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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. Aha! Windows updates are notorious for messing up your carefully crafted tweaks to make your computer work right. ?
  2. The way these cc are intended to work is this: CC7 (Volume) is like your volume knob. It sets the overall volume for a track. CC11(Expression) is the dynamics of an instrument. Swells and fades. Crescendo/ Diminuendo. Think violin or horn melody rising and falling. Velocity is how hard a note is initially struck. Think pressing a piano key softly vs. pounding on it.
  3. My car won't start. What do you think is wrong?
  4. 1) the desk needs to be centered and the speakers need to be NOT in the corner. Move it to another wall if you have too. 2) the speakers need to form an equilateral triangle with your head. 3) absorbtion needs to be placed symmetrically, focusing on the first reflection areas. 4) those foam corner "bass traps" are less than completely effective. Even so, they would be better employed filling whole corners floor to ceiling. As others have pointed out, all the money thrown at expensive monitors and room correction software is wasted in an untreated or poorly treated room Things like ARC really only work well in a room that is fairly decent to begin with. I have OK monitors and ARC myself. The software really does make a difference but the #1 improvement I have made in my mixes is building real bass traps.
  5. Zilhouette Strings looks pretty interesting. I just might have to run it past the Boss for approval....
  6. A password manager keeps everything sorted out and even generates truly random passwords for you. I like Lastpass because it is cloud based and zero-knowledge. Cloud based means that you can log in on any device you have registered with your account and any changes you make don't have to be synced among them. Zero-knowledge means they have no access to your passwords. Even if they got hacked, all anyone could get is a bunch of garbled nonsense because it is end-to-end encrypted as well. I don't even know any of my passwords any more, except the master passphrase to get into my password vault.
  7. We all understand perfectly. You're the one who is not understanding.
  8. Stereo requires your source to be recorded from two different locations.
  9. A mono track duplicated and panned hard left and right is still mono.
  10. The 1959 and the 2203/2204 are entirely different amps with entirely different sounds. Yep. And how does it sound in the context of the mix when you do that? Better, I'll bet. Yes. Whatever it takes to make it sound good. Without hearing anything - in context - it's really impossible to give specific suggestions.
  11. Well, look at it this way: you'll never have to beat yourself up because you paid full price for something right before it went on sale.
  12. CBB is the continuation of what used to be SONAR.
  13. ASIO has exactly 0 to do with either MIDI or memory.
  14. Kinda like "How do you get Angus Young's guitar sound? 1) Get a Gibson SG and plug it straight into a Marshall Plexi. 2) Hand it to Angus Young.
  15. I always found drum loops or ready-made midi patterns too limiting. Spending gobs of time searching through not-quite-right premade patterns really gets in the way of making music for me. I would suggest Jamstix instead. Load up a kit, pick a drummer and a style and let 'er rip; it creates a drum part on the fly. Where it really shines, however, is when you dive into the controls and nudge different things. Like the kick/ snare groove but not the hi-hat pattern? Change it. Wanna add some tom accents? Done.
  16. Thank God I don't live there; I'm perfectly safe.
  17. There is Harrison Mixbus, which emulates a - surprise- Harrison analog console.
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