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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. I think you're right, so wondering why my product page only lists X1c. Any rate I had to reset my Chrome settings to download X1d after a fresh Windows 10 install. They sure made that a lot easier to do. Otherwise you have to remove the "s" from https to get links to work. Not wise. Not sure if my product page downloads include the patches so I downloaded all I could find from the Knowledge Base entries.
  2. Or are the store downloads equivalent to the latest updates making them unnecessary?
  3. What was the latest patch for X1? My store includes X1c patch but there's a Sonar X1d Update page and I've seen reference to X1e somewhere. If d & e exist, where can I get them? Just like my copy to be the latest. Thanks! Update: From the Knowledge Base site. Set your browser to allow insecure content to download.
  4. Resource Monitor revealed Dell.TechHub.Instrumentation.SubAgent.exe was to blame. Removed and all is fine. Thanks for all the suggestions.
  5. Nothing stood out when I checked last but am keeping an eye on it. Airplane is always on when not online.
  6. Fixed by moving folders where they belong. Programs = C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\Programs Multisamples = C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\Multisamples Dimension Browser list can be refreshed by hitting F5 if folders are moved manually.
  7. For some reason some of my downloaded Expansion Pack installers are mixing things up. Some don't show up in the Dimension Browser while others do but also list the sample in a separate folder. <this because the sfz folder is inside the Program folder or installed next to it. Normally they are put in separate locations. I've used these installers many times before but never encountered this. Trying to sort it out.
  8. Pretty much. Didn't see this particular one as there's a slough of 'em now. I never used that service before this. I ran the online tests and diagnostics and installed a bunch of drivers and latest BIOS. I've removed the "DELL Tool" to see what happens next. Also ran the basic Pre Boot test but may go back and run the longer ones overnight. HWiNFO64 seems to be holding it's own ATM as I can't afford a freezup during a DAW session. Can't figure out how to have it running on boot up so I have to invoke it's power each time. It opens with Windows but the Fan Control has to be opened by me it seems.
  9. This model is known for running hot so it's peculiar at least that it's one of a few that has no heating/fan monitor app as most Dells and some other Alienwares do. Thanks for all the tips, I've gone thru all of them and more... and even wonder if one of them may be to blame. Sometimes leaving well enough alone is best. But this is the worst thing to happen in 8 years. I've got a pile of older HP laptops that ran fine and still would if the batteries could be replaced. The HWiNFO64 bandage certainly cools things down a bit more but the issue of fans kicking into hi gear still remains, so more work to do.
  10. Geez, forgot about that... updated OP. No way to see or adjust fans on this model. Not even their own command center utility will do it. So I spent hours looking for a fan utility that would. Most do not but I finally found HWiNFO that not only monitors but lets me control them. We'll see if my settings work. Of course this is only a bandage. There's still something wrong that needs diagnosed. Probably an 8 yr old MoBo on it's way out. One online Dell Troubleshooter hardware test that failed was PCI-Bus, but no explanation as to what failed.
  11. Dell Alienware 17 r3 (2016) laptop. After reformatting the SSD and a fresh install of Windows 10. Now every so often the fan kicks on for a couple of seconds at high speed bringing everything to a complete stop while doing so. This is not normal and not related to any power plan. I've searched the web for answers but nothing conclusive. Any ideas? EDIT: For some reason the CPU fan isn't running when it should until things get really hot. BIOS diagnostic hardware scans pass so it may be dust.
  12. Thanks. Guess the short answer to the OP is No so I'll keep it installed.
  13. Is there a way to uninstall older Sonar program without removing the plugins? This mainly affects Sonar X1 Producer as X1 had to be installed to install the Expanded version that includes ProChannel and other stuff.
  14. All true. I've closed them before and after the time limit. Arturia has been offering a list of solutions to try but none of them have worked so far. It's like they're telling the DAW to close when they're closed. However, it generates a crash dump which I gave Arturia but they haven't reported on it yet. Will have to ask them about it. Cakewalk also generates one so I may pass that on to tech support. They don't crash Mixcraft unless I try to replace one for the other. Side point. Lately I've had no success getting other DAWs to work on my laptops. They always have issues with my interface or other system stuff so I can't even try them out. Makes no sense.
  15. I have no issues with the synths until I go to close their GUI with "[X]" or try to close the project. This is when they crash CbB. These are DEMOs if that matters and Standalones work fine. I'm leaving it as is for now since I found a workable workaround. My Alienware laptop specs are about the same as yours or better.
  16. Plugin Manager is a separate program so it will retain them until a new scan is done. Scan behavior is adjusted in Preferences > File > VST Settings
  17. Loaded CZ-V in Mixcraft on Windows 10 and closed the synth window without incident. Then I tried to replace the CZ-V with SQ80-V and it crashed Mixcraft closing it instantly. So something's going on under the hood.
  18. Good idea. My graphics are the same as yours David. My troubles are on Windows 10. The only workaround so far is to leave them open in Multidock or minimize the windows when not in use. Strangely SQ80 v1.5 worked fine on Windows 11 until I updated it to v1.6. Now CbB won't even scan it. I've abandoned the Windows 11 machine for DAW use but will check if going back to v1.5 fixes that issue.
  19. Arturia's CZ V and SQ80 V plugins are crashing/closing CbB when their GUI windows are closed. Currently getting help from Arturia but so far nothing has worked to fix it. Tried un/reinstalling removing all registry entries. Running installers and standalone as Administrator. Refreshing the data caches. Windows 10 22H2, CbB 2023.09 Anyone else have trouble with Arturia?
  20. Makes sense. But I did. I'm an idiot! Project tempo is 170 bpm. Clip is a 4 beat ride cymbal struck every 1/2 beat - that's why it shrank 1/2 size. When tempo is set to 85 bpm, G-CL maintains length as it should. So 100% my fault. For some reason I thought G-CL honored a clip's length regardless of content. As you were...
  21. Seems like a long standing issue from Sonar days, so probably never figure it out.
  22. Just started using Groove-Clip Looping and ran into this clip shrinking "bug" today. It shrinks to half the length when Groove-clipping it, so... 1) Slip-stretch clip 200% 2) Create groove clip loop, which shrinks it back to original size 3) Slip-stretch clip to desired length 4) Bounce to clips and hope there's little quality degradation Tried the Loop Construction suggestions but found it to be quite buggy as well.
  23. This works for single non-stacked notes but not when notes are stacked vertically at the same time stamp. What I get: c3 1-120 2-120 3-120 4-120 b2 1-100 2-100 3-100 4-100 What I want: c3 1-120 2-100 3-120 4-100 b2 1-120 2-100 3-120 4-100 What line can I add to affect this outcome? Or will I need to process the lines separately?
  24. This was my next option but a CAL script would be easier after the fact.
  25. I was sure one could be written but wanted to know if one already existed. If not, I would have asked how to make one, tho I have no clue how to read/write CAL. Also seems like one of the MFX should do this but apparently not. FWIW, I have a huge collection of CAL from Mudgel and others, but some don't work right or at all.
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