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Everything posted by noynekker

  1. Hey all you Cakewalkers . . . here's another collaboration I've done with Mark Alan Skinner. I had this strumming acoustic guitar piece in my studio for a while , and just couldn't take it much further. Was trying to record a sampled mandolin part, which wasn't working right . . . so I sent a mix to Mark, who can actually play a mandolin ! Well, a few weeks go by and Mark recorded an acoustic guitar, a mandolin, and an upright bass . . . yeah, that's me singing and strum whacking acoustic guitar in the background. What can I say, the piece was transformed. Let us know what you think, and how the mix translates . . .
  2. noynekker


    Nicely chilled on my Saturday night @subvibe you've got some great production skills here, captured my interest all the way through, well written !
  3. noynekker


    Super upbeat song ! "Fostex" , now that's a long time ago, this sounds really good, and well mixed. Vocals are outstanding.
  4. John and Kluane . . . what a great song ! . . . especially loved the main electric guitar riff that occurs throughout this piece, and the lyric . . . and what a great backstory John, in how you created this, wish I had a mentor like you when I was 14 ! . . . very well done, and much enjoyed.
  5. Cool and stylish . . . and very well played ! (Alternating Current with the Kayak paddles, very nice) I think I want to hear more volume from that rhodes electric piano sound, especially in the intro part ? . . . always enjoy your stuff, and haven't heard you take that soprano sax out of the case much, what a great sound you've recorded.
  6. noynekker

    Here We Are

    Hey Andy . . . I think this is well composed, and enjoyed it very much ! Many comments above say "nice", but I'm hearing some great potential, even if this may be more of a demo idea mix, the song stands strong on it's own, and if you ever decided to record those harmony vocals in a different way this could be awesome. There are some Melodyne or Cakewalk tricks you could also use to get a more "natural" sound, like adding random deviations of pitch, timing etc . . . I actually really like the lyrics and main vocal melody + piano here very much !
  7. Hi Gary . . . late to the party, but what a party it is . . . the song and the mix are excellent, I think the best sounding mix I've heard here in a while, and what a great band in Hobo Train you have to work with, just amazing . . .
  8. Well done @subvibe . . . very enjoyable piece of the modern pop sound, and you've got a great mix with that low kick pumping perfectly on my headphones.
  9. noynekker

    Chicken Pot Pie

    Well played . . . and very catchy, many toes were tapping in my household, and even the cat woke up and looked around ! We were watching the pie, watching and waiting for something to happen . . . maybe make some pieces disappear to keep the video interesting ? Musically, it's all there . . . super smooth groove laid down, great sax work . . . good mix as well, and you've captured the saxes in the mid range very effectively.
  10. Am I the only one who misses Cake Alex S ?
  11. Nicely done Jack . . . great pop song, nice chord progression, vocals and melody really different for your usual here, much enjoyed, sensitive this one.
  12. Well crafted Mark, and very creative . . . like you made your own au naturale finger drum kit ? Sounds just perfect blended with acoustic instruments. The feel of this is bang on all the way through . . . high fidelity, soothes my ears after a long rough day in my studio. Bruce
  13. noynekker

    Computer Age

    @KSband @jack c. @mark skinner @Bajan Blue @Lynn Wilson @garybrun @treesha Thanks so much everyone, for your listening and positive comments ! . . . really helps to know, since I wasn't too sure about the mix or arrangement on this one . . . usual tunnel vision I guess. (tunnel brain, tunnel ears) I remixed different versions of more bass and less bass, still might tweak it a bit . . . just wanted to get it posted before the year was over.
  14. Like this tune very much ! You've got a great sense of melody, smooth vocals, and a solid rhythm track . . . the piano part that drives it is very cool, is that some kind of felt piano sound, or did you just mix it like that ? . . . really enjoyed this one, and echo others here . . . let's hear some more !
  15. I'm personally worried about the fact that the new branding announcement was 6 months ago . . . in DAW years that's a few millennium. . . . we've had 6 months more of free . . . just roll with it . . . the meter doesn't start clicking down until the new branding is actually in place, I'm thinkin' . . .
  16. The problem with resolution is that it has to have some focus.
  17. hey jack . . . very thought provoking lyric, driven with an interesting combination of rhythm and dissonance . . . thanks for posting...
  18. I think I get what you're saying . . . I believe the freeze feature will always freeze the entire track, with the intention to unload the soft synth and free up some CPU / Latency. Maybe you just want to convert some sections to audio, to mess with them further ? Not sure what you're trying to do. If you want to freeze just a section / region, you will have to get creative and probably duplicate the track, make separate clips, mute some clips, and freeze the duplicated track sections.
  19. Nigel . . . such a great and inspiring production. The vocals really stand out for me in this one, and I really appreciate that catchy chorus, especially the way you panned the many harmony vocals there to get that very big wide sound . . . it's a very well controlled mix with so much going on, "controlled" in that everything remains quite clear and separately defined . . . video is also excellent in the way it supports (and enhances) the song idea, well done ! (well done ! well done ! well done !) I'm just adding to the echo of well done's in this thread Bruce
  20. noynekker


    Hey Treesha . . . really thought this was sonically and lyrically fabulous all the way through ! Musically, there is this interesting pulsating feel as it evolves, and a lot of interesting textures and sounds you've presented along the way. The last part lyrics really jumped out for me, excellent way to wrap up the theme . . . very well conceived I think . . . "I’m too fragile like a ghost on a cloud, I’m too fragile icicle in the sun, No port in the storm, I’m too fragile a whisper in the wind" . . . most impressive ! Bruce
  21. noynekker

    Computer Age

    Hey everyone . . . in future Sonarland !, here's a new idea I've been fiddling with over the last few weeks . . . also, in about 6 hours, I will toast to a very happy and prosperously creative 2024 New Year to everyone here !
  22. Excellent Jerry, always a great listen ! Modern day Mahler kind of thing, the way it moves through so many scenes and moods, and you make use of the whole orchestra. Great composition, thanks for posting it here.
  23. Hi Lynn . . . totally unique is what you have going here, and your vocal melody has a good flow in this one, enjoyed my listen very much !
  24. Hey bats brew ! . . . very much enjoyed this one . . . influence wise I'm hearing more like Kansas, or even Styx . . . but I date myself, lol . . . I think this is the trickiest genre to mix . . . getting that round analog sound for rock and roll in a digital world, and I think you've done a great job. Top shelf guitar work as always ! . . . and I listen with great appreciation to the hard and detailed work that went into this one.
  25. God Jul to you Gary ! . . . great to hear this crooner classic again this year from you, thanks for posting it. Bruce
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