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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. Microtonal? An entire finished mix? I'd just let it ride.
  2. Sometimes it is just easier to do something like that than fight with a project that got messed up.
  3. Yep. Using it as a controller, I have played polyphonic parts with a Korg Monologue.
  4. Meanwhile, there are people in the world with actual problems.
  5. Byron Dickens

    Latency when armed

    Will really ought to buy a lottery ticket....
  6. . I don't know. Warhol's mere repeating of Goldsmith's photgraph in different colorations doesn't seem all that transformative to me. However, SCOTUS' wording in the majority opinion seems rather ill-considered and problematic, opening the door to many more frivolous copyright claims than there already are. And these will be decided using this precedent.
  7. That's BS. BIAB takes skill and creativity. It doesn't do anything for you except realize what you wrote. It is really not much different than handing a bunch of session musicians a chart and saying "here, play this in such-and-such style." You still have to write the song and the more you put into it the better results you get. You should hear some of the stuff people have done with BIAB. Oh, wait... You probably have.
  8. That sounds like a good feature request.
  9. I thought my math was bad. You're about 38 years off...
  10. You're talking to the air. Friv hasn't been back.
  11. Its an acronym that stands for availing oneself of the supplied documentation.
  12. Once vulture capital gets involved in anything, that is the beginning of the end. Yeah. I spelled that right.
  13. Byron Dickens

    bad mic quality

    And I am reluctant to encourage people to continue fighting with substandard equipment that is clearly not up to the task. It is not a matter of spending more money, but spending it in the right place. When many cost effective solutions are readily available that instantly solve 99% of one's audio problems, it seems foolish to me not to recommend that one just bite the bullet and pony up the cash to avoid the headaches. It kinda saddens me to see people struggling and fighting after wasting their money on tools that are not suitable for the job.
  14. It takes a lot of manual editing to get good results. That's just the way it is.
  15. Um... Play a semibreve there rather than a crotchet?
  16. https://www.businessinsider.com/companies-software-legal-tricks-subscriptions-customers-money-pay-death-ownership-2023-5?utm_source=pocket_discover
  17. Byron Dickens


    Same answer as your other question on the exact same subject.
  18. While that interface is definitely substandard, he should be able to get something out of it. But yeah, he definitely needs to follow the tutorials and RTFM.
  19. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalissimo_Francisco_Franco_is_still_dead
  20. I would think that just going out and getting some vocal training is simpler and easier. No ridiculous EULA either.
  21. Right on! That's good to hear. My own wife isn't just supportive, she's an enabler!
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