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Everything posted by scook

  1. Make sure to enable the keyboard ("J" in the image below) in the header above the plug-in UI for more info see https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=4&help=Mixing.28.html
  2. Using TTS-1 and the Event List as guides - Syn Strings 2 shows up as p51 Choral Aahs is p52
  3. Other ways use the gain knob if adjusting volume is OK before plug-ins add a plug-in to the end of the effects such as an empty FX chain or one of Blue Cat's free gain plug-ins. I like the Blue Cat gain plug-ins because they have built-in grouping.
  4. The "Master bus" usually has "Set as Default Bus" selected in its context menu. Other than that, it is functionally identical to any other bus.
  5. This suggests driver or hardware problems. There may be some indications in the Windows event log.
  6. There may be a few forum users using both products but this forum was created for Cakewalk by BandLab. I do not believe there is a comparable site for BandLab but it does have support@bandlab.com and at least one Facebook group.
  7. For a device to work with Cakewalk and Windows it is important that both Cakewalk and Windows are set to the same sample rate. The same is true for any other application that can set the audio sample rate. Fortunately, most programs use the Windows settings. Here is one way to set the sample rate in Win10
  8. Yes, it is. Dragging MIDI into CbB is an import function. CbB Import strips tempo data from MIDI files. Opening MIDI files preserves MIDI tempo data. MIDI file save and export include MIDI data. Not sure how the other DAW works but it should be easy to see if a MIDI file contains tempo by opening the file in CbB, playing the file or view the data using MIDICSV
  9. The instructions ask that the project and steps to create the drop out be mailed to support@cakewalk.com May want to include info about the OS, buffer settings from the mixing latency section of preferences, audio interface make and model, driver mode from preferences and driver version number
  10. scook


    There is "no clear solution" because the problem is system dependent. Something on the PC is preventing the DAW from creating files. Some possibilities are hardware failure, permissions, disk compression, antivirus or antimalware software. Make sure the project audio folder is not compressed and the permissions are open. Make sure the antivirus/antimalware software is current. If the problem goes away when the AV software is disabled, add CbB to the program's whitelist. Some have reported ByteFence antimalware being installed surreptitiously. Consider deleting this software.
  11. All the AddOns are optional. Here is an image of BandLab Assistant showing the "Install Addon..." menu option. None are installed by default. Once installed, the options are disabled in BandLab Assistant.
  12. On startup, CbB checks the registry for audio drivers. When it does a bug in some versions of Yamaha ASIO drivers cause them to launch their update process which fails throwing messages like the one in the OP.
  13. Panic button is in the transport module http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=ControlBar.06.html
  14. There is only one way user layouts are deleted in CbB, by clicking the delete button next to the Save button in the upper right of the Plug-in Manager.
  15. The tmp files in the layout folder are created by the "Sort by" layouts supplied with the DAW and are built on the fly as needed. User created layouts have a .pgl extension. The "Sort by Category" modifications are stored in %appdata%\Cakewalk\library\library.db
  16. Orphaned envelopes used to be pretty common when deleting plug-ins that were automated. To remove, SHIFT-click the automation envelope then right click and delete using the context menu.
  17. The custom plug-in layout path is specified in preferences The default location is "%appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Plug-in Menu Layouts"
  18. Nothing has changed since this thread. The key is to know what needs to be installed in order. What happens when these are installed out of order. And how to fix an out of order install. Assuming you have the SONAR Platinum/Producer series, the condensed version is advanced install using minimal installation of X2+X2a to get V-Vocal (there is an video in the thread about this) install at least the Platinum program install CbB That is it for the items to install in order. Installing out of order usually means the most recent version of shared utilities is overwritten. The quick fix is uninstall and reinstall CbB. Then, at your leisure and in no particular order, run the Platinum plug-in installers and use the advanced install option for X3 and older to pick up plug-ins as needed. There is a spreadsheet linked in the thread containing the SONAR plug-in bundle history.
  19. Run a VST reset from preferences. Avoid running the scanner from the Plug-in Manager. If the plug-in(s) still show up in the "Registered Plug-ins" column, clicking on them reveals their fully qualified file names at the bottom of the Plug-in Manager.
  20. If I'm not mistaken, you have to run CbB as admin for some of these older plugins. After registration both of these plug-ins run without elevated privileges. The only other 64bit Cakewalk plug-in that needed admin access was Pentagon I and the registry mod to eliminate this requirement has been published several times.
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