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Everything posted by noynekker

  1. noynekker


    What a great recording, very smooth and silky , shoulders down + mind up kinda' thing, most enjoyable !
  2. Super guitar playing, and excellent rhythm section . . . really lovin' the revival of this old nugget, certainly shines now !
  3. Nice up-tempo . . . the way this groove unfolds, so many vocal possibilities . . . Pop, R&B, jazz scat, it could go in a lot of directions vocally . . . guitar work is excellent as always, probably a song to be written here . . .
  4. noynekker

    "Remember" _Colab

    WOW, Sounds excellent . . . great job everybody ! The end result really has a great live feel to it, regardless of how it was conceived, sounds like a tower of power or chicago transit authority piece . . . coolness factor way high for my ears ! Like the vocals a lot too, is that Grem ?
  5. @KSband thanks for having a listen ! Yes, there is a definite bond when you create music together with someone, finding out this week how that stays, even when they are gone.
  6. Big and Epic says it all. Very enjoyable listen. ! @Bristol_Jonesey You've been around Cakewalk sites a long while, I don't think I've heard any of your stuff posted here before, always thought you were a recording studio guy, but you are very obviously an accomplished composer, most impressive !
  7. Bjorn . . . absolutely beautiful piece, just what I needed. You've certainly captured the alternating strum and plucking of a nylon guitar, and your orchestral arrangement really soars in the middle part. Enjoyed to the max !
  8. Bjorn . . . thanks for your kind comments. Yes, all things must pass . . . so make some music while you're here. A wise friend once told me to never believe we are only dust in the wind.
  9. Nigel . . . thanks, great to hear you liked it. Regards to you and your friends . . . I find there are not a lot of words for such things, but music heals. Bruce
  10. Hey Mark . . . glad to hear you enjoyed it, yes, friends gone but the music lives on. Kind of a melancholy week for me, listening to a lot of old recordings . . . but will need to write something new very soon to express it all !
  11. I had the great pleasure of working with my long time friend Daniel in a songwriting and recording studio a few years back. Well, I got the news of his passing this last week, so wanted to post one of my favourite pieces we worked on together. Daniel was quite the synthesizer wizard . . . right from getting out the soldering gun to creating the sounds. In this one I think he used E-mu Proteus/1 rack mount, Rhodes Chroma Polaris, MemoryMoog, and a DX7. Hope you enjoy, a bit long for a pop song (as a keyboardist, he did enjoy his Tony Banks and Genesis) I don't have individual tracks, so just trying to tweak and improve a stereo mix done back in those days, from a VHS tape !
  12. noynekker

    Sad Day

    Quite the journey in this piece Wookiee, well conceived, good you have the music to express your feelings. I had someone in my life who gradually disappeared, leaving many questions for me. There's a very dissonant interval you use in the melody (tritone ?) halfway through, then you pull out of it, more positive, but never resolving, really like the way you expressed this, stay well . . .
  13. Well done again Nigel . . . enjoyed the video and the music very much ! You laid down a great groove and kept it interesting. Very cool how the first and last scenes of the video create a tension and a resolution. Really like the lyrics around "Big Brother is on the loose . . ."
  14. noynekker

    El Guerrero

    This sure helped me relax after a long day, just what I needed . . . thanks for that ! Well played on all instruments, and I concur, lots of space around them in your mix.
  15. Oh Yeah . . . this is one ultimate love song, really well done Mark ! The vocals and harmonies really shine here against that heartbeat rhythm. The latest mix you posted really brings the vocal clearer for me, like you brought in some sibilance, easier to follow the lyrics. This has so much heart, as I listened along . . .
  16. @Philip G Hunt Hi Philip . . . another great listen, and for me this one has a feeling of compelling mystery about it that I really like ! Certainly an interesting bubbling of overtones in the production. I've joined later, and can hear a great improvement from that first mix vs. your latest mix. My one thing (as @FreeEarCandy has previously alluded to) is the main vocal. Everything works well in your last mix, though, for me, specifically the line "No-one'll believe what we saw there" . . . you've mixed that very subtle, panned slightly right, thought it seems very important to the overall of the song. Perhaps add a double track panned left, or slightly more volume / less effects there . . . don't make the first time listener work so hard (if you hadn't posted the lyrics, that important part may not be recognized) As always, really like your stuff !
  17. Paul, really like the way this turned out . . . it's very fun to listen to ! Thanks for posting the lyrics for this one, there's so much going on there, so it's great to read along and have a better understanding . . . I think the lyrics (and vocals) are very strong, and your guitar work has that rockin' edge to it (as always) . . . seriously, did you really use "my nans hearing aid" ? LOL, so much fun, whatever it takes . . . you got that great result.
  18. Hey Mark . . . excellent playing, and it's recorded / mixed as near perfection as I can imagine . . . you really got that thing with the strings ! Also, really love the way you brought back that ghost of Mississippi from the dead (faded out) for one last rousing chorus. Like Jesse said . . . when the tour comes, I'll be there with my old school bic lighter for the encore.
  19. Most impressive . . . FWIW, "test mix" is not such a good title, but I guess it's the teaser for the forthcoming attraction ? Sounds very much like a live jazz fusion band, but not sure how you recorded this one (live or dubbing ?) . . . I'm hearing a lot of talented players coming and going throughout. Well written, and I also like how it builds in intensity and volume as it goes . . . mix wise, I can only say, I did not want to adjust the volume, or reach for an EQ, it just sounds great as presented . . . now if we can just get a proper name for it . . .
  20. Great tune Freddy, in that old blues style. It's a pretty thick mix, but compliments for the clarity of everything . . . that main guitar is deep in the tube, very tasty how that fits in. Also, thought the harmony vocals sounded great !
  21. @AndyB01, @Makke . . . thanks for your comments, so much appreciated ! Sometimes art and fun collide in the best ways.
  22. Fun stuff Makke, like the way you bend it . . . really great to listen to !
  23. Hi Bjorn . . . great piece, it has a certain nostalgia I can't quite place in time, very calming and pleasant to listen to. The drums entry seems very sudden / loud at the opening ? I did find the fiddle quite stark in the recording, compared to the verby guitars . . . the sound fits the piece very well, with a cool melody and feeling, but sounds like it could be brought back into the ambience some, to fit into the mix of it all. Really enjoyed this one !
  24. Hi Gary . . . had a few listens, headphones and small studio monitors . . . really sounds quite balanced to my ears, the drum feel and kick are all there, on the small speakers. The vocals are super clear (and very well sung !) pronunciation is top notch (even though I don't know what they are saying), and I think you've really captured the warmth of the guitar tone, without it sounding overly muddy. I'll have another listen tomorrow on bigger speakers, or when you turn off the "God Particle Limiter" whatever that is ? Lol, sounds like a plugin you should have engaged all the time, eh ? Great tune, Great band !
  25. Jesse . . . thanks for having a listen, Lol, even your reviews are experimental, keep on rocking in the free world !
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