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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. So, do you document things & send bug reports or just bitch?
  2. No kidding. Computers do what you tell them to, not what you want them to.
  3. Well, they're creating something. I doubt little Wolfie's first piano piece under Leopold's whip hand was quite up to the level of The Magic Flute or the Requiem.
  4. No, you didn't get attacked. You can't unbake a cake. If the musician on the Real Track played a 7th chord when he recorded his track, then you get a 7th chord. Simple as that. The only way to get rid of the 7tb would be to re-record the track. For some reason you seem to be either unable or unwilling to understand that.
  5. I think he's... Ummm.. shall we say, retired....
  6. I prefer to do my own arrangements and put my own sonic stamp on things.
  7. Get rid of the VSTs you installed just before the problem started.
  8. I just treat an amp sim like I would a real amp. Start with everything in the middle and start turning knobs up and down until I get the sound I want.
  9. I got the ST4 CS a while back. I took a look at the sounds list and it seems like I somehow have all the sounds already.
  10. Demons. That's the only logical explanation. There is no real reason to scan for VSTs every time you start up. Seeing as how CbB only started acting up with these new VSTs you got, you're on the right track; one of them is probably conflicting. Where to find them? Well that depends. They're supposed to go in c/program files/ steinberg/ vstplugins but developers stick them all kinds of everywhere.
  11. Use your ears. Don't just copy my settings. It won't sound the same anyway.
  12. No. You gotta copy over your AT4 presets to the correct folder in AT5 manually. I also had to go to the CS and "restore gear" or something to get some things back. Could be a lot worse. Could be trying to reauthorize a Waves plugin....
  13. Carl is a drive-by troll. Joined in Dec 2019. Claims to have been using Cakewalk since Patton was a Second Lieutenant, but the OP was his first and only post and he hasn't been back since. He only came here to bitch. No real question, just rhetorical gripes. People looking for help have actual questions and check back in to see if they were answered.
  14. Yeah. Because we all know Pro Fools never crashes....
  15. In all the articles I've read even where engineers are using 70 bazillion mics on the drum kit, I have never seen mention of a separate side stick signal. Probably the way this would be accomplished is through automation. Although I have to say that past a certain point adding more complexity to a mix only adds - complexity.
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