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Everything posted by noynekker

  1. Hey . . . this got me thinking, what about, in no particular order: Paul McCartney - RAM Blue Rodeo - Tremolo Genesis - Wind and Wuthering Supertramp - Crisis? What Crisis ? Beatles - Abbey Road Led Zeppelin IV Elton John - GoodBye Yellow Brick Road Bruno Mars - 24K Magic Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon Alanis Morisette - Jagged Little Pill Paul Simon - Graceland FleetWood Mac - Rumours . . . oops, that's 12
  2. Very Latest iZotope products installed on my 10 year old computer, and they all work with no issues in the latest Cakewalk by Bandlab . . . iZotope are the best, IMO Cakewalk by Bandlab is usually never listed as "supported" by most major plugin manufacturers, like we don't exist, but it all just works fine.
  3. Hi Lynn . . . very interesting piece, super unpredictable chord changes . . . also noteworthy is that I listened on headphones first, then on speakers . . . I must say I didn't get it on headphones, with all the panning and phased effects, but on my small speakers the piece has more focus and gets much clearer for me, including the lyrics . . . lol, usually it's the other way around. I'm hearing your main chorus lyrically as "Come All The Way" . . . and the "granular love" theme is secondary to that. Lots of depth here, lyrically and musically . . . and was great to hear your new production here on the forum again.
  4. Hey Wookiee . . . some serious undertones to accompany those amazing overtones, reminds me of my dad . . . but all is good in my time and space on this Sunday evening. . . . and thanks for singing what needed to be said, you're quite the philosopher, for a Wookiee . . .
  5. Hi Mark . . . listening to you're latest mix, and just going from my brain and ear memory a few days back . . . did we sacrifice warmth for clarity in this latest mix ? I'm hearing the overall effect of the new mix is EQ'd thinner, and yes those guitar parts and the vocal pronunciation are clearer as a result, but the overall warmth is affected ? I'll have a listen on a few different systems, and get back to you with what I'm hearing here.
  6. Hi John . . . another great piece you've accomplished here . . . your piano accompaniment is always the driving feature, with melodic bass . . . really interesting chord changes in this one. In the middle, that vocal part where you say (the theme) "The Long Run" . . . it has some efx on it, that kind of obscure it, as it pans left to right . . . I get it on my headphones, but on my speaker listen, it's not so clear, maybe more volume there ? . . . but otherwise it all sounds great, and very clearly recorded.
  7. Nigel . . . sounds excellent, evolved, look forward to hearing more of the new "album" . . . your new sound is less thick, less guitar effects, and the vocals are very well sung, and the melody really stands out on this track . . . hey, you're in the video too ! Now that's different.
  8. Hi Larry . . . so glad I stopped by this one, very laid back listen for my Sunday evening . . . really enjoyed the organic nature of this, and effective how you moved between the harmonica and the arp synth solos a few times . . . are you playing a twelve string acoustic guitar ?, at least that's what I'm hearing. (Also, great that you credited Mike @ Creative Sauce . . . he certainly deserves some credit on my stuff as well)
  9. Hey Mark . . . just thoroughly enjoyed listening to this cover track ! I've had some close listens in a few different environments and it really translates well, the kick level is bang on to my ears, now don't you mess with it too much. ? As per usual, some really amazing guitar playing, and you've brought it all out in this one with slides and wahs, electro, acoustic, super vocals as well . . . just jumps out of the speakers, and my neighbors also gave it the thumbs up as I may have cranked it a bit loud this afternoon excellent stuff !
  10. Great first song post here Mike ! A very cool song, with some interesting change ups, unpredictable is always good . . . yes, you could dial in the mix a bit better for presentation, but the passion and performance is all there, no doubt about that. I'm OK with your thick sounding guitar mix, but if you could carve out a bit more space for those amazing vocals, and more some definition in the kick drum and low frequencies, that would really help this piece. There's also a very thick sustained pad instrument that could be tamed a bit to add clarity ?
  11. @Jerry Gerber . . . really enjoyed this Jerry ! . . . brilliant use of arp and synth, phasing efx, theme and answer . . . oh . . . forget the analysis, it's just great music to listen to, you've done something special in this one !
  12. Great sounding piece Jeff ! I listened on my small iLoud speaker and it comes across as a great and balanced piano sound. Never understood trying to get a "good" sound on teeny iPhone speakers, as you mention in your original post . . . maybe not engineered for high transient material like a piano ? One thing I've always used to zero in on high transients is to turn on Cakewalk's Peak Marker (in the meter settings) . . . which seeks out and actually flags the rogue peaks . . . then you can go in and destroy them all as needed, and actually saves some time in finding them. Maybe this will help what you're hearing ?
