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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. Bass players need to find a way to breed with women. If they don't . They will soon become extinct . Kenny
  2. Ok Pegasis ! You want to play it that way ? I will never say yes dear to you, take out thrash, pick up your dirty linens , or go and get your mother at the airport this thanksgiving . You got a Real Bad Boy on your hands that deserves a Spanking . Kenny
  3. Spinning kicks and punches are a common move for fighters that know how to time the other fighters attacks and effectively counter them . These fighting techniques involve decades of long hard practice and Benny is a master of these techniques . When Benny spin's into his opponents other side during the fight to counter it happens when the other fighter has left himself open and over extend his attack. Under close observation the superior fighter will be landing his counter long before "the attacker "can even get back into a defensive position . When you watch the u tube video at a slower speed you may be able to pick up on it. Kenny
  4. I shudder to think what would have happened if I decided to end my discussion on the use of the guitar and decided to shift my focus to the benefits of utilizing a multi-timbrel polyphonic drum sampler where each drum pad has sub divisions of different related beats and samples all synced to tempo triggered by each drum pad . When it comes to the " W topic " I'm not so sure people could benefit or handle improving their strokes and musical expression using such an advanced yet simple to implement polyphonic process have a nice one Kenny
  5. I hope I'm not stating the obvious by bringing this subject up . Some of y'all need to tread lightly around here in these here parts ? Haven't you heard ? There's a new Sheriff in Town ! Kenny
  6. Mr Wilson Thank you for being so patient . Here's is all the currency you requested . All you have to do now is sign for it . Mr Wilson ! (Me ) Thank You ! Thank You !Thank You ! It has been a real pleasure doing business with you ! As far as keeping my word and showing my appreciation to my "special friend" ! In addition to the half a million I promised you. I am a man of my word so I decided to gift you with an all expense paid first class cruise ship vacation on the newly renovated Titanic ll . This generous gift is meant to be a a tip for your tireless moderation service . I decided to just rent the whole ship ....all just for you !I sure hope you enjoy yourself and at some point I do hope you get to see the Submarine I just bought . Your Pal Kenny
  7. Nice gun and badge ! While I have your attention I think it is only fair to inform you our delivery associate mistakenly got off at the wrong exit and missed the Rochester 490 Exit 20 A . We are sorry for the delay in delivering your special order sheriffs police horse. We estimate your delivery will arrive tomorrow before 12 noon. Please make sure there is someone home to sign for your Special Pony . Kenny
  8. I need a half a million dollars worth of these bills because I want to show my appreciation and pay off a mod for having nuked the w ***er thread ? Kenny
  9. I don't care if they have to charge me a small service fee for using these bills because I'm suffering from a severe case of chronic muscle stiffness. Having said that ! I sure hope The Local Massage Parlor will accept this form of currency as a down payment on future services ! Kenny
  10. What ...does having the last name of Benny and using it in this thread mean we have to get off the highway ? ? Alright Phono Brainer! Before you force me and Jack Benny to exit highway ! You need to show us your gun and badge ? Kenny
  11. When a top ranked fighter gets older often times they start having that look ..... Here he is when he was younger and the reigning World Champion .... Anyway I met Benny The Jet under spontaneous circumstances a few times around No Ho ...He was very friendly to me and it wasn't because I had any special ability's . Benny was just an open friendly guy that loved to talk and tell story's about the sport . Benny may have been super fierce in the ring but I got the impression that he genuinely loved people and he would help them in any way he could. I was training in North Hollywood at a well known Korean Dojang . This Dojang wound up being used as a location where they filmed a lot of the Karate School scenes in most of The Karate Kid Movies . One of my instructors back then was Thomas Ian Griffith who played an evil ‘Sensei’ ( the guy on the left ) in The Karate Kid 3 . At the time Thomas was also studying with Benny The Jet in addition to teaching at the Dojang where I trained . Every week I had to spar Thomas at the end of the class and he beat the living tar out of me all across the mat from left to right top to bottom and every inch in between . I could not even land one punch or kick no matter how hard I tried ? Whew....He could have hurt me ..but he never did ! Those were fun times , Kenny
  12. Hey what's the story here ? ...are you trying to flood the market with these bills ? Kenny
  13. Benny The Jet Urquidez . World Champion Kickboxer and Martial Arts choreographer . David Lee Roth and Eddie Van Halen used to train and work out with Benny . That's the secret on how they got to be so good at all those flying kicks and jumps they did on stage. Kenny
  14. What about I. K. Multimedia ? Maybe they will take them !? Kenny
  15. I love it ! This thread is totally captivating . Kenny
  16. He wrote a mean song about a Benny Kenny
  17. Here is the interview where Kenny Vaughn talks about performing the show from the video you posted and running the Telecasters directly into the amps with no effects pedals . all the best , Kenny
  18. Patches ! Today is your Lucky Day ! I'm in Heat and I made you breakfast in bed ! Kenny
  19. "I say we use water pistols and foam nun-chucks....we don't want people around here to get hurt" Haven't we all heard about Fight Clubs don't talk don't talk don't tell policy ? We on the other hand like to talk about all of our fights because our female referees ( orange tank tops ) are trained to assist and comfort all cf the brawlers . No matter what injuries and fighting skills the fighters may or may not posses has little impact and makes no difference what so ever . Once the fight is over our referees set out to clean up the wreckage of the fight . During the intensive clean up process they have yet to find a fighter with a BO BO they couldn't make feel better once they gave it a little TLC and a Kiss . So Yes ! It's all about love Kenny
  20. I'm old enough to remember this one . Kenny
  21. When it comes to walking the walk ! Lets not forget this one . Kenny
  22. Here's Johnny Smith playing a little song he wrote ? His fingers are sure having a relaxing walk all over his guitars fret board Kenny
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