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Everything posted by noynekker

  1. They offer this BFD3 deal so everyone will have it, then along comes BFD4 update real soon after . . .
  2. Hey Lynn . . . simply loving the slow rock shuffle feel to this one, no mix suggestions, just enjoying very much on my headphones, so much great stuff going on. This is just top notch pro sounding to me . . . bit of a prog rock ending, fun stuff there !
  3. Hey thanks for that Russell, glad you like it ! . . . in this one just the bass guitar and drums are VSTi
  4. Ed . . . glad you had a listen, and thank you for the positive compliments !
  5. Thank you very much Nigel, glad you thought it's a great track, means a lot.
  6. Thanks Wookiee, I think you have "proper" monitors, so I'm glad to hear it translated alright . . . what to do with it ? . . . Field of Dreams I guess, find a publisher.
  7. Thanks Andy for the positive comment !
  8. Glad you liked it Paul, it was a slower funk drum pattern I started with, so had to really thin out the drums a lot once I sped it all up.
  9. Thank you so much ! . . . I am a big Keith Urban fan, nice compliment.
  10. noynekker

    Decide to Stay

    Hi Russell . . . cool song, nice first time share here ! You have a very good voice, and I like a lot of the guitar work you've done . . . my only thing as a listener, was that I was waiting for a solo section or a bridge somewhere along the way . . . but certainly look forward to hearing what else you have cookin' in your studio, keep em' comin' . . .
  11. Oh yeah, this one is easy on the ears, gentle and reflective. You have mixed that vocal more as a background effect, not sure if that was intended. Everyone so far has wanted more vocal volume, me too . . . no need to hide what sounds so beautiful.
  12. Hey everyone, here's a new one . . . still workin' and mixin' This one was actually inspired by a young kid from my neighbourhood, who actually had some national success here in Canada. Watched one of his videos, and it got me percolating, and the result was this . . . so far:
  13. noynekker

    TD 1

    David Bendeth compressor . . . I recall that from years ago, was it a pro channel add on, or just a regular plugin ? Anyways, I also recall it was very pricey, so didn't bite, you've used it very effectively here !
  14. Great sounding piece, crisp recording, excellent vocals, enjoyed it very much ! . . . thanks for posting here.
  15. Metal masterpiece guys ! Comes complete with glissando synth, totally works here. Also, shout outs for that low growly vocal harmony, not overdone, but so effective. Those are some cool protest lyrics, makes me want to kick something, but I got neighbours, and can only enjoy in the safety of headphones, for now . . . Great stuff.
  16. Truly hypnotic groove Mark . . . this one will be top of my listening list for quite a while ! Really like the separation you got between the left and right guitars, leaving so much room in the middle. The kick may be a bit distracting on headphones, but it seems perfect on smaller speakers, and I think it's essential to be up front as an overall rhythmic drum hook, just like in the original. Myself, I would probably have played with some of the kick accent volumes to take it down a bit in a few places (intro ?), more like Mick. For the vocal chorus harmony "Got me Hypnotized" . . . the original has that little higher note turn in the higher harmony, then goes down a step. On my first listen to your version, something sounded different there, so I had to go listen to the original. Either way, your more laid back version works great, and granted those high notes are female vocals, so you've totally made your version your very own. Most impressive guitar licks and smooth vocals all through this, your brother had a very good idea !
  17. noynekker

    TD 1

    Great piece Wookiee . . . and I'm appreciating the audio recording here as well, how your bass arp has such clarity, without sounding muddy. I imagined how a symphonic orchestra might do this, as the horns suggested this to me. Enjoyed my listen very much !
  18. I had an issue with instant crash on export recently as well. In another thread here, Noel Borthwick suggested turning off "plugin flushing" before export in the preferences. Here's a link to that thread, not saying it will fix your issue . . . but I haven't had an export crash since I disabled this. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/50209-is-it-me-or-a-bug-with-cakewalk-export-audio/
  19. Great job Andy ! I remember this song, you've done a grand version of it . . . just bring those shy vocals up a tad ? Guitar solo is excellent, such fun was had ? This was a classic song back in the day, you've really captured it well ! Thanks for posting it here.
  20. Most enjoyable Sunday night listen, warm and melodic, great sax parts . . . really laid back and well conceived !
  21. noynekker

    New mix In vain

    Hi Ken . . . really liked this one, vocals are great, with that doubled low growl accompaniment, excellently mixed and recorded. The guitar solo caps the whole piece off, though, I found the transition back to verse after it sounded like a sudden engineered volume turn down, instead of a musical transition, just what I heard. I also really like both the intro and the outro, very creative, and unpredictable. Overall a quality piece and well written song !
  22. Hi bitflipper . . . thanks for that. Fxpansion sold BFD3 to InMusic Corp . . . so not sure if they intend to develop or fix issues.
  23. Hey HIBI . . . I am on . . . thanks for the suggestion, I'll try to do the update this weekend.
  24. Hi Will, to simply replace, the only other drum synths I have is the Cakewalk Session Drummer, and some Kontakt sets . . . and they fall well short in capabilities compared to something like BFD3 . . . it's like having intricate control of a fully mic'd real kit, when you don't have room in your tiny studio. I do have FabFilter EQ, Cake Adaptive Limiter, and Craig Anderton KickMaster in the FXbin, and have used those for many years before this Export issue appeared, somewhere around the time they updated the Export module.
  25. @Noel Borthwick . . . Hi Noel, thanks for the tweak . . . I'll surely give that a try, and report back here. Here's a WeTransfer Link with a few recent dumps if you want to have a look: https://we.tl/t-AqW3hX3CIR
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