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Everything posted by Bristol_Jonesey

  1. I don't. But a good way to approach a fresh mix is to first pan EVERYTHING to the centre. Get your mix working in mono first with EQ, compression, levels before panning everything. Then when you do pan it you'll have a lovely, open & airy mix free of any phasing issues
  2. Do you see any meter activity when you play what's recorded? You should see it on the track, bus, master & mains if you have these busses set up Fader levels all turned up to 0dB? Are there any plugins in your project anywhere?
  3. Console view is comprises of 3 main sections, Tracks, Busses & Mains(Interface/Speakers) Everything apart from your mains have to be set up by the user (unless you are using a template) You can drag the little dividers between the sections to the left to expose more busses Right-click in the blank area to the right of your existing busses and select "Insert Stereo Bus"
  4. This will mitigate a lot of the associated problems
  5. See, therein lies the problem. You're comparing your, unmastered mix to a mastered reference track. If you can get close without master bus tweaks then kudos to you. Just remember to leave some headroom for when it is mastered
  6. If you run the reference track through any mastering chain that's set up, you are effectively "doubling up" on whatever processing i going on. A ripped CD track that comes it at -0.1dB can be raised to ridiculous levels if there are compressors & limiters in the Fx chain. Also, if the material you're working on isn't going through a mastering chain then, to my mind, the comparison is useless as you're not comparing like for like.
  7. Just remember that any track you use as a reference will have already been mastered so route it directly to your interface, not your master buss
  8. Yeah it's got a real 80's vibe to it I thought. Didn't plan it that way, it just happened ?
  9. This might be because you have 2 or more pairs of hardware outputs active in the project and you select "Entire Mix" for the export. This happened to me years ago because I'd set up outputs 3/4 to feed a headphone amplifier. My exports using Entire Mix were always boosted by 6dB The solution, as you have found, is just to use Main Outs in the Export dialog
  10. Yes you can. Provided you have an appropriate monitoring setup I can't help but feel that Atmos is another gimmick to part the unwary from their cash. IMHO, it's not as immersive as regular 5.1
  11. Hi Nigel, thanks for your comments I'm wondering if the distortion you're hearing comes from the drum sample that was looped for a good part of the song. Must go and have another listen.
  12. This is easy to do in the Event Inspector. Make sure this is visible in the Control Bar Select all the notes you want to change pitch and enter the new value in the box Only works for Midi obviously
  13. 3 more songs for your listening pleasure ............................
  14. Hi Phillip There must be something weird going on with your setup because I can drag and drop from Windows directly into a project It works in an empty project, dragging it to an existing track, I can't get it to fail Running Version 2022.11 Build 021
  15. Hi Keith, if you like that one, have a listen to "Battle For Survival"
  16. Nice feedback indeed! It's good you mention the 6/4 time in Leremwald sounding like an odd signature. When I was working on the vocals, I was listening to them all in solo and without the backing, the vocals sound like they're in 4/4 I know exactly what you mean about the synth sounds as well. A lot of this was a conscious decision, in my attempts to emulate some of my heroes from decades ago.
  17. It probably needs a complete rewrite from the keel upwards
  18. What OS are you running? There are drivers for your Fast Track for Windows 7, 8, 8.1 & 10
  19. Hi all, me again Here are the links to a selection of 3 songs from the album The songs Not My Life.... and ...To Live are somewhat related in terms of harmonic structure, but they do go in separate directions
  20. Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm going to split the songs up into batches of 3 as I appreciate (now) that expecting you guys to listen to all 18 is asking too much!! So see above for the first batch
  21. Hi Tom These have all been in the pipeline for several years. It's only now that the end is in sight that I was feeling confident enough to actually post them. We have 4 songs to finish off and then it will be something completely different!
  22. Ok, following some really useful feedback, here are the 18 completed songs from the album "Leremwald" There are another 4 or so to come which are still being worked The 18 are presented here as separate tracks for your perusal Any feedback will be gratefully received
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