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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Thanks. I always have that midi monitor turned off (taskbar tray) and I’m not seeing any ghost drivers..
  2. Ouch! I felt that too! I’m still reading his daily twitter posts. I had no idea. Do you know what he died from ?
  3. Thanks for the thought, but... Ouch! Way too involved for my nerves right now. I’m using an unusual driver fir my interface. But it's been running fine for months with no changes. My system is shut down right now, but I’m hoping to find things well on next bootup . It closed clean at last before I shut down. just to note. I’m using a Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL and a problem arose with win10 dealing with signed drivers, so important portions of the interface couldn’t work. Fortunately, they came up with a workaround and it requires applying a manual set of edits to accomplish. I’m not ready to open that can of worms at the moment.
  4. I don't know what's going on with this.It has been occasional recently and today it's unceasing! When I close Cakewalk, it's left in memory and I must close it using task manager. Previously, it was just very slow to completely close. Now it's not closing at all remaining in background services... This is happening without even opening any projects. Simply opening Cakewalk.
  5. Excellent plugin and great deal! Again I bought it last month for $14... Loving it!
  6. I thought I remembered something along those lines, but with the changing times...
  7. Me too... Not my first dance either. But I’m still happy with it at the price I paid. It’s a great piece of software even at full price! Sadly, these sales are leading me to believe there won’t be any updates/upgrades. I hope I’m wrong as it definitely has room to grow!
  8. Yup... great price too! I just bought it last month on sale for $69, so this is even better! ...too bad I didn’t wait, huh?
  9. No bar? Where is a man supposed to get a drink?
  10. Yeah. I remember when it first came out. I’ve been reading it ever since. ...sad to see it go.
  11. Interesting.... I don't notice as much of a change on my DAW as I do I my iPad. Here on my DAW I wouldn't have realized anything had changed but on my iPad, colors and such are different? I guess it's the way my eyes interface with the screens?
  12. Yeah... Seeing many subtle differences at first view.... My first attempt this morning gave error messages but soon changed to the update notice and quickly has now been placed online... Excellent. I look forward to finding the new changes and differences. So far, it looks more clear and crisper! Everything is easier to read! Thanks!
  13. I couldn’t have said it better! I’m in the same boat!
  14. Yup! Very possibly the case. For me, I’m somewhat unconcerned and plan to buy the new Sonar immediately as it is my future!
  15. Absolutely! I wouldn’t have it any other way ... ...and thinking the final CbB to have bug fixes, but little or no new features.
  16. Good observation. I imagine it's worth the cost of server activity and clerical work to spend. At least for a while? BTW I can see that’s gonna be a busy server day! (Week/month)
  17. A thread like this probably needs some derailing to survive? ?
  18. But these days I can do both at the same time! ?
  19. All true... But hopefully enuf of the initial fracas has died down by now? I'd even be happy with a one-way stream from them with occasional juicy tidbits. Enticements? Advertising? They could even make tantalizing jokes! (?)
  20. Yup! I’m in the club too. I check many times each day!
  21. Sweet where not a visibility issue.... or even better... Go swimming instead of performing in adverse conditions! I like it! ?
  22. Careful to make sure it’s sealed well! I chose a thick headband and a bucket of water in reach (away from electronics and floor level).
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