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Everything posted by Keni

  1. What a cool app! And very generous of all involved in it's creation. Articulations are placed for easy performance access and the samples so far sound very sweet. I think I'm gonna have a lot of fun with this one.
  2. Not surprising... I'm getting my share of heat from these dual Apple 4kUHD Cinema monitors that vent the heat at the bottom left corner of each monitor. A Hand warmer on my desktop! Edit: ...not to forget the Water Cooled Alienware 4 core machine that's currently acting as my front door stop! Too heavy for me to move into my storage. Imagine water cooling a system that much larger!
  3. Than we could call it Munster Cheeze!
  4. Ha! Wouldn't that be fun! I could finally start using Amplitube 5!
  5. Whew! Monster Machines! Wouldn't that be fun to DAW!
  6. Thanks for all the excellent info... As always you are the best! I also want to thank you dor alerting me to the knowledge base in general. Now and earlier. I forget about it and simply search My Products for things.... I gotta make a note... somewhere... somehow! ?
  7. Nice surprise! Thanks for the lead once again scook! I re-installed the re-distributable on the chance and voila! VV is once again working for me. A good secure feeling. Thanks for starting my day nicely again!
  8. That's a thought... I tried, but... I looked to see if there's an available X2a patch, but couldn't find so I would think with as much time as existed from X2 release to Cakewalk leaving Gibson's rule that they would have incorporated that into the available final/only X2 version available long ago? So I'm not sure why cronus.dll is crashing here, but that's ended my access to VV... (It is still working on my older DAW with win8.1)
  9. Sorry... but it is the same processor and I run Windows 10 using Bootcamp as my native/default system. I get funny looks from developers but I have yet to find any issues in this matter. Other than limitations on migrating the partition and even that can be dealt with if really necessary. Unless I’m mistaken (which I often am) Bootcamp merely creates a virtual Bios on which Windows runs connecting to all peripherals directly. I've seen a few xeon pc's though they are rare but available if you look. Every bit as expensive as a mac. I believe they are often used for some heavy-purposed servers as well Edit: I should add that it’s now a thing of the past to run a mac this way since the company wide replacement of all Intel processors with their' m1/2/3 processors
  10. Interesting... I just tried to load VV here... It crashes Cake every time. First time I've tried it on this machine. So it did get installed along with X1/2/3/Plat but the cronus.dll keeps crashing on win10. It was working fine on win8.1 <sigh>.... So far I must say I've been rather unhappy moving from 8.1 to 10... surprising with all the 8.1 bad talk... I was a hard core VV supporter until relatively recent time... It seems they each have their strengths and weaknesses but the more I've used Melodyne, the less I think about needing VV (obviously). Edit: I should add that I had to upgrade Melodyne to Studio before I felt this way along with a lot of hours editing!
  11. It seems so to me but I've not done any empirical testing. I always have a tone of resource headroom here so it's hard to know without such testing. This machine is a 2013 Mac Pro 6,1 (Trashcan) with 128GB RAM... I'm running Monterey on the Mac side which I never use and Windows 10 for my daily use as my DAW running Cakewalk by Bandlab!
  12. Thanks birera... I finally got it as well set as this trashcan will allow. The TB2 seems a touch faster without empirical testing and I have settled on a setup that appears working better and well. I know it’s slower than the internal drive but I’m not noticing any drag so it should be fine. Pitiful apple minds that decided their flagship machine should be so restricted in such a fundamental fashion. I’m quite poor at this time of my life so I have to make do with what I can and these mac pro DAWs I’ve been working with are far more power than any average windows machines I now have the TB2 port for streaming audio and the USB3 port for sample libraries. Each port has a spare slot that supports 2.5/3.5 drives so I’ve git room to grow too... Thanks again for your input...
  13. Ha! Ok. I’ll give it a look asap. Right now the diffusion of my reverb is nearing ultimate chaos distribution...
  14. Yeah... I’ve got X1 up installed here with all their bells and whistles. The only things I didn’t install are loops and demo songs as I rarely use them. I’m not really fond of the popular synth style with huge libraries of all kinds of crazy stuff. I don’t have the patience as the music in my head usually demands more immediate responses. I basically use minimoog, arp2600, oberheim 8 voice, memorymoog,etc . I haven’t been doing anything cinematic in a long time so long ambiences are not often needed/used. Same with these IR's... I’ve now got far more than I have the patience to sample through when looking for a reverb/room so I’m bound to randomly pick a few that I will use by default...
