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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. My cousins Ryan and Atom Parks' band, Hologram Hug. Kinda trippy.
  2. Coincidentally, my brother the programmer has one of these keyboards and is willing to let it go.
  3. As a work around, add an empty MIDI track above it.
  4. Bass players. Whatya gonna do?
  5. Also check if the soft synth you're using has "Enable MIDI Output" selected in its insert menu.
  6. So, if it was wearing clothes, would that be alien wear?
  7. May the fourth be with you.
  8. Surely, S.L.I.P., there must be more than 20.
  9. I make sure the audio track inputs are set to 'none' until I want to record audio.
  10. Welcome to the forum. These are some very basic MIDI functions. Each MIDI track must use a different channel number when playing through your keyboard. Maximize each track to see all the MIDI assignments you can select, such as channel, bank and patch (instrument sound). Maybe go to https://bandlab.github.io/cakewalk/docs/Cakewalk Reference Guide.pdf for some detailed information.
  11. It is in a TTS-1 soft synth audio track. Insert a new audio track, click it and then import the .wav file, or drag the file to the new audio track from the browser.
  12. The company (Cakewalk) that created that went out of business over a year ago. People who already had an account with them before they shut down should be able to get it, but no new accounts can be created. The new company is Cakewalk by Bandlab.
  13. "Add" how? Recording it, or importing it? If it is imported, perhaps it already has a volume envelope in it.
  14. I don't see whether your box is 32- or 64-bit. Cakewalk by Bandlab is 64-bit only.
  15. I used to do a killer version of "Sandman". Or maybe they just fell asleep.
  16. There was a story on NPR a long time ago. The female correspondent related the experience of her dog getting addicted to some type of frog which oozed a hallucinogenic substance. It was hilarious.
  17. Uh huh. A "neighbor". I used to have a "neighbor" like that, too.
  18. Darn squirrels. First they eat the bird food, now they're digging up and eating the vegetables I planted! Well, vegetable. My land lady won't let me shoot them.
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