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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. You need to route the audio output from the Ketron back into your audio interface.
  2. DR is awesome. It is the only thing I could find in my price range ? that let me turn some extremely murky, drastically underexposed footage into something that can be seen. I would definitely stay away from the Beta, however. Also, be aware that DR uses your GPU for processing, and is resource intensive so if you are using onboard graphics or a card with less than 2GB, you will struggle - if it even runs.
  3. I think I hear about more problems with Waves than with anyone else. Every time I get tempted by one of their deals, I remember threads like this.
  4. At last! One function where you don't have to worry about one of Crapple's updates making it quit working.
  5. I started learning to play drums so I could play around with recording them.
  6. Damn, I wish I even had the space for that!
  7. Well, well. Another Firefox update and the issue seems to have fixed itself.
  8. Oh, sure. It's just that easy....
  9. Miroslav Philharmonik, Halion Symphonic Orchestra and the Sonivox Orchestral Companion all have staccato articulations.
  10. Outside the US, companies are less slaves to the idea that every product has to turn X% profit in order to justify its continued existence or be killed off. They are more likely to allow more profitable parts of the business subsidize other, less profitable ones that still fill a real need.
  11. Not sure where to put this. I seem to be unable to post in Firefox on Android. The whole forum also seems to be painfully slow and/ or unresponsive. This just happened in the past few days. I was wondering if it was after changing my email, but it seems to be OK in Chrome. Now I wonder if it is because of the latest Firefox update. Would much rather use it than Chrome for multiple reasons.
  12. 8.5???? High time to upgrade. 11 years later. CbB is free, no less. No brainer .
  13. Play in time and the problem solves itself.
  14. I'm not a real drummer by any stretch, but I can play a bit. You gotta start out reeeeeaaaaaal sloooowwww until you get the feel into your body. At first you have to concentrate really hard on where each hand is in (time) relation to each foot and vice versa as well as with each other. It is pretty mind blowing at first and then you start to feel it.
  15. I would insert my obligatory comment about learning to play in time here, but people invariably act as if I had cast aspersions upon their ancestry.
  16. The only problem I have with the Sweetwater website is that it keeps taking money from my checking account.
  17. Just start using your phone. Most of them have a semi decent camera. Get one of those Rode or iRig mikes for it & you're good to go. You can always upgrade later. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good enough !
  18. My favorite guitar is my Schecter Hellraiser V.
  19. And quit using ASIO4All. Presonus has real drivers for their interfaces.
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