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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. There's only about half a dozen other threads on this....
  2. Yeah. And I seem to recall an issue with Steinberg's e-licenser that apparently only affected Cakewalk that turned out to be Steinberg's fault and the next release of the e-licenser fixed it.
  3. "Mac bias" is very apt. As much as you hear people moaning about CW being Windows only, you never hear people whining about Logic being Mac only.
  4. There's also the Ironheart studio. 15W all tube. https://www.laney.co.uk/amps/guitar/ironheart/irt-studio They go for about $950 new by I have seen them on eBay and Reverb for < $600. There's also the Ironheart loudpedal. $300 https://www.laney.co.uk/amps/guitar/ironheart/irf-loudpedal 60W in a large stomp box pedal.
  5. There's a fair amount of research showing that playing an instrument does all kinds of good for the brain.
  6. Maybe its because my sense of self worth isn't dependent upon what other people think but I couldn't give a f**k less about the "reputation" of a tool that does what I need it to do.
  7. Are you friggin serious? So what you're telling us is that if the motorcycle manufacturer goes out of business and later I come along and buy all their now unused tooling and equipment, move it into my building, hire some of the old employees because they already know what they're doing and start manufacturing new and improved motorcycles that I'm on the hook for the old company's warranty and recalls. That's exactly what I mean when I talk about logic being lost....
  8. Maybe if you would render all your tracks out as .wav....
  9. Lemme get this straight: people are so upset that they are going to have to start paying for Cakewalk/ Sonar that they are going to abandon it and switch to another DAW. That they will have to pay for. The concept of logic is lost on some people.
  10. There's only about half a dozen other threads on this.
  11. What part of "the people who work on the DAW don't create the website" is so hard to understand?
  12. Bailed y'all out when Germany was whipping your *****. Twice.
  13. BandLab did not buy the Cakewalk company. As a company, Cakewalk had been closed for months and BandLab bought the intellectual property from Gibson. There's a big difference and I don't know why you can't understand that.
  14. Quite possibly this is a move to allow them to bundle premium third party plugins like people have been begging for.
  15. What is so hard to understand about the company that made that deal with you doesn't exist any more?
  16. You see this sheisse and you gotta wonder how the hell these people once managed to have an empire that spanned the globe....
  17. Rebooting the computer fixes so many of these weird issues that it should be one of the first things you try
  18. This is going to be a hard sell. However, I think you're just shooting yourself in the foot jumping to a different paid DAW (and having to learn it) out of spite because you're mad. Of course, if you already have some side action it would be perfectly understandable to dump this one. I knew our little playground here to get ruined eventually once vulture capital got involved but I never expected that they would start f**king it up so soon.
  19. The simplest way to do a trombone properly would be to get a high quality sample library that has all the different articulations you might need.
  20. Yeah. Because that's how MIDI works. How else would you control MIDI instruments other than MIDI controller messages?
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