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Everything posted by scook

  1. There is a dedicated area on this forum for user themes. Questions about themes and the theme editor are best posed in that area. Here is a thread about the items that need to change for 2021.01
  2. http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=WindowManagement.09.html#1260131
  3. Absolutely, as I alluded to and @Colin Nicholls clarified, the objectionable part of the UI you mention is part of a Microsoft library. The theme in the OP, on the other hand, is a functional problem. Parts of the program don't work with that old user theme.
  4. You may want to update the theme. It appears seriously out of date. See and for the parts the need to be updated for the theme to function properly. Of course none of the updates are going to address the MS libraries you are asking to be updated.
  5. May help to know which plug-in(s) are creating the sounds. This could be the result of volume automation. Opening automation lanes in audio and instrument tracks automatically create volume automation. If a track has volume automation the envelope is visible in the main track, there is an indication next to the Volume label in the track header and the automation lane button may be a different color. To get rid of unwanted automation either use the edit filter (the drop down under the track name in the track view) to select the automation or open the automation lanes then right-click on the envelope and using the context menu select "Delete Envelope"
  6. A fine idea that may be outside their budget but that should not stop any enterprising individuals from setting up their own share(s), even if just as a temporary measure until the resources get allocated to the project. CAL has been deprecated for almost 21 years. Don't expect much from Band:Lab on this subject. AFAIK Sitata has no need for articulation maps and the most recent release makes drum maps redundant by implementing the VST2.1 effGetMidiKeyName opcode. Something every drum synth developer needs to do.
  7. Double check the zero controllers setting. This is a per-project setting. Make sure to update the project templates in order that new project have the preferred settings. Also review the data in the Event List view.
  8. Reset is the button called "Reimposta..." above and to the right of the red circle The item in the red circle hides VST 2 plug-ins when a plug-in manufacturer has a VST3 plug-in and the appropriate code is added to the plug-ins indicating it may replace the VST2 plug-in. Deselecting this option shows both VST2 and VST3 plug-ins. At least, that is the intend of the feature. When running a VST reset it is usually a good idea to enable "Generate Scan Log" (Genera log dopo la ricerca). Then if the problem continues, the log will be available.
  9. I have neither plug-in installed. Do the plug-ins appear in the "Sort by" layouts? The "Sort by Category", "Sort by Manufacturer" and "Sort by Type" are built on-the-fly from all available plug-ins. If not, consider running a VST reset from preferences. Do not use the plug-in manager for scanning. The plug-in manager should be used for managing the Exclude list and building custom layouts only.
  10. https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021858293-What-happened-to-Cakewalk-SONAR-What-happens-to-everything-I-paid-for-
  11. If the plug-in plays a MIDI clip then it is routed correctly. The next things to establish are the controller is setup as a MIDI input device in the DAW and the instrument/MIDI track input drop down is set to the controller.
  12. This forum was created for Cakewalk by BandLab the PC-based DAW. The web-based DAW called BandLab is a different product. I do not know of a forum dedicated to this DAW but there is a support team at BandLab. Their address is support@bandlab.com. I believe there is also a Facebook group.
  13. When adding a synth to Cakewalk make sure to use either an instrument track or an audio+MIDI track pair. Maybe reviewing the MIDI tutorials in this video series will help.
  14. Or have the DAW automatically pin them for you. It depends on the Recycle Plug-in Windows settings.
  15. SoundForge Pro occasionally (every year or so) goes on sale for as little as $20 as part of a deal on Humble Bundle. The sales show up in the deals area of this forum. Usually a release behind current but a great deal. Much more than the basic version of SoundForge. There are several free editors that easily handle the basics.
  16. IDK, I have not bothered with more than one PC at a time.
  17. http://www.fxteleport.com/index.html Cakewalk purchased BitBridge from them.
  18. could use ripple edit to remove the blank space from the project or leave the space in the project and use a time-based selection for export then select "C" in the large export module (image below) or use the export dialog or export as is and finish up the file in a wave editor I prefer to make the selection or clean up with a wave editor and leave the project as is.
  19. Verify the plug-in layout is set to "aa". The plug-in layout is set with the first option at the top of the plug-in menu shown in image 2. BTW, it is best to avoid 32bit plug-ins when a 64bit version is available (ex. Absynth 5).
  20. To monitor through the DAW make sure the input echo button is enabled on the track(s) receiving data from the MIDI controller (or instrument/microphone in the case of audio tracks). This button is to the right of the record button on each track.
  21. V-Vocal was part of SONAR Producer 5 through X2. I do not believe it was updated after 8.5. I installed it with X2 and it works in CbB but it definitely lacks the same level of integration as Melodyne. If it is in any projects, it may be a good idea to bounce the clips and remove it or have a recovery plan when the clips won't load.
  22. Kind of unnecessary. V-Vocal was bundled with Producer only. It is also DX format so if it were included with a 32bit DAW, it would be useless in a 64bit DAW.
  23. Thanks but why are you telling me about this?
  24. Possibly the result of running a user theme that needs to be updated. Either update the theme or change to Mercury or Tungsten and restart CbB.
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