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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Bad comparison. The reason is unimportant. I didn’t hear you making claims about why Gibson caused all this. The point is that the original company is gone along with any obligations THEY had to you. This is a new company who’s so far I’ve only given you things for free yet you complain when they ask for some recompense
  2. Yes. We were part of it’s development. But the company died due to Gibson's actions. The new owners don’t owe us anything. They gave us things freely and now that they’re finally trying to make it viable again you feel we deserve something? So far they’ve been extremely giving so I’m guessing that though they technically and legally owe us nothing they are creating a pricing system that will be reasonable. My house was foreclosed after 16 years of payments. Do you believe the new owners owe me anything? I built the house and developed it all those years... I would love it if they decided to give me a portion of what they rent it for?
  3. You’re confusing two different companies. You’ve never paid Bandlab one cent for CbB
  4. Yes. Ordinarily I might agree, but dealing with a defunct company and now a new company remarketing. They didn’t take over Cakewalk. The bought intellectual rights to a dead product/company. Everyone invested lost everything then. Anything we've gotten since are new things based on that technology, but not that company . But on a positive note, I am hoping they offer some kind of value for people who have helped support getting them here. If we hadn’t all embraced CbB I doubt it would have continued. It would have fallen by the wayside. So I see this more as a long worked recovery finally coming to term.
  5. We weren’t suckers. Both sides entered the agreement in good faith. It was Gibson who did wrong but with the help of Meng and the remaining staff total disaster was averted. This sounds more like a healthy move back into a more "sound" situation.
  6. yeah... My first computer programming was on mainframes before they even had monitors. just punch cards and printouts. I even did some early "computer music" that way in 1969! My first DAW ran a dual 5 1/4" floppy system. Hard drives were not yet available. Somewhere around 1985 They finally appeared with 5 and 10 Megabyte capacity!
  7. BTW... I was just wondering... Will this affect the forum as well?
  8. Toolbar arrangement aside. It looks like the Cakewalk we all know and love!
  9. Yes, but they have also told us there will be one mor CbB update. Likely it will either remove the need for authorization or the authorizations will continue for anyone already in possession of CbB They also confirm that it will continue to operate alongside both versions of Sonar! I can’t wait! I also look forward to checking out Next as I do operate both OS
  10. This made me think that it may be browser based or something similar. Maybe using a custom browser? Easy way to make the product compatible with multiple platforms. Not for me though. I would love to have a mac version of Sonar (actually I do have one they tested long ago and I believe it still works in it's limited capacities as an experiment). Not that I want to work on a mac, but I use an intel mac running win10 under Bootcamp so it would be great to be able to work on either OS. I prefer the windows OS myself but I have so many friends....
  11. Looking at the new website I notice (happily) that the pictures all still look like the Cake/Sonar I love.... Honestly? I can't wait! Many other old products appear to be included so it means they will get more development (if they haven't already) and maybe we can look forward to more of them now that "the gates are open" once again. I have near everything Cakewalk ever offered. I think Rapture Pro (or whatever the last version was that combined rapture and Dimension pro) is the only item I missed and would love to see that return and develop! Right now I'm more excited that worried as their comments have been of good vibe. We'll see how it actually rolls out.
  12. I wish as I too bought it, but don't hold your breath. That was a product from a different company and has already long passed. But they might offer "upgrade/crossgrade" prices for those of us who own Sonar? One can dream, yes?
  13. OK... Just finished reading everyone's first responses. I did make a couple of quick replies along the way, but here's my thinking right now. When Gibson dumped us I would gladly have paid for a new version from whoever bought us as I had been paying since the 12Tones days... Instead... Surprise! It's free! So it's been great for years of this advantage. Now to continue it's progress changes are needed and it's going to cost. Oh well, it was nice free, but I'd have to pay someone else as well and there isn't a DAW out there that I prefer to Cakewalk/Sonar. I have an old copy of Studio One and I'm sure I could use it if forced but I'm not comfortable with their interface.... I have others and have had others. I still prefer Cakewalk and I'm thrilled that they're going to continue it's development as Sonar and not transform it into Next! Unless their cost is ridiculous compared to industry value. I will be more than happy to go back to paying for Sonar! ...and my guess is that they might even offer some incentives for existing users to transition? I'm sure many will think this way. I'm quite surprised when I see people speak surprise at a product going from free to paid successfully. It's one of the most tried and true methods I've ever heard of.
  14. Have they specifically said that existing CbB users would lose what they have? They may unlock it so that authorizations are no longer needed. But no more updates...
  15. Actually, many... McAfee was once free. How many use it paid now?
  16. That too... But I'm sitting ok now. With my audio streaming from a TB2 connected SSD and my sample libraries on a USB3.1 SSD I'm seeing good response...
  17. thanks bitflipper... I didn't mention it at first mostly because I forgot that I have it. I don't remember the last time I used it. I did install it on this new DAW just recently, but it took a day or say to come to mind. I guess I should give it a try... I've been so satisfied with the results from Adaptive I simply ran with what I knew works. I've got a few new albums coming term soon so I'll start checking it out on in-house-work daily's in the meantime...
  18. Ha! Funny as I mentioned in an earlier post here, I have Ozone and have been considering using it's maximizer functions as a replacement. I haven’t tried it much yet but I have an upcoming project I may try it with...
  19. Or more so...? I have boost11 as well as concrete, but they are nothing like Adaptive...
  20. Thanks Starship. I'll check these out too. I probably don’t really suffer much with AL, and was only feeling irked at the moment of OP. But always interested in alternatives..
  21. Very True... Not really GAS either though. I really don't want to buy anything right now in this range of dreaming... I was just feeling tired of the little issues that plague me as I carry old things along... I still use 2 32 bit plugins regularly because they still sound great and I can't afford the purchase solution. I make poor seem like a good goal these days... More little issues Oh well. Thanks for your insights and suggestions. I'm guessing that I'll stick with what I have for the time being.
  22. Thanks BF... So far it's the leader of the pack from what I'm seeing. But I've gotta justify the cost as Adaptive is working fine here. I also have Ozone whose maximizer portion is in the right direction though I must admit I'm a bit confused about some syntax and controls...
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