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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. You just route the busses to the master.
  2. Some of y'all would do well if you would learn how to separate your personal tastes from objective evaluation. I mean, I can't stand most of what passes for R&B or Country these days, but I think I can at least tell when it's well done.
  3. That and avail yourself of the documentation.
  4. Just because you've been doing it wrong for 20 years doesn't make it right.
  5. There's no reason to do a VST scan every time.
  6. Whenever I paste, BbB operates as designed.
  7. Some overdrive is a whole different ball game than a Mesa Rectifier with too much gain and ungodly amounts of delay and reverb. He can try an electric guitar or he can keep fighting this.
  8. First, get rid of all the bloatware and crapware that Dell loaded onto your machine. Then: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/windows-music-dev/unofficial-windows-10-audio-workstation-build-and-tweak-guide-part-1/
  9. So, did you actually hear the difference or just see it? Most importantly, can anyone listen to a finished product (or even a half-baked one for that matter) and be able to tell what DAW was used? My money is on "no " Even if there was a noticeable difference, my original comment still stands: Vocal training and practice makes far more difference than chasing after gear and software.
  10. Voice training will be a much better investment. No DAW sounds any different than any other.
  11. In all seriousness, without hearing it, it is just a guessing game. However: almost sounds like physics. As the fundamental of a note gets higher and higher, there is less and less low frequency information to fill things out. But you probably already know this and assuming you don't have unrealistic expectations, yours is probably a gain staging issue as His Lordship mentioned. Also, are you really playing the bass through the same amp sim ? You should be using a bass amp sim; bass through a guitar amp sounds like *****. Another contributing factor could be the preset. One of the major reasons I avoid [other people's] presets is because, for hard rock and metal, they almost always have too much gain. The secret to getting powerful high gain guitar tones is to back off the gain and hit the front of the amp harder. Too much gain starts to thin out and get fizzy.
  12. Nope. Other priorities intervened and put this on hold.
  13. None. Don't bother. Save yourself the headache and get a real audio interface with a dedicated ASIO driver and just run the line out from the DigiTech into it.
  14. You're going to need an interface with a real ASIO driver. The one you have ain't it.
  15. I think it means he found it and now things are much mo' betta.
  16. MME is the worst possible driver and Bluetooth headphones are not suitable for DAW use because the latency is horrible.
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