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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Yeah... and it’s getting worse as earth's climate is in process of warming... I had a similar experience recently and don’t wish it on anyone! I remember when I lived in New Mexico many decades ago I discovered people wearing flannel shirts in 110 120° weather . The reason being the dryness was worse than the heat so people soaked their flannel shirts constantly to stay wet ! That and wet headbands under hats ...
  2. There was no VST3 file in the common folder for BBC Symphony Orchestra until I put a copy there
  3. Actually, I don't think so... The problem turns out to be that Cake's plugin manager has the old common file path for the plugin's location instead of the new foldered location. I fixed mine brute force copying the vst3 dll to the common vst3 folder... Then Cake loads it fine, but next update I'll have to fix it again etc... so I will probably go the long route and do a reset, followed by a Plugin manager Re-Scan All Plugins (How I hate doing this!) So that it scans for the new location... Then all should be well for the immediate future...
  4. [Solved] See bottom edit... I'm really twisted now... I finally was forced to do a full reset of 1.5 followed by a repair of 1.7... yet when it loads, it shows 1.5 and no piano? I'm stymied... Glad ta meetcha! ok... many tries later... Finally allowed to re-install 1.5, then it wouldn't show the update. I ran the 1.7 repair and still no go... Then it showed 1.5 as uninstalled??? So I installed and closed the spitfire updater. 1.5 installed and working.... Finally reopening their loader showed the 1.7 update. so I ran it, back to can't open I reopened their loader again and it again showed the 1.7 update so I ran it again! Still giving me grief with loading the vst folder and showing the pah with the .vst3 extension even though I renamed it??? What am I missing??? What a mess! Situation still the same vst3 won't load, but the vst2 loads fine and I can hear the piano. It does sound very natural. A few oddities in the samples, but nothing unforgiving (I don't think so, anyway)... Other than the slight dynamics control there are no other controls or adjustments... Still not bad in a free version. Piano sounds full in and of itself... Still need to solve the vst3 dilemma though. I have renamed the folder but continue to receive an error message showing the folder with the .vst3 end on it... sheesh! Ha! Figured it out... Not related to renaming the folder... I read the info displayed in Plugin Manager and it displayed the vst3's expected location to be in the common folder... It was not! So I copied the vst3 file into the common vst3 folder (program files/common files/vst3) and now all is well... Be on the lookout for this oddity too... I'm guessing that if I re-scanned all the plugins (uhg!) It may have solved it? Oh well... Fixed is fixed. I'll do my best to remember in case any issues come up... But sweet... It really is a great sampled piano as far as my poor ears can tell... I can see the urge to buy core or producer to gain all the room sound... We'll see if life grants me money some day... Whew!
  5. Thanks, but I'm still getting the same error message even after renaming the folder. I see no other such entries. Did it require re-scanning the plugin (vst3)
  6. It’s included for purchase. Maybe it’s included in the full version. I’m only running CS
  7. You'd think by now they'd have learned? I'm sure they can give you reason(s) why they choose this, but it kills their' popularity a lot! They've got some great plugins, but they need to re-coonect to the humans who actually use their software... Such as the ability to turn off features and lighten it's load if you're not using them (detailed speaker selection etc... Nice to have but not often needed for me... Just an example...
  8. So I noticed... By that time though at least I felt certain it was installing! The invisible wait for the installer to actually start had me convinced something was afoot... ?
  9. Amazingly s l o w install. I thought my pc died twice and almost re-booted!
  10. Thanks for the heads up Larry!
  11. Yes... I used to be happy about that, but these days my older machines OS bound...
  12. Ha! I just got it only to discover that I already have it! ?
  13. Wouldn’t it be easy to buy a small midi controlled lighting hoard to which one could connect a record light. Then a simple midi command would toggle the light. Then assign it to the r key additionally? Ive heard of Arduino but I don’t know what it does
  14. Much better... Now that I see the whole list and have listened through them (I hadn't thought to go through them yet being so overwhelmed with the amount of control)... Some very cool patches. Now I need to setup an expression pedal so I can add live control of volume/swells/etc. I know I've got a couple lying around... Wow! What a beautiful sounding VSTi!
  15. I did just find that the list is twice as long as I first thought, but I still don't see anything with his name on it. The only patch that I recognized by name to be related is the Smoke On The Water patch they offer.... I will look some more. Thanks for the leaders... Ah, I think I get it. I believe his are labeled with JR. I just found one along those lines called Space Truckin' V JR-DP
  16. Hmmm. Maybe I didn't find that yet. The list of presets was fairly small. Maybe 20 entries at most? I didn't say anything with Rudess' name on it in that list either...
  17. Thanks again bf... Yeah! Now I'm getting it! Using both the british amp and the 147 amp/cab... Getting much closer to what I want... Well, at least for this particular patch! ? Fun plugin... Very fat and rich sounding
  18. Ha! I knew he used an amp to get his volume up there with the guitars, but I thought he used both. I'm sure I saw Leslies (plural) stacked on stage with him... But that may be the issue the particular sound I'm identifying with him is one that used either primarily or completely amp... Thanks bitflipper. I'll give it a try.
  19. Rockin'! Installed and operating... Of course I was also surprised as I constantly confuse ik and ni... I've been using a very ancient NI B4 plugin for decades. I love it but it's 32bit so problems always... The B3-X sounds great though I'm still trying to create my favorite Jon Lords patch. Drawbars are the easy part, but setting up the Leslie? Whew! Anyone with pointers that might help would be appreciated... ...now back to Hammond-Land!
  20. Juneteenth? I have nothing against what the day celebrate but I never heard of it being a federal holiday before . So I must wait another day so that the post office will be open and I can cash the money order to buy the B3X, ...more waiting
  21. Cool! Now I'm understanding. I've seen the Berringer 2600 but didn't know it was rack mountable size. and I see that the depth was hidden in the view... Looks like a very fun playground. I'm sure you have lots of fun with it. I miss my 2600 a lot. These days I mostly use Cherry Audio's 2600 vsti as it's the closest I can get... It's a great piece of sodtware, but I miss the hands on feel of playing with it. I spent countless dreamy hours creating....
  22. Nice setup. I miss my old Hammonds. Sadly, I’m far from a good enough B3 performer for this to matter much. I've heard/seen masters who truly use the drawbars as an inportant part of performance much as Jeff Beck incorporated his whammy and volume knob. For me the drawbars are mostly static settings so I haven’t had to consider such. I did create a drawbar studioware device way back then. I may even still be able to find it if anyone is interested? More important for me right now is a client just paid me enough so that tomorrow when the post office is open I will have access to enough funds to buy the B3x! I’m excited! May take a day or two but hopefully not and tomorrow finds me happily enjoying it!
  23. Wow! Very cool! Who makes the arp? I would love to know more...
  24. Oooh! I’m itchin' fir that Hammond! I’m still using ik's old 32bit b4 (i believe that’s the name) as it's still better than most out there. Opportunity calling! Can I resist? I’m essentially broke, but I know I can find a way if I give in! I'd love to drop another 32bit vst I’m still dragging around.
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