are installed. There should be at most one ASIO driver for each audio interface.
  4. Yes. In fact, I rely on the ability to start the transport with no data in the tracks and without record being enabled. This is why I keep "Always Stop At Project End" turned off. The spacebar
  5. Yeah, the current solution is use a pitch plug-in (I use zPlane Elastique Pitch) or throw the clips into a sampler. To me this is a special case of the built-in sampler FRs.
  6. There is no "end marker" for audio or MIDI Cakewalk plays until the last bit of data is reached regardless of the "Stop At Project End" setting. If "Stop At Project End" is not set Cakewalk continues past the last bit of data. Sometimes projects appear to play past the end due to an automation node or some sliver of data beyond the "end." Usually, this "play past end" problem is fixed by selecting everything right of the "end" then using ripple edit to the delete the selection. I recall a report about projects created with an old template having this problem too. This was not fixed by deleting unwanted data. In that case, the fix was building a new template.
  7. It depends on the routing and the volume and pan control in question. There are a couple of ways to use a single MIDI track and route the data to multiple synths. In this case, MIDI volume and pan may be shared. However if each instrument has its own instrument or audio+MIDI track pair and plug-in then nothing is shared.
  8. Based on the track icons Track 1 is not an aux track (in the way Cakewalk uses aux tracks), it is a synth audio track, Its input is the audio from a synth plug-in. Aux tracks receive their audio from other audio tracks. Track 2 is an instrument track Track 3 is a MIDI track WRT routing image showing Tracks 3 > Track 2 > Track 1 with track 2 muted Track 3 is routed to a synth according to the image Track 2 has no output routing Track 1 has its input set to a synth and its output goes to the Master bus. IOW, it appears track 2 has nothing to do with track 1.
  9. All SI instrument plug-ins have a single stereo output Of course one may have multiple instances of the plug-ins.
  10. While most of the theme changes made in response to CbB updates are optional; when an image size changes an update is required or features may break or become unavailable. The changes made in 2020.04 and 2021.1 fall into the mandatory category. Staying with an old theme is fine as long as one is willing to either make the updates themselves or accept the program may not work as expected.
  11. That must be it, I did get much game coding in college
  12. It may be a bad driver. It may be a bad driver install. Does the driver show up in Cakewalk as an option in preferences when ASIO driver mode is selected?
  13. I fully understand the request, do you understand the impact the request has on the signal flow in the DAW? The meter you are asking for must reside before the panner regardless of the hat the person behind the console is wearing.
  14. The device is an audio interface only. There is no mention MIDI on the store page or quick setup guide
  15. Having what separate? By the time the signal hits the meters, mono and stereo tracks have a left and right output. This is what the meters show. Screen resolution has nothing to do with this.
  16. The meters show levels after the panner. Until the meters are moved before the panner, they will always show the left and right side levels regardless of the interleave setting. If the line between the left and right channel is a problem, turn off segmented meters in preferences or create a custom theme with the desired images. Of course, the meters will look the same regardless of the interleave setting and still show the levels after the panner.
  17. Not true. Setting interleave to mono causes the meter to show Left and Right at the same level. Setting interlevel to stereo causes the meter to show the Left and Right channels separately.
  18. What would the switch do?
  19. More information is required Which audio interface and driver are installed?
  20. The is not a feature in Logic or a limitation imposed by Cakewalk. It is unlikely Logic is using ASIO. The restriction of one I/O driver is imposed by the ASIO specification. All the other driver modes supported by Cakewalk do not have the limitation.
  21. Currently the shortcut is ALT+P,Enter,R using the menu navigation Shortcuts for the Process menu items may be assigned in preferences, however; "R" in the global area (where this function resides) is reserved for Record. It cannot be reassigned.
  22. I have never seen a blank program browser in the SI Suite plug-ins. If the programs are actually missing, the plug-ins will be silent because they rely on these programs for which sfz files and samples to load. The program folder for the plug-ins are in "C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Studio Instruments" For example, the SI-Bass programs are in "C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Studio Instruments\SI-Bass Guitar\Programs" Note: ProgramData is a hidden folder. If the programs are missing the plug-ins will need to be re-installed.
  23. ASIO4All or any generic "ASIO" driver can be a problem when a real ASIO driver is present. There should be at most one ASIO driver for each audio interface attached. CbB looks in the registry entry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO for installed ASIO drivers.
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