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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. I'm getting the same thing too. The workaround I found has been to alternately "save as" 2 different versions of the title such as [Title] and [Title1]
  2. Here's a shot in the dark: Maybe because it's not possible to have a separate side stick microphone, that option isn't available. I would dive into the documentation, myself.
  3. The Yangqin is indeed cool. I've used it already.
  4. Perhaps I should be the one apologizing. And perhaps I should have my coffee prior to reading and replying to messages. I completely misread your post. ? Shake hands?
  5. You obviously don't understand how password managers work. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Password_manager WAY more secure, WAY easier and you can never be as good at generating truly random passwords as a mathematical algorithm.
  6. What type of pickup and why is this of concern?
  7. Before, you were using your ears instead of relying on software to do it for you.
  8. Soundblaster cards are garbage. Not even worth it as a paperweight because they're too light. Take it to the electronics recycler and get a real audio interface.
  9. I think you probably hit the nail right on the head. These "investment" companies aren't really interested in actually investing in anything and developing it so much as they are in buying something and skimming the money off the top. As long as it's profitable. Then they dump it.
  10. I have no idea what you're talking about. After FINALLY getting real internet at my rural house, it took me maybe about 30 minutes -if that- to dl & do a fresh install on my desktop where I had been stuck on SPLAT & I have been working ever since.
  11. I thought that's what all the faders in the console view were for.
  12. Maybe if you try both John's suggestions and adopt a sensible workflow instead of the convoluted nonsense you've got going on? No one else is having issues like this. No one else is driving all the way around the block to get next door, either.
  13. You can't just slap a bunch of orchestral samples on a MIDI file and expect it to sound like anything.
  14. Presets are designed to sell product, not to sound good in your mix.
  15. This all sounds unnecessarily complicated.
  16. That's not very nice. It's funny, but not very nice.
  17. I know this is OT and not much help, but why do those people always have such poor taste in music?
  18. That would be weird. Any purcussion hit should ring for its full duration no matter what note value is drawn in.
  19. Maybe an alternative is the fix. The Sonitus plugins are getting pretty long in the tooth. Sometimes when things start getting really old and are no longer updated they stop working so we'll. You'd be surprised. In a former life, I can't tell you how many cars I saw get towed in for no-starts and the fuel gauge wasn't lying when it read "empty."
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