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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. Yeah, right. Typically, people who pine for the" simpler times" of analog tape and complain about how "complicated and difficult" DAWs are never actually operated an analog multitrack tape-based studio.
  2. I'm betting you have automation selected instead of clips.
  3. Yessir. Hardware. That little Marshall 5005 has sometimes been described as a mini Plexi. Those old mosfet amps were killer! Don't let anyone tell you different. I'm really glad I kept it. Closing off the back of it seems to have made a real difference. Really tightened up what low end there is out of that little 10" speaker. I don't have the wherewithal to get a model of the tone but then I don't need to: I have the gear. ? On the software front, I found that switching back to the Plexi model, ditching the octaver and mixing the Fanes and Greenbacks in the Hiwatt cabinet got me closer still. As far as sharing it: while I'm not exactly morally opposed to preset-osis, I would rather share the formula so others can cook up a tone on their own. In the course of crafting it, one might come up with something even better or more inspiring. The formula is really simple: a plexi-ish amp with a dirty, kind of fuzzy boost in front of it. Turn up the treble, mids and cut the bass. Run it through Fanes or some vintagey CCelestions Did I duplicate the "Tony Iommi sound?" No, but duplicating anyone's "sound" is a moving target anyways. Did I get the same kind of tone, one that sounds like it could have been on a early Black Sabbath record? I think so. Incidentally, Laney just came out with their Ironheart pedal amp. It is supposed to be the first one of a series. If they come out with a Supergroup one, I'm going to be all over that sucker like white on rice!
  4. The answer is contained right within this year old zombie thread.
  5. Oh yeah! I used that stuff to bring an Ibanez flanger back to life that wasn't turning on and rescue a crybaby that was scratching louder than it was wah-ing.
  6. So far in my attempts to get an early "Black Sabbat- ish" sound, I've actually gotten my best results so far from sticking a Rat clone in front of my little Marshall Lead 12 combo that I closed off the back of.
  7. I have that same head! Same year. Un modified, though, unless you count the Mojotone replacement output transformer. Got it at a pawn shop +/- 30 years ago for $350. I have neither the space nor money for a 4X12 but I found a Seismic Audio 1X12 with a Vintage 30 on Craigslist for $100! Glorious! Looking over at it one day along with my Valvestate and Lead 12 combos, I realized that wow! I actually have a wall of Marshalls!
  8. Zound Industries (the company that licensed the Marshall name to slap onto consumer electronics) just bought out Marshall. Wonder how long it takes for Marshall to go to shit? https://www.forbes.com/sites/marksparrow/2023/03/30/zound-industries-acquires-marshall-amplification-to-create-new-group-with-360m-revenues/?sh=5761f20d50d7
  9. This whole debacle just solidifies my non-interest in Waves.
  10. I don't give a flying f**k about corporate bean-counter gymnastics. I want to own everything I have. Outright. Apologies to any in present company, but I despise bean counters. They ruin everything they touch. Once they start running a company instead of people who know anything about the real world beyond numbers, that is the end. They play their games to artificially inflate the value of the company and damn the product, damn the customer service and most of all damn the customers. I think corporate bean counters make lawyers and politicians look honorable.
  11. Without any information about your system, everyone is left guessing. What are your computer specs? What audio interface are you using? What driver?
  12. I have only ever had something like this happen with 32 bit abandonware plugins.
  13. Kinda, sorta but its far from perfect. You would still have to do a lot of editing.
  14. Oh my God! The Horror! Don't listen. Problem solved. Don't respond. Problem solved. The world has been "going to hell" for at least the past 2000 years. Bullshit. Wait a minute... You are so computer savvy that you've been writing your own music software for 43 years and you hacked the driver for your obsolete MIDI interface to make it work with W10 but you let viruses take out your machines? How does that happen? WTF are you doing?
  15. ChatGPT is also wholesale stealing intellectual property. There have been several lawsuits already. I really don't care if its done with black magick but people really need to slow down and think before they jump headlong off the AI cliff alongside all the other lemmings. Like I said before, pushbutton insta- songs ain't the half of it....
  16. Yes. Undo the mess you made by copying and moving files around willy-nilly and install Cakewalk properly on the C drive where it belongs.
  17. Both of your projected case scenarios would be better accomplished with your own ears and aesthetic sensibilities.
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