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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Thanks Base57. Nice to find another believer. Mind you know though I would love that, I no longer even try to fight it. There are many new features they've added to Lanes that are not available with Layers and are important in many other situations. I’m only trying to regain what was lost and it's mostly two items. These zoom issues and the display of promoted clips on the track while Lanes are visible. You can see I've again posted that in a separate thread. The zoom issue is by far the more important, but the promoted clips issue I don't think difficult to implement. These issues have been all-day/night difficulties for me since silverlight and Lanes. How many years? Not headline grabbing new features, but incredibly settling and fulfilling to many users!
  2. Does anyone else ever edit Lanes in more than one track simultaneously? Try to zoom a few lanes on both tracks simultaneously and tell me what you get?
  3. Yeah... I’m sorry I started getting carried away in my zoom thread about this. They are very related. This is simple. Please. Some way to disable promoted clip view on track while Lanes are open. This is always so frustrating for me.. I'm looking at a screen of mixed tracks/lanes and having an image on the track simultaneously with it's Lanes displayed. The additional track image is totally cluttering in a very confusing manner. Maybe a simple switch to enable/disable the image? Thanks
  4. You just did! You tried to expand specific lane(s) portions and instead got something else! I guess if that's what you’re used to, you might not think of it but many of us old timers remember when this was not the case. An area zoomed is what you got. As for the "promoted" track image. I doubt there's anyone out there who hasn’t had their eyes confused looking at multiple tracks of Lanes with the extra promoted/track simultaneously!
  5. Thanks Guys... I'm very familiar with our assorted zoom tools. My issues are not with the toolset, but with the results. All is well if you stick to zooming tracks. The problems are all related to zoom and Lanes. For me, I've long ago accepted lanes (vs. layers) and other than zoom issues for it I could easily move on. Look at what results of a zoom in lanes. Instead of getting what I ask for, I get some never comfortable "interpretation" of my lasso. Sometimes I don’t even get any lanes instead having a full screen track. Complicating this even more is the confusion between the track portion (above the lanes) and the lanes. I rarely want to see ANY data in the track while Lanes are exposed. The promoted clips are obvious in each lane by their color/highlighting. A constant visual annoyance! I'm becoming more sure this is due to some complication of how silverlight handles the subset (lanes) along with parent (track). I just can’t believe after a decade (?) a solution hasn't been found and no one else is bothered. All other issues aside, this single, major item is still in my face everyday... all day and all of the night!
  6. I really find it hard to believe I'm the only person continually bothered by this. I've been complaining about it since silverlight was introduced. It is constantly in my face as it is used so often. Much like touching your face. You do it all day long. I spend far too much time mousing around to adjust my view. Is it really too much to ask for? Pre silverlight we had this and though there has been some improvement since, it is still a far cry from good. All I'm asking for is to see the area I select via lasso to zoom to fill the pane. Regardless of being track or lane data. No quantizing, no second guessing! This has to be one of the most fundamental tools we work with! PLEASE! (Excuse the scream. Too many years of frustration built in)
  7. Is anyone else seeing this? I've had this on occasion before, but the since the 2020.05 update it is happening most of the time. I am using all the same plugins I regularly have used for a number of years. It's win8.1, so very little changes with windows updates. My interface is using the same driver as well. Due to Presonus dropping VSL tech, I am frozen with that driver. I know it's an easy bug to work around, but it sure is annoying and I'm wondering if there is more control over this? Thanks...
  8. Any info on how to access other skins? The default is very blah... Just found it in the standalone. Now to see if that carries over if if similar setting is available in the plugin. Yup. Skin selected in the standalone carries to the plugin. Nice. Nice sounding synth!
  9. Keni

    Kawai K1 vsti

    So I found. I didn’t expect a synth, i was hoping for a good virtual Kawai ... oh well. I'll check today re:updates as there is a blank ui in the version i have Edit: I downloaded the app again and over wrote the old file. Now all is well...
  10. Keni

