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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. After reading that notice I sure don''t want to come off all paranoid or anything but , Other than that ! Hey Craig ! who do you think Bitflipper is really talking about by posting that notice ? You or me ? Kenny
  2. My DAW has a hidden primary function ? It is simply the best musical polygraph test money can buy . I don't how many times I caught my guitar playing in an Absolute Lie ? Kenny
  3. ? Tell your "friend" it is safe to get rid of all her stuff only after he cashes in his wife's half a million dollar life insurance policy and has the 25 year old baby sitter move in with him permanently . Kenny
  4. I know we are all here for various reasons ? Like it or not , some of the jokesters around here can play their instruments on or near the level of pure spontaneous creative virtuosity . Can You ? Kenny
  5. I'm glad to hear you are not divorced yet and your wife will be back .... I like true crime shows , Dateline , Snapped , Murderous Affairs , Corrupt Crimes and Buried in The Back Yard . I'm not a murderer or a serial killer and I have learned a few things by watching these shows . One , Whether the police can produce a body or not they will always catch the criminal via the cell phone tower location pings when dealing with a shaky alibi . Two , They always know who done it when the killer goes on and try's to cash in the 1/4 Million Dollar life insurance policy the deceased took out only 2 months ago as per the killers recommendation ? Kenny
  6. Have you been watching the divorce channel for the deaf again ? Kenny
  7. Gregory! & Sheens ! I liked both your reactions ?.....You both will be Co Hosting and Judging Enjoy the jiggles Kenny
  8. Something came up and I can't Judge tonight's love them asses twerking competition ! Can you fill in for me ? Kenny
  9. ? I heard of that ! The ole bent wiener that looks just like a boomerang . It can be a Dangerous tool in bed & It needs to administered with great care ! Give that to your old lady from the left and it may come back at you from the right . Kenny
  10. Our advanced security systems are designed to keep your corn fields safe from all forms of popcorn thieves We offer a single neck scarecrow for humans and animal critters Our top of the line double neck scarecrow has been proven to be very effective against all form of The Sasquatch ! Order yours now today , Kenny
  11. The new drum seems to be working out Kenny
  12. Is the list is 100% accurate? ? Lets just say "this list is about as accurate" as a butcher I used to go to that placed his heavy sausage finger on the scale hidden from view as he went to measure the weight of my meat ? Kenny
  13. I had a long time friend of mine who doesn't do music forums call me just to express his dissatisfaction with many of the guitar players that made the list . I'm in agreement with him. According to my stats approximately 50 of the the guitar players that did make the list simply can't play the guitar any good . A wingless flying turd attempting to achieve flight in a wind tunnel under full power has better moves and sounds better too me . Not only was my friend concerned about all the really great guitar players that didn't make the list . So Was I . How on Earth can some of the great guitar players that didn't make the list still be able to afford and maintain their Mansions in the hills while keeping the hired help on? How will they be able to afford all the mechanics it takes to keep their exotic cars running in tip top shape ? Some of these iconic relics of the guitar playing community that didn't make the list may have to cut corners and do some shopping at the dollar store every once in a while just to be able to afford guitar strings and tubes ! Apparently this list has taken on a life of it's own ! If I didn't know any better I would say the R S Top 250 list has become as deceptive as a turd made out of C4 dressed in a Halloween costume pretending to be a snickers bar floating in the kiddie's section of a local public school pool with only 29 seconds left on the timer . Another legitimate concern of mine is I hope all the decent law abiding guitar players don't sell themselves short and sell off all their guitars , amps and pedals only to use the funds to take up arms and start rioting all over the streets of our wonderful cities all across the globe . One never knows how these things may play out considering the way things have gotten these days in our not so polite society . Take a good hard look at history and you may see all our legitimate communication skills have atrophied over the passage of time. With A I on the near horizon , we may have left the door wide open for mankind's new coming age of idiocracy .... Don't think this could happen ? It could happen!!! . All it would take to ignite the tinder box of this issue is one El Kabong w Super Human powers fueled and Inspired by unresolved post traumatic stress disorder issues . Combine those extreme mental deficiency's with a person who exhibits unique leadership skills and you are left with a leader who can organize , gather up all the dissatisfied troops of discontented guitar players , and start a protest that has the potential to morph into a violent siege taking place at the Rolling Stone Home Office Building. Oh man times are sure a changing !.... I sure hope I don't have to endure a beat down administered by The National Guard or even one administered by the local law enforcement agency from my area . The thing is all I'm doing is going to a mom and pop music store just to buy a handful of picks , a couple of packs of new guitar strings and spend some quality time drooling over all the guitar players of mythical stature posters that lovingly adorns each of the walls in my favorite guitar shop ( shrine ) Whew!!! my sarcastic rant is finally over ? Kenny
  14. Congratulations on your new Mapex drum addition . In the spirit of keeping up with the Bapu's and the Smiths I tried the best I could to keep up when I ordered a Mapex of my own . Unfortunately since I'm a touch dyslexic I ordered an Ugly Mable instead by accident ... . I sure hope she will go away on her own . If not I can always send her to Craigb 's house wearing a mistletoe wig as his early Christmas present. Kenny
  15. Now that he has the full 8 " He has some new skin in the game ! Kenny
  16. Oh No ! Is there another mule named Tom kicking in my stall ? I used to giver her four twice daily ! Now she wants the full eight Kenny
  17. The Coffee House Hunks are a perfect example of whats right with people when personal differences are put aside and team work is placed first . Kenny
  18. At any given point in time people can learn how delusional they actually are and come up with a good back story and cover up . Kenny
  19. Wow ! Just when you thought you've seen everything . Kenny
  20. OK Cuddles ! Put your gloves on . Your up next ! Kenny
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