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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. Warning: may contain somewhat coarse and impious language: You didn't say which finger.
  2. I will only eat burgers made from vegetarian cows.
  3. From what I have found out, Laney used Goodmans, Fanes and Celestions in their cabinets. One thing about the Supergroup (and the Klipp) is that they were similar to a Marshall Super Lead or JTM 45 but not as bright with more emphasis on the lower rather than upper mids and they are a bit fuzzier sounding. There is also some kind of undertone or note ghosting that is really subtle going on when you have them cranked. I'm getting headed in the right direction in Amplitube with a Plexi with subtle use of a Rat and octaver out front but it is not quite there yet. @Peter - IK Multimedia are you listening?
  4. Do any of y'all know if anyone makes an amp sim of the Laney Supergroup? I have looked everywhere I can think of and come up empty handed. Revalver has a TI100 and someone else has a TF300 but neither are really what I want.
  5. Good project hygiene can save a lot of trouble later on.
  6. TTS-1 is obsolete and no longer being developed. Best to move on.
  7. This is all covered in the documentation.
  8. Recording direct via USB from these types of amps is nothing more than a wish and a prayer.
  9. Well, there is this new, cutting-edge technology you could try called "practice...."
  10. Just learn where the notes are instead of relying on crutches. Its really not that difficult.
  11. You're spitting into the wind here, your Lordship.
  12. The Realtek ASIO driver is absolute garbage.
  13. You're the one who can't read. You've been told by two different people - one of whom has recorded and mixed commercial releases - where the root cause of your issue is and it is not in the recordings.
  14. No. The topic is the timeline for upcoming releases.
  15. No, I record, mix and master in my room. This was done in a 10x11 foot room. Including a Miced up guitar amp and the real drums that take over from the drum machine around 1:00 in.. And I didn't throw a blanket over the desk either.
  16. No it isn't and you don't. I don't throw a blanket over my desk and neither does Ocean Way, the Record Plant or Abbey Road. Flutter echoes are caused by upper mid and high frequencies bouncing between parallel walls or the floor and ceiling in small rooms. The lack of acoustic treatment might not affect anything recorded strictly in the box, but it sure as hell affects your mix. Without an accurate listening environment, you have no idea what you are really hearing. The number one biggest improvement to my own mixes was building some real broadband bass traps. Soon enough, others will be a long to back me up on this - at least one of whom has commercial releases.
  17. Not the problem. Not the problem. Not the problem. Unnecessary. Definitely not the problem. Absolutely the problem. Only means the guy gets paid, not that he is any good.
  18. Please start your own thread instead of hijacking this one.
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