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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. Instead of Rube Goldberg contraptions, why not just have a lighted sign with a switch?
  2. "Most computers." "42% of web devices." Etc, etc. This is a prime example of what my wife calls "technical truth." In other words, paltering. While technically true that smartphones, servers, IOT devices and gaming consoles are in fact computers, using that definition is misleading and in the case of our religious zealot OP, intentionally so. But it really isn't an answer that facilitates clear communication. Most people, when you say "computer," call to mind a box sitting on your desk with a monitor and keyboard attached to it; a desktop or laptop PC. Even those who know that their smartphone and the PCM (powertrain control module) in their car are also technically computers. So, in the real world this is what the figures really look like: Even for those who "know better."
  3. "Linux Daws Are The Best." Yeah. That's why all the major studios use them. Oh, wait....
  4. That is a function of the instrument, not a function of the PRV. Aside from that, you can't put rests in the PRV because you don't need to. If there isn't a note, then there's nothing to play. In other words, a rest.
  5. That explains it. One of those "moon landing was a hoax" nutjobs. Don't tease us like that.
  6. This is exactly the kind of thing where 5 minutes with the documentation would have saved possibly days of aggravation.t
  7. I really don't get why people insist on loading in the mastering plugins while they are still tracking and editing.
  8. How do you know that someone you just met uses Linux? He's already told you 15 times how superior it is.
  9. That's their own fault for not RTFM, not Microsoft's. Boy, if they can't follow the instructions on Windows, how the hell do you think they're gonna make out on Linux? Bovine Excrement. Apple is the one who breaks functionality; Windows is traditionally very good at backwards/ forwards compatibility. Updates are good. Updates do things like fix bugs and patch security flaws. Hell yeah! Linux is almost up to 3% of the market share!
  10. Damn. Beat me to it. I think you just won the thread.
  11. I, and many others here, would be absolutely shocked if you couldn't.
  12. I bet you could also accomplish the same thing with a MIDI controller that has faders. However, I suspect that if you are a real organ player that it's just not the same.
  13. You don't own software. You are granted a license to use it per the EULA, which may or may not involve a financial transaction of some sort. Strawman argument. You are not required to update. Nor are you required to "live on computers." (Of course, what do you think you're doing when you are spending hour upon hour each day "Just.. get[ting] some tracks recorded?" Another strawman, as well as a slippery slope. There is no "constant online check-in" for CbB. Once every six months. Not even that if you can conquer your fear and connect to the internet once in a while while CbB is running. Also, explain to us dunderheads why subscriptions are "unethical." Really. Inquiring minds want to know. What is unreasonable is thinking you can dictate terms to those who do own the software. Which, again, is not you. Besides there are numerous alternatives. For the third time, you don't own software. You are granted a license to use a copy of it. I find myself much happier living in the world of what is instead of trying to live in the world of what if....
  14. Operating as designed. The old tempo map was replaced by the tempo track some time ago
  15. This time, the really good ones. Let's start this off with Judas Priest: Diamonds and Rust.
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