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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. More and more steps towards "push button, out comes song." No skill or work required. Not to mention the further devaluing of those skills. That would be a worthy discussion. Push-button insta-songs ain't the half of it....
  2. It's part of the race to the bottom is what it is.
  3. My first really good guitar I put together with parts from Warmoth.
  4. Without an account, it ain't gonna happen. Trying to use 20 year old software is a recipe for frustration. So is using 10 year old software. All the bugs have been worked out of X3 and then some. Its called Cakewalk by Bandlab.
  5. You should definitely have everything connected and turned on prior to launching CW
  6. Three-year-old dead thread.
  7. That's 99.99% of your issue right there. Why in God's name are you using that garbage ASIO4ALL driver when Focusrite supplies a real one?
  8. Fortunately, I don't have the money for much in the way of GAS....
  9. Any more than 6 knobs is just excess: ?
  10. https://sonicscoop.com/diy-studio-design-part-2-build-cost-effective-bass-traps/
  11. Who the hell cares about how good or bad a metronome sounds? Why in God's name would you not be using a proper audio interface any more when you did before? What specifically are these alleged bugs?
  12. I have to wonder, like somebody else mentioned before, if the real problem isn't what is coming out but what is going in.
  13. Perhaps its just my skeptical nature, but I'm always suspicious when someone is that specific. 88ms? Really? You measured it? 88 for sure and not 90 or 82? Especially when they are apparently unaware of such basic steps like looking for troublesome plugins...
  14. I think it is so strange some of the rarest boutique amps that few people have even heard of and other assorted oddball stuff that gets modeled. Hell, Overloud has a whole collection of models of converted film projector amps! But one of the most iconic amps in the world, used for years by one of the most influential guitarists of all time on some of the most influential recordings of all time is ignored.
  15. I had a chance to play around with this some more until I got interrupted and I found out IK's Hiwatt cab model has Fanes. I dropped it in and got closer. Interestingly, replacing the Plexi model with the JMP one seemed to be closer still. You're right on the mark here as far as making it sound right but in the course of working on this and thinking about it I realized that what I really want to do here is not so much copy the exact sound of any particular record or get a certain guitarist's "tone." (I'm long since past that) as to see what I can get for myself out of the same amp.
  16. I think saying "always* is inaccurate and unfair. It's probably only something like 99.99% of the time.
  17. Especially with the popularity these days of low-watt tube amps and power attenuators. Lately, I have been really enjoying my real amps. Particularly now that after many years I finally bit the bullet, got my 1979 50 watt Marshall JMP Mark II Master Lead fixed and got a nice 1x12 cab and an attenuator. I can crank that sucker right up to the glorious tone heavens and be able to talk over it. I even have to turn it up via the attenuator if I want to record it.
  18. Yeah, I've seen that video. That's an extremely informative and interesting scientific experiment but seems like an awful lot of trouble to go through as a practical matter. It is far easier to be able to just plug in, twist a couple knobs and go. If I had the space and disposable income, I would just get a Laney LA Studio and be done with it. https://www.laney.co.uk/amps/guitar/supergroup/la-studio
  19. Absolutely. Sometimes "more complicated" is actually simpler....
  20. People complain about not having the time to read "an 857,263 page manual" but reference material is not a novel to be read cover-to-cover. You just read the part that you need right now.
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