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Everything posted by Keni

  1. I'm sure... I've been doing this a very long time. this pic above has the bus emulator. I know you were testing... Empty project... create audio tracks... Open PC for all tracks... select a few tracks... Ctrl-click on the N type button and the track clicked on goes to N, but the others go to A! This doesn't happen on my other (older) Win8.1 DAW
  2. No... These are TRACKS, not busses..... It is supposed to be channel here. Not your picture above. ...and now you're seeing the problem when you use the CHANNEL version as I am... So it's not me or anything I'm doing here. It IS a bug! I'm glad I posted the bug report... Thanks for confirming it...
  3. Yeah, I was trapped at Melodyne 4 until win10 which will now be trapped there as Celemony is probably about to release Melodyne 6! Forced obsolescence!
  4. Yeah. Here too, but for me I (was) sruck at Windows 8.1 I hated 8, but 8.1 is excellent! I was happy not going to win10 but just recently migrated to new machine bound with win10 and other than current support from all vendors (again at last, but soon to be dropped again. This machine is trapped at win10), I still dislike win10 from the getgo! My win8.1 machine is still intact except for the waves debacle losing my Abbey Road Studio 3... but I think I’m derailing the thread so I apologize...
  5. Well, It's not the issue anyway. They are all correctly selected as Channel Console Emulators but the problem persists in every project I try...
  6. Thanks Andres! Interesting observation. I will check as it is possible but then I would question why/how as I use templates that have been unchanged in these issues for many years.
  7. Ah... Thanks... I'm remembering now. Just getting hard with so many different locations and links and variations of the same few names confusing me at times. I'm currently all up to snuff with all products (except X1 won't run but no matter). I was only thinking of potential future needs for how little future I have left... ? Very excited and looking forward to this new step in the life of Cakewalk and The Bakers!
  8. I'm going to file a bug report for this... My thinking is telling me there's a tiny bug in the code behind this one button...
  9. A Thought, but why would it only affect the Console Emulator in this situation. such grouping is working fine everywhere else.... ...and I just tested again. It is only when clicking on the N-Style button. Clicking on A switches all correctly as does clicking on S It's only when I select the N Style button that the result becomes A type for all the grouped. i.e. A group of tracks have been selected.if the first track is ctrl-clicked on to select N-type, it changes to N-Type but all the others change to A Type. If I then click on S, all change to S and if I click on A all swith to A, but if I click on N, only the track clicked on goes to N, the others all go to A! Weird!
  10. Thanks Jonesey... This has been happening here ever since I built this machine. I don't understand it...
  11. Do you believe that if Disney does something with Star Wars that the public doesn't like, that George Lucas would be held responsible?
  12. Is it only me? It appears that all the older products are missing. Sonar Platinum is there as is Home Studio. But no older versions... X,X2/x3 etc. all missing! That's not playing nice! Too many extras that can only be regained through the installation of those older versions. Please tell me that this is an error and is being corrected? Thanks!
  13. Yeah... I always loved the name and logo they had back then... Twelve Tones and the dancing cake! I remember when they were thinking about new names before chosing Sonar... Long ago...
  14. I'm with you here... I've got too many decades of learning, skills, and techniques working with this wonderful Cakewalk/Sonar product. I have less than zero intention of changing now... If for no other reason is I still believe it's the best DAW available! I have others and never use them though I have learned how. I just don't like their' systems... I would miss some things if I had to go back that far, but better than the alternative for me...
  15. Amazing how people self-flagellate due to displaced anger!
  16. OK... I've now been seeing this regularly... If I'm in Console View and I select a few tracks with ProChannel open Holding Ctrl and clicking enable on one enables all selected.... good Holding Control and setting level on one adjust all selected... good They are all defaulted to S type as expected Holding Ctrl and clicking on N Type? uh-oh! The first which was clicked on correctly changed to N, but all the others changed to A! I can repeat this ad infinitum in every project...
  17. Yes! Nicely put. I felt much of this too. I’m actually happy to be going back to a paid version. I have much more confidence in the product lasting. I have been amazed at all that Meng did for us!
  18. Yes, you're correct in that it really depends on the terms of their' deal. Such as maintaining the Old Sonar Products library for existing Sonar owners. Bandlab took that over. Gibson no longer tied to it in that way if any... Very cool having the old floppy.... I might have some of them floating around too as I saved everything but can I find it? Too many moves to make that easy if even possible... ? I started using it back then too... Cakewalk for Windows (1.0)
  19. Maybe to some degree, but I’ve been working with The Bakers since back in the day of Greg H. And they have always been the most in touch team I’ve ever worked with! It was never a partnership though we have been contributors due to the team's willingness to listen and desire to improve. They were every bit as in touch with their user base then as they are now!
  20. Let’s think about this. The Bakers don’t want Sonar to perform worse than CbB... so maybe we should give them the trust and faith that they too want it working well! I know it’s hard for me, but a little patience is probably the best I can have right now. I am very excited !
  21. Maybe... Only time will answer these issues. Sadly, we're all stuck speculating... Mesmerized in the headlights of the announcement. I know I'm still reeling and High in anxiety for it's release! I hope it's soon while I can still manage some cash!
  22. So you made yourself “suffer” with anger and action against Cakewalk who did nothing wrong. It was Gibson who did the nasty!
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