    Kawai K1 vsti

    It seems to work here but the UI is blank, so it's very limited... Also I was fooled expecting a Kawai piano which of course it doesn't have...
  11. Yes, these are all simply tools. What matters is how it works for each user's work methods. I have assorted copies of most though no longer on my machine (I do have lite versions of ProTools and Studio One installed) Except for a few rare situations, I only use CbB as I have since Cakewalk fir Windows. The real reason I chimed in here is To remind many that the new Melodyne 5 update now has chord tracks... Sadly for me the update requires win10 and my DAW is trapped at win8.1. Dual xeon 6 core processors (3.06) and 64G RAM is hard to abandon...
  12. I’m sorry if you already mentioned it, I don’t remember. Have you uninstalled and reinstalled your audio driver? Have you checked for others with your driver on your current win10 build? I've heard the 2004 has "broken" a number of things. I can’t say firsthand as I'm gratefully trapped at win8.1
  13. I'm running a Mac Pro 5,1 with win8.1 for near 5 years and an older Mac Pro before that. All under Bootcamp. No problems. I've seen such trouble before. I don't know if this relates to the reason, but when I saw it, it was a machine using a bootcamp partition on the same drive. Maybe add an eSATA drive for this?
  14. Hi Ken... You might check your Cakewalk projects folder for each/any names you used. Inside each project folder is an audio folder containing the recordings for the project. They are each closed upon recording completion and should be there. The cwp file is what got missed presumably. Not sure how this is handled if you didn’t title the project before recording. I never do that even though the option is available.
  15. No, but I have a studiomix and ipad remote controllers setup in all my templates in case I want either.
  16. Thanks Chappel. It's holding its' setting. I don’t know how it got changed. I forgot it even existed looking right passed it when seeking grid follows snap. ...as to the incorrect popup? I don’t remember it ever being that way, but it's a bug I can easily live with being only a label.
  17. Solved! Something I never turn off was somehow turned off on all my projects? Hmmm... Something not being saved correctly with latest update? PRV|VIEW|Show Vertical Gridlines was unchecked??? I'm going to see if it stays checked, but at least I can get it working now... Thanks...
  18. Nope... It's a very old util that I have used since win7 This machine can't support win10 when tested (2010 Mac Pro 5,1)
  19. Let’s see if this works? https://1drv.ms/u/s!AugINdP7SnEAgQ0rxM7voaYZxZAe
  20. I've been trying, but I'm using a Mac Pro with win8.1 running under bootcamp The Mac's print screen does not work and I can't seem to find a key combo to invoke it though I've tried a few web suggestions. I usually use Faststone (3rd party photo library/editer), but that requires using the mouse which then drops the popups from the view before the capture happens... I just thought of another way I might try...
  21. Thanks... I tried that with no change. I just re-booted the computer and tried a couple of different projects making sure my settings were as I expect and have always used... I have 1/4 note resolution in PRV no matter where or how I change it... I also notice that the popup for the PRV snap value snap enable Shows as Mackie Control which is an entry (the second) in all of my templates instead of SNAP???
  22. SOLVED! "Something" had reset my option to display vertical grid lines in PRV... Ok... anyone else seeing this? First MIDI work since official 2020.05 In PRV I have display set to follow snap. Master snap is set to measure and PRV snap at 1/16. No matter what I change PRV snap to it continues to disply 1/16 . No changes no matter what I change to. I restarted CbB but no changes. Any thoughts?
  23. I'm guessing you checked that scan paths are correct? Did you install using Cakewalk Command Center?
  24. I'm with you Bob... I too have versions many and over time I've managed to learn some things of each. Not the high end versions as I have no need or desire to truly work in them. None come close to Cake for me either. But it's handy to learn some basics in each and see if anything really lights up for me. Though I find many cool features in each CbB rocks! I have issues with it as well, but it has consistently accommodated my needs for near 40 years. Many things are very similar in each DAW as well... The basic concepts are mostly the same and computers operate as they do and thereby construct much of the methodology that is common to all... ----edit--- I almost forgot.... Fruity Loops? I remember it's earliest incarnation which conceptually was ahead of it's time. But then and now it "feels" too toy like for me. (Though I know it's powerful) .
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