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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. Watched the ball drop in NY and the acorn drop in Raleigh. Had some sparkling grape juice with the room mate at midnight. New Year's Day (say, didn't somebody in Cakeland write a song called that?) had the traditional Southern meal of collard greens and black-eyed peas along with steak. Had the becan with breakfast.
  2. Did you download their latest drivers? What version of Cakewalk? What is your operating system?
  3. They told me if a tornado was coming, to get everyone in the tub with some protection.
  4. 57Gregy


    It is some type of pie.
  5. Jeez. How about a spoiler alert, Bit? ?
  6. On 'Live PD' last week, a man had a bunch of music equipment stolen from his garage. He reported it to the police and pawn shops and music stores. Someone from GC called him and said someone was trying to sell one of his amps. They gave the man the thief's name. He looked up that person, went to his house, called the cops. Cops arrested the thief and helped the man load up his stuff.
  7. I think I hear Bill playing Voodoo Child in the background.
  8. "Pop music is rubbish so is folk and country i do not know why those styles of music exist total rubbish if you ask me! " Just for clarification, Dave didn't write that, he quoted it.
  9. Retired, for now. I'll probably have to go into semi-retirement next year.
  10. In the past, I used an etcher to scribe my name and other ID info into metal parts of the item. I put it in visible areas and hidden areas.
  11. I think I scared the OP off with my RTFM comment. I put a smiley there. I seemed like he/she didn't have an understanding of how MIDI works.
  12. Get down, get back up! Dancing is a skill not valued among my people.
  13. Tried that. They said I was too old.
  14. Over a week now, and I haven't gotten bored, yet. Catching up on my sleep, basically relaxing. I'm amazed how much better my knees and ankles feel now that I'm not standing and/or walking all day. And getting regular again. ? Changing schedules and changing meal times wreak havoc with my digestion. TMI?
  15. Seems like Noel told us where to find them and add more, I suppose you could also delete them.
  16. Search John Melas MX Total Librarian v2.5.0. That's where I got mine.
  17. Okay. Is the keyboard connected to speakers? Do you have channel and patch (instrument sound) assignments in the MIDI track? You would probably want to use "General MIDI" for now. Or, go to 'Insert' at the top and select Soft Synth>TTS-1 and set the MIDI track's output to TTS-1. Make sure you have chosen a channel and patch in the MIDI track. Set the output of TTS-1 to your Behringer, or a bus that has it's output set to the Behringer. On the mic and bass, you will want to select either L or R for their inputs since they are not stereo instruments. I'm out. Bed time. More info will follow tomorrow, I'm sure. Some RTFM may be in order. ? It's not hard, so you should be going in no time. Good luck!
  18. The first one is a drum machine or kit, or a drum map. The second one would be whatever keyboard or sound module is connected to the Behringer's MIDI ports. Is there one?
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