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Everything posted by scook

  1. The best place to report and check for problems with the current release is the feedback thread create for the release. There is a know problem with SoundToys plug-ins. Here is the post from the 2021.01 feedback thread
  2. Also make sure the Record :Latency Adjustment drop down shows the correct device.
  3. Make sure the DAW and Windows are set to the same sample rate. This also holds true for any program that can set it sample rate independently from the OS such as Melodyne. Make the programs are not setup for exclusive use such as WASAPI Exclusive drive mode in CbB. Here is one way to check and set the sample rate in Windows
  4. That's right, it is often called a time-based selection. The second method mentioned in my post. Some prefer to bounce the entire project to a track in the original project before performing the export.
  5. Not a CbB bug. Turn off Always Import Broadcast Waves at Their Timestamp Could ask the supplier of the audio clip(s) why they created broadcast wave files instead of regular wave files.
  6. No because freeze is non-destructive. Although it is possible to freeze a track one time and re-enable the PC and FX rack for additional processing. To retain a frozen track and enable freezing again requires copying the frozen tracks somewhere before thawing the track to re-enable the freeze option. One may repeatedly apply effects which destructively applies effects in place.
  7. Not sure how often MIDI Guitar goes on sale. IIRC, they did a promotion when v2 was released. I bought it at the early adopter price of $70 in 2012. Don't think it is has ever been close to that since. Nice to see they have added a functional VST to the demo.
  8. Or click in the SI-Drum plug-in UI and press the F1 key to open its help. The MIDI notes used by the plug-in are documented in "Using the Drum Pads" and "Using the MIDI Patterns" sections. This covers a little more than the basic GM note info. There are three ways to make the MIDI note assignments: In the hardware - as suggested above by reviewing the hardware manual In the PC before the DAW - there are tools such as MIDI-OX that may be used to intercept and remap MIDI data. In the DAW - CbB provides a plug-in Transpose MFX and drum maps. Both can create translation tables to transpose MIDI data. There are third party plug-ins that can do this too such as Code FN42 NoteMapper. Some drum plug-ins have their own mapping tools too. SI-Drums is not one of them though.
  9. The point of my post was to explain how the current solution works. There is always room for improvement. Moving from the Media Foundation library is a possibility. I believe this is Noel's most recent comment
  10. Instead of mute consider archiving hidden tracks. Muted tracks still processes data; archived tracks do not.
  11. For now try MIDICSV. The direct link to the Windows zip is here.
  12. I recently setup a new machine. I have not messed with the browser menu defaults since adding the software. X2a and X3e have "Preview At Host Tempo" enabled SONAR 2017.10 and CbB 2021.01 have "Preview At Host Tempo" disabled
  13. Verify "Preview At Host Tempo" is enabled in the media browser menu. "B" in the image below
  14. The setup in CbB is fairly easy. Add the plug-in to an audio track, enable MIDI Output in the drop down above the plug-in UI and the plug-in appears in instrument and MIDI track input drop downs. From there it works just like any MIDI controller. There were a couple of lengthy threads on the old forum about MIDI Guitar starting with when it was released as a beta through v2. How well the software tracks depends on the guitar and playing style. I doubt it will work well with an an acoustic guitar regardless of how the signal is captured but a little time with the demo should answer that question. There is no demo of the plug-in, the demo is the standalone version but that should be adequate to see if the product is for you. The standalone (and the plug-in for that matter) can host soft synths or send MIDI data to the DAW using a virtual MIDI cable.
  15. The BandLab support email is support@bandlab.com The Cakewalk support email is support@cakewalk.com Currently the initial Cakewalk by BandLab download and activation relies on BandLab Assistant
  16. The AUD.ini switch is documented here https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Troubleshooting.07.html The DirectShow engine (VideoEngine=0) allows moving the video on the timeline The Media Foundation Engine does not. But in order for CbB to use the DirectShow engine the video must be in a format the engine recognizes. If CbB cannot play a video with DirectShow it will automatically switch to the Media Foundation engine regardless of the AUD.ini setting. There are quite a few threads on the old forum about this. If you want to read about it use Google to search site:forum.cakewalk.com directshow noel and you will get several threads with Noel's comments about the MF and Directshow video engines.
  17. Re: scripting AFAIK nothing has changed since http://forum.cakewalk.com/tm.aspx?m=3778540&p=3
  18. Until additional MIDI routings are added... One solution currently available for driving multiple MIDI and instrument tracks requires creating a master instrument track using a plug-in capable of passing MIDI data through the plug-in. I use one of the Code FN42 plug-ins (MIDIChFilter, NoteMapper or Veloscaler) but it could be any "synth" plug-in capable of sending data. This "synth" appears in the input drop down of every other instrument and MIDI track in the project. The tracks using the master "synth" as their input need input echo enabled because there no data actually in their tracks. Like aux tracks, because this method relies on input echo instead of actually storing data in the track, to print the track requires recording the data in real time. Alternately one could copy the data from the "master" track into the track echoing the data then use the regular freeze and bounce functions.
  19. If the drop downs are empty - hold down the SHIFT key while starting CbB. This should add any missing files to your CbB user directory including the metronome audio files.
  20. The "duplicates" are threads created and used by BA. This is normal. support@bandlab.com may be able to help.
  21. Photoshop is fine for modifying images but I doubt you really want to resize images using any editor. The easiest way to update the background image (or any image) depends on whether the user theme is based on Mercury or Tungsten. If it is based on Mercury, deleting the existing image will automatically pick up the new Mercury image. If it is based on Tungsten, open Tungsten in another instance of the Theme Editor, copy and paste the Tungsten image into the new theme. Delete, Copy and Paste are on the context menu shown when right-clicking an image. This will insure the size of the image is exactly what CbB expects. Then modify the texture or color as desired in Photoshop. The Theme Edit lets you add an image editor using the Setup Wizard in the Tools tab.
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