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Everything posted by scook

  1. It involves editing the master.ins file. I describe the process here the biggest problem with using alternate note names in the Notes pane is they are not persistent. Unlike drum maps, the alternate note names must be selected every time the track is loaded in the PRV.
  2. scook

    How to extend track

    Here are a couple of ways drag the end of an audio clip, add an empty audio clip, create an automation node, a MIDI CC event or zero velocity note where the project should stop or when exporting make a time-based selection including space for the effect tails and switch the export module to selection or use the export dialog
  3. ripple edit is way more reliable than using "Slide Over..." in DnD options. May want to spend a little time with it.
  4. http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=EditingMIDI.34.html
  5. Of course, this is unprovable but it may play for a very long time. I have seen one report involving projects built using a corrupted template having a similar problem. Both regular delete and ripple edit (make sure to try this and set it to edit all tracks) failed to remove the data causing play past project "end". Starting with a freshly built project template addressed this user's issue. There may be other causes but aside from project data far down the timeline and a corrupted template (or project?) I am unware of any.
  6. I reported something similar to @Jonathan Sasor a few months ago based on another thread. @Noel Borthwick it is much better with the new release. The setup to demo used MOscillator and MFreqShifter in an audio FX rack automating shift in MFreqShifter (n.b. both plug-ins are free in the MFreeFXBundle). The sweep was getting quantized and the effect was audible. I used both VST2 and VST3 while testing. One thing I still notice are glitches when drawing the envelope while the transport is running. Drawing is happening nowhere near the play head but it still affects audio. Play was looping and I was drawing new automation well to the right of the loop.
  7. Cakewalk by BandLab is an updated version of 64bit SONAR Platinum without most of the 3rd party plug-ins. BandLab Technologies purchased Cakewalk IP from Gibson. With a small team of former Cakewalk employees, BandLab released Cakewalk by BandLab using SONAR Platinum source code. Along with providing this forum, they continue to develop and support the DAW. CbB installs as an upgrade to SONAR Platinum. This means the DAW and its supporting files install in their own folders and the components shared with SONAR are updated to the latest versions. The shared components are backward compatible with SONAR. After installing CbB both Platinum and CbB will be available. With Platinum installed all of the content and plug-ins bundled with Platinum may be used in CbB.
  8. Yes, they are called linked clips see http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Arranging.44.html
  9. It's a lot safer in 2021.01 than before. In the past when an instrument or MIDI track had echo enabled and its input was set to None, the DAW automatically switch to "All Inputs - Omni".. If there were plug-ins sending MIDI data, the track would play the data. This is more of a problem with synths because they have "Enable MIDI Output" turned on by default, if they have the feature. Effects always default to "Enable MIDI Output" off regardless. But both could be unwelcome sources of MIDI data. Starting with 2021.01, if there are any effect or synth plug-ins in the project with "Enable MIDI Output" turned on, and an instrument or MIDI track has input echo enabled and while its input is set to None instead of switching to "All Inputs - Omni" the DAW switches to "All External Inputs - Omni". This prevents tracks automatically picking up MIDI data from plug-ins. HTH
  10. Another method... Create an instrument track with a plug-in that echoes its MIDI data such as MIDIChFilter, NoteMapper and VeloScaler from CodeFN42. Create the CC data in this track. On the tracks needing the CC data, set their inputs to the plug-in and enable input echo.
  11. While it is a time-limited trial, monophonic audio-to-midi and tempo detection do not expire. The time-limited portion of the demo include the editor and the polyphonic algorithms. There is a considerable amount of information about how to use Melodyne in the CbB documentation.
  12. Other way round. The expansion pack appear to use some of the bundled GPO data. Notice both programs use the same sfz file.
  13. Notice: in the video the template was not saved and opened in real time instead; the presenter opened a template they created earlier. The video is wrong when it comes to what is saved in a template. Feel free to let the video creator know about your discovery.
  14. Whether posting here or sending the project to support please include the dropout code. Also may want to try the suggested resolution.
  15. There is no activation code. It is a time-limited trial. The time starts when the plug-in is installed. To install the plug-in use the "Install Add-ons..." option shown below After downloading, installing and scanning the VST3 format plug-in, Melodyne should be available as a Region FX.
  16. Project template save much more than the track layout. From http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Templates_KeyBindings.2.html#1105448 As mentioned above, wipe the tracks before saving the template.
  17. This is the case. The buffers reported in excess of the sample rate calculation are safety buffers built into the hardware.
  18. The Studio Instruments Suite is not part of the core installer. Use "Install Addons..." from BA to run their installer
  19. There is more to it than specifying where the files are written. Both can write anywhere the DAW has permission. Save is used to write projects and its associated files to disk most often for use in the DAW. Export is usually performed to create files intended for other programs.
  20. Cronus is on the Exclude list by design. There is no reason to remove it from the Excluded list. It is not a regular DX plug-in intended to show up in plug-in layouts.
  21. I don't think so. One could duplicate tracks once tracks are in the project and the tracks could be setup in the project template.
  22. A little time with autohotkey can save a lot of time later. Here is an example of binding Windows+Space to load guitar.cwx from a Custom folder in track templates
  23. Probably the same scheme just starting at 0 instead of 1
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