  15. Thanks for the link. Nice work my compliments to those involved. I’m now overloaded with more impulses than I have the energy to inspire! ?
  16. Interesting... Nope. Can't find any such file on old DAW even on the backup drives, but I did discover... Perfect Space IR Collection..... Remember Perfect Space? I prior convolution reverb we were given? I haven't tried them yet but I'm guessing the impluses will load into ReMatrix Solo. Now to see if they're still of any value! ? Edit: Yup, So far I loaded all the Lexicon 480L impulses. All loaded successfully and sound fine except for 1 that exceeeded the 20sec limit... Now to checkout all the others. Too bad Solo doesn't have a better filing system for user impulses but for the price? I guess a useful too for sure. Now to checkout the remaining impulses as there are more than half a dozen libraries within it other than the Lexi... Edit 2: Very impressive but getting to be more than I need... I've imported the above Lexicon 480 impulses and the H3000 impulses and I think that's already approaching 200 impulses... Patience? Ha! Scanned a number of them and they are all usable and some sound quite sweet.... So it makes up for not finding the Anderton impulses. Anyone else remember Perfect Space?
  17. Thanks treesha! I considered that but didn’t see it listed and thought it too "big" to jot be mentioned. I guess it won’t hurt anything to add the other items even tho I never use them... they’re not tiny if I remember correctly... I'll check it out this morning. Edit: I checked this morning and couldn't find such a file. The only one listed in My Products is the 30th anniversary Anderton FX chain collection. Very small and I didn't see it unpack enough to include IRs (I don't think) I'll see if I can scan my old DAW including all my backups. Maybe I have it somewhere already?
  18. I don’t speak the language, but I’ve been running xeon machines here for years. My old DAW has dual xeon 6 core processors @3.06G total 12 cores My new DAW has a single xeon 12 core with dual threading. Cakewalk sees it as 24 "cores" Both continue to work very well with Cakewalk...
  19. Interesting... In my memory, both windows, mac, DOS are/were all basically subsets of UNIX with a user interface... Linux closer to full UNIX and bundled with various user interfaces... ...but no matter. I won't live to see the day of unification. One day all must be able to converse freely with all regardless of personal preferences...
  20. Me too! First computers I worked with had no screens. Typed in info printed out to fanfold paper or punch cards fed in stacks. Mainframes! I remember them too. I think Linux is an open source attempt at creating a user interface for pure UNIX, yes? Will be great if anyone writes the code that weds windows & OSx in a common environment. Allowing the use of programs designed for either platform to exist side by side.... I'm dreaming!
  21. Yeah... Ive been using computers since before the mac or windows, so I’m used to the constant change. ...but the fundamental stuff such as text support and image display continued to work. Now it seems that is changing too. The Industries are now continually forcing us to buy new even when we don’t need/want it. My iPad does the things I need it to as does my iPhone but I will soon be forced to buy new devices as the old software will no longer support the world at large. Extreme planned obsolescence! Commercialism vs Communism... neither work as stand alone systems. Time to fuse all systems together so it encompases all! UNIX here we come!
  22. Thanks again... I just saw it on my DAW.... My iPad MINI is quite old and locked at ios 12.6.xxx I'm surprised how many developers are surprised when I tell them their' pages are not visible on Safari running on these older opsys..... edit: Ooops. Forgot to react! Oh, that's because they said so little there's not much to react to, so I guess nothing has changed in my world...
  23. Ha! Thanks abacab! I don’t know if it was intended as a joke, but the link brought me to an empty waves page. Made me laugh if that’s the depth of their notes... More likely it’s yet another page not displaying correctly on this old ipad mini (ios 12.6.3 I think)... I’ll try again when back at my DAW...
  24. Any links to the release notes? I’d like to see if they made any provisions for legit users on older OS than 10. I'm guessing they made no provisions for the customers who got raped because they’re old?
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