  13. Cool collaboration guys ! Very much enjoyed this one (and a few others while I was there) . . . "We actually finished this one a couple years ago but forgot about it" LOL, got any other forgotten treasures ? BTW, the pug picture on Soundclick is kinda' clown scary, pug with an attitude, maybe he don't like the hair extension.
  14. John, this is a super rockin' kick butt tune you've recorded here ! Enjoyed it a lot. The song obviously has some history, and this is an excellent contribution to that history. Also, respect for the audio recording here.
  15. Hi quattj . . . have you tried slip editing the ends of the tracks, rather than splitting an deleting ? I've seen quite a few things that cause the extended Midi track endings. The tracks may have sustains on them. If you edit or add new stuff to a track, and bounce to clips, those sustains may return, and also sometimes it's needed to right click a clip and "apply trimming" to shorten the clip back to it's original length (the last Midi note) Also, I get this a lot when freezing midi tracks to audio . . . when I unfreeze them, the clip lengths get extended, so I often have to slip edit them back to the project end . . . I've never seen a workaround for that. Sometimes to create a definite end to a project I will use a combination of ripple edit, and edit-delete special. Lots of things can happen to extend the length of Midi clip, maybe some others will have more ideas, hope this was helpful.
  16. Hey Mark . . . another great piece, and I enjoyed the super cool usage of Acoustic classical vs. Electro ! The opening musical theme on the electric is totally amazing, super catchy, then you turn it in to an up tempo jazzy jam . . . such a great listen :0 Now, I just found myself just wanting more of that opening catchy riff, because you move on to variations of it . . . maybe get back to it somehow, end with it ? Who knows, just a fan, keep on doing it the way you do it !
  17. Hi David . . . I found it a bit of a mind bender, in that good way:) . . . so, did you derive this tune from a ringtone ? . . . like the main theme ? Anyways, very cool, big distortion guitars, boom smack beat, and lots of good melody and general uneasiness all through . . . very good use of semitones to get the feeling across. Yes, very different, enjoyed it very much !
  18. Well done John ! . . . it does unfold a story most effectively, and the detuned piano helps portray a life out of tune. I did find your voice a bit too friendly for this desperado character you introduced, as you tell it from a first person point of view. They haven't made a plugin for that (yet), but maybe early morning vocal recording after lots of whiskey or yelling the night before ? I listened once on headphones, and then on bigger speakers. You might add some low sustained synth bass after the first stanza, and again around 2:44, really helps build tension. Love that big piano chord you strike at :50 sec. . . . let's you know a change is coming. There is so much great work done on those drums, and that really supports the ever changing flow of the composition. I puzzled at the spoken lyric you interjected near the end "(Really. Which is worse?)" . . . unexpected comedy amongst the drama ? . . . maybe it's intended, but certainly takes you outside the story for that moment. Lots of interesting sections, journeys in the storyline, and your piano playing and chords are always interesting to my ear, especially the outro / end part. Great piece John.
  19. Steve, the mix really seems like you're hiding those powerful vocals and lyrics away . . . and I really love the song ! Dip the 200 hz instruments ? Usual great stuff otherwise
  20. noynekker


    Another superb piece here Mark ! Interesting percussion choices, instead of the traditional drum kit . . . I think this works really well, as it totally stays out of the low mid range where all the interesting guitar polyphony is happening. The percussion has a kind of water droplet sound that I didn't hear in the first version of the mix, and bringing up the volume of the electric guitar worked well, now it's more featured melody wise. The electric squeal thing around 2:40 is exquisite. High end guitar tech, and high end creative playing . . . always like to tune in here to hear what you're up to next . . . Regards, Bruce
  21. David . . . nice bit of synth bass bop, particularly liking that cat splat synth at the end . . . yes, that's where my stocks went as well . . .
  22. Nice one Jesse, you've done something interesting here with the vocals and the melody that catches my ear, and some sonically interesting effects along the way . . . perhaps you could have expanded the song format a bit longer, but you may be on to the next one already. I'm not sure how to interpret the lyric . . . dark, or optimistic, so maybe that's the thing I like about it.
  23. Hi Lee . . . another good one, yes, those lyrics really hit home . . . and lyrically could be written anywhere in the last 5 decades, same news reports over and over. It's a very thick mix, but you've got the message and those great vocals very clear throughout. Always like your stuff posted here !
  24. Wookiee thread with vocals ! . . . now, I just had to click on that. Nice mix, super clarity, and you sing pretty good for a wookiee . . . singing through your paws I think, this track totally works for me, like the melody, the piano thing, and your backup singers are awesome. Just think the drums could have rocked or swang a bit more ?
  25. Jerry . . . do you have a startup template for every project that has some things preloaded ? . . . ie. what happens if you start a brand new blank project, from the Normal template, type in a few midi notes, and close Cakewalk right away, does it still do it ? You could also do the same test, and record a bit of audio. (if you even use audio) Just to narrow down the causes. Or, does this only happen on your larger projects ?
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