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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Sorry to hear, but not surprised... I've really had very little trouble with it but it can be glitchy enabling/disabling at times. Not always. Why? I'm still not sure... Same with trouble closing. I've never been able to 100% reproduce. It's sporadic and may be involving interrelationships with other plugins in the given project? I continue to use it because I like it and have lived with these issues for so long they feel "normal" to me, but every once in a while I think... "wouldn't it be nice..."
  2. Interesting... I'm glad it's working so cleanly for you. I do really like this piece of tech. It's behaved this way on three of my machines as well as a couple of others I used back in time... It often causes glitches when enabled/disabled as well, but after I've finished my tinkering and export my file, all is well. So I continue to use it in all of my mastering. ...but I am getting tired of the little bugs so I thought to explore what else is out there. Right now I'm still using it but toying with the maximizer in Ozone as an alternative? ...and checkout out these cool suggestions others have found.
  3. Thanks... Nice to see so many interesting options...
  4. Very true... They only get lossless from select services and downloads vs. basic lossy streaming...
  5. Yeah... I still use this regularly. I love it. ...but it really needs an update (I know it's not likely). As it is both extremely resource hungry (by itself it send my cpu metering from it's normal heavy load barely visible on meters to half way up sporadically across all cores and threads as soon as Adaptive Limiter is enabled. It is the cause of many crashes (only when opening/closing projects, not during work) If I was looking for a replacement of this What suggestions might you have? I'm not looking for some all-in-one mastering tool. Only a mastering compressor/limiter with some degree of intelligence? Thanks... I'm just getting tired of the baggage it carries.
  6. Yeah, I laugh at that a lot. I began my career as an engineer long before digital arrived or computers in music in any way for that matter. A main goal of developers back then was to make their' gear as sonicly transparent as possible. Now we pay extra for the "color" they each offer. Paying tribute to those sounds. Probably a passing fashion of the changeover that will dwindle over time, but who knows? I guess now I'll have more time to devote to making videos to add to the thumb drives?
  7. Yeah, me too. As well as long before it (I’m old) I'm old enough to not really care about sales. But for me it's the "art of album creation" which is getting lost in the current paradigm . It’s back to single after single instead. Too short-attention for me. I enjoy an album or a symphony to a song or a movement. Too short. My interest is in connecting the short ones into long ones! ????
  8. Yeah... I know... ...but it's such a letdown handing a thumb drive compared to a CD or better yet, a vinyl abum! The art is impressive before any device gets near it.... Not so with thumb drives but as fewer people buy dedicated artists work anymore. They simply subscribe to a service allowing them to listen to anything as often as they choose. No piles of media to store (and appreciate)... Oh well... The good with the bad. One small solid state memory device now stores more in inches than the analog world stored in yards
  9. Yeah, I got the email too... Very sad. I'll bet Derek will be disappointed to learn this Funny but true about the name. Will they rename themselves now that they're completely disassociating from CDs? For many of us this is very sad. I hated seeing the reduction of artwork forced from Vinyl to CD and now the new limitation.... Ever try to print anything artistic on black thumb drives? <sigh>... I know it can contain lots of art but unto itself just looks like a thumb drive. I've printed some labels for some as well as ordered with printing but at that minuscule size it does little to appeal to me. I know there are thumb drives that have larger surfaces enabling such but they're very inconvenient for users to plug into many situations... I am very sad to be seeing this change during my lifetime. I love the convenience digital offers, but this is a point of loss to me. It removes the art of Album Design completely!
  10. Ah... At last I can reply again. Don't know what that burp was... Your solution solves the problem. Not as elegantly as I wish (I don't normally have even the collapsed browser visible). Their' two suggestions were quite poor. Of course there's no problem when you don't use some functions that aren't getting along... That's not a solution. That's a claim of limitation to me... It sounds almost as if they are creating this response to avoid dealing with it.....? Here's hoping they will think about it now that it's been openly discussed and do a proper fix...
  11. Is it on;y me? I keep trying to reply, it shows the reply window (with quote when selected) but only for a second. All attempts so far have been futile. Tried two different browsers with same result...
  12. Excellent! I wouldn’t be too surprised if they are somewhat unknowing of this.
  13. Very true Tim... When it is finally fixed, I’d be very curious to know what little tick caused this issue. Maybe a matter of setting these up much like layers in a photo composite. The ability to establish which items are on top of which. Adding something like that to the console floating or docked to establish such relativities? I imagine someone has reported it formally already, yes ?
  14. yup! That solves the problem for now. I never knew of this issue as it's my first DAW with dual monitors Thanks again!
  15. Now that sounds strange but I’m off to try it in a moment. If it works it’s an easy workaround for now certainly. Thanks. Here i go
  16. AHA! Different issue than I was thinking... What's happening is the plugins are correctly opening and visible on both monitors, but on the secondary monitor, as I open a plugin, any other plugin get forced behind the console image which I use zoomed to full screen. So I didn't know they were still open... So now my issue has become, how do I stop cakewalk from moving the open plugins to the back when I open additional plugins on my console screen???
  17. Just discovered another related piece of info... This is only happening on secondary monitor! I can have as many open as I choose on the primary monitor, but the seconday will only display one at a time. What's with that? What setting and where might this be adjusted? They are identical monitors...
  18. Thanks Patrick... So it's obviously something weird here on this installation. Works fine on my win8.1 DAW... Maybe someone will have an idea what might cause such an occurrence?
  19. OK... This has been bothering me... Since moving to this windows 10 system. When I open a plugin. The Pin button is already lit and if I open a second plugin, the first closes and the second opens (again with Pin button lit). Almost exactly what I would expect if the Recycle Plugins option is enabled in Preferences, but it is not enabled. I have tried enabling and disabling it many times as well as attempting to get the Pin button to actually do anything, but such is not the case. Nothing I do changes the fact that only one plugin can be open at a time right now... Is this accepted on windows 10 or is something wrong here? Thanks...
  20. Sorry... I’m just dreaming that our long awaited update is finally a solution to the numerous zoom abilities (lanes as focus when open, not tracks) and zooming multiple tracks with exposed lanes and of course my ever desired option to disable the parent track image while lanes are open... I know these are biggies and part of reason why no changes have occurred for them in a long time. So this long interval has me dreaming Big! ...then reality sets in and I go back to work anyway. Thanks for all the fish...
  21. I haven't listened to the demo, but it sure sounds quite humanized to me. I simply installed and started playing. I love the mapping of the note bend to max velocity with the staccato articulations. Very playable.
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