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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. I think every Junior High student should have to pass a basic class in research skills and critical thinking....
  2. Blackmagic Design has a bunch of training materials here, including project files. They walk you through putting together a short movie from start to finish. https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/training Resolve is well worth learning, although the curve is steep. Interesting you say that. I can't make heads or tails out of video games, but I caught on to both CW and Resolve immediately. The first time I sat down with each, I was able to figure out how to make stuff happen just by poking around on the buttons and menus and applying some basic reasoning. Hint: nearly every Windows app in existence operates in the same basic way.
  3. Actually, now that I think about it, Resolve is a perfect example. It and SONAR Producer/ Platinum (now CbB) are both complex, feature-rich, high-end products developed initially with the advanced, professional user in mind. But all this has me wondering: do they not teach research skills in school any more?
  4. Resolve started out life as a $20,000 color grading suite aimed at Hollywood professionals working on multi million dollar productions, so not really a good comparison.
  5. No. This only happens at one particular spot on one particular track in one particular project. The problem went away when you re recorded the track. The obvious conclusion is that there was a problem with that recording. That's just basic logic. If you had provided your project file, one of us could have proved it easily.
  6. Yes, there are. When you get a real audio interface, the drivers should come with it.
  7. No. I am saying that your problem track is likely hot enough at that one spot that when mixed in with everything else, your master clips. Each track can be fine by itself, but the cumulative levels together can clip. When you re recorded it, the level was just lower enough to fix the clipping when the tracks are mixed together. So, it is expected behavior that your master will clip when overloaded.
  8. Actually, your fix kinda proves that the problem was in your project, not in the software. And like John mentioned, the meters in CbB don't react fast enough to show things of this nature. Now, don't take this as an insult, but I would have just re recorded the track (like you finally did) days ago and been done with it.
  9. I couldn't care less about presets. I much prefer dialing in my own sound.
  10. I have been using SONAR, & now CbB since V6 and have yet to experience symptoms as described unless something is clipping or I cut something not at a zero crossing.
  11. You sure the master output isn't clipping?
  12. The easiest way to get good guitar tone is with a guitar. As for the other, you have to set the track output and channel to your desired Instrument.
  13. 1) It's well past time to upgrade to CbB. Probably won't fix this, but it won't hurt either and there are tons of bug fixes & refined features in the meantime. 2) If you have sample rate mismatches, you will get drift. 3) All your different audio sources have different clocks and this is not helping either.
  14. Those Bastards! Just when I thought I was done getting new stuff for awhile!
  15. Are you doing this while the project is playing back?
  16. Install X3 on the new computer and then install CbB.
  17. Along those lines, I would also add: don't make perfect be the enemy of good enough.
  18. I have had good results recording acoustic guitar and Bouzouki with the iRig acoustic mike. Does a pretty good job of isolating the instrument. You can also make a booth out of moving blankets which, while not perfect, helps considerably. I have done that in the past. I made a frame out of PVC pipe and hung the blankets with tarp clips and shower curtain rings. Blackout curtains on the windows help some, too.
  19. You need to use ASIO. Also, you need to make sure that other apps running in the background aren't interrupting what you're doing. Antivirus are some of the worst.
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