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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. When inserting the 8 measures, insert it a few clicks beyond the measure boundary, i.e. after the tempo change. Or, move the tempo change a few ticks before the refrain.
  2. The (old) PC my brother the programmer gave me only had 4:3 aspect ratio, which looked ridiculous on these wide TVs. So I bought an G-Force video card for it. That allows for up to 3 monitors, but 2 are enough. I did have 3 connected just to see how it worked (well) but I have no space for 3 at this time.
  3. I use 2 Vizio TVs, one is 32" and the other 29", side-by-side. I really need to do some reconfiguring of my desk top (the top of my desk, not a PC). Currently, my speakers are behind the TVs. Not optimal. But I can't hear, anyway.
  4. Thanks. I forgot one noise maker. The Wake County Speedway is about 1 mile away, and while the Friday night races have been covided (a new word coined today, by me {I think}), they still practice during the day.
  5. I'm having difficulty recording audio with my mic. I live in a trailer park. I don't get much through traffic since I'm at the end of a dead-end street, but cars can still be heard. On one side of the park is a landfill; on the other is new housing construction. Graders, saws, hammering, backhoes, cement mixers, bulldozers all making noise pretty much from 7 until sundown. Then there are the animals. Crows and other birds. There is an owl who (?) seems to like the tree right outside my window and never passes up an opportunity to vocalize. Question: How many feet of sound-proofing will I need?
  6. The Tubes: Don't Touch Me There". https://www.bing.com/videos/search?view=detail&mid=DA70781801DECF004D77DA70781801DECF004D77&shtp=GetUrl&shid=f10d88d6-f75a-4955-89d1-bd21be7e8455&shtk=VGhlIFR1YmVzIC0gRG9uJ3QgVG91Y2ggTWUgVGhlcmUgLSA4LzI0LzE5NzkgLSBPYWtsYW5kIEF1ZGl0b3JpdW0gKE9mZmljaWFsKQ%3D%3D&shdk=VGhlIFR1YmVzIC0gRG9uJ3QgVG91Y2ggTWUgVGhlcmUgUmVjb3JkZWQgTGl2ZTogOC8yNC8xOTc5IC0gT2FrbGFuZCBBdWRpdG9yaXVtIC0gT2FrbGFuZCwgQ0EgTW9yZSBUaGUgVHViZXMgYXQgTXVzaWMgVmF1bHQ6IGh0dHA6Ly93d3cubXVzaWN2YXVsdC5jb20gU3Vic2NyaWJlIHRvIE11c2ljIFZhdWx0IG9uIFlvdVR1YmU6IGh0dHA6Ly9nb28uZ2wvRFV6cFVGIFBlcnNvbm5lbDogUmljayBBbmRlcnNvbiAtIGJhc3MgTWljaGFlbCBDb3R0ZW4gLSBzeW50aGVzaXplcnMgUHJhaXJpZSBQcmluY2UgLSBkcnVtcyBNaW5nbyBMZXdpcy0gZHJ1bXMgYW5kIHBlcmN1c3Npb24gQmlsbCBTcG9vbmVyIC4uLg%3D%3D&shhk=x4U8z8cyR3wU8l3YFVfkvy56bCgFZ8pZ%2FWBow3UVaj8%3D&form=VDSHOT&shth=OSH.W7O%2BYcD6YktwHUAUxRP%2BYA
  7. Being retired and hunkering down isn't a whole lot different than being retired.
  8. Humans and apes evolved from the same animals, not one from another.
  9. My brother the programmer has an old Korg synth he's hardly used. He would like to get rid of it, and an M-Audio controller (also lightly used). craigb, what model was it? I forgot which one it is and you wrote that you once had one, even posted pics.
  10. Maybe we could swap a project or two. That way we wouldn't be not finishing our own projects, but someone else's.
  11. Went to Walmart yesterday. It was as if everyone was preparing for simultaneous hurricane and blizzard, and/or the zombie apocalypse. In the credits for a recently-viewed movie: "Pro Tools Recordist". It might have been "Yesterday", a fantasy about guy who wakes up in a world without the Beatles. He remembers them and goes on to become famous playing their songs. I Am thinking about starting a new unfinished song. Wish me luck. With the song, not the zombie apocalypse. Everyone knows that won't be until 2027.
  12. I don't know, but hitting Ctrl>S early and often protects me from myself. Or Save As with a new name when you've made many changes.
  13. I admit to not knowing anything about MOTUs, but with all the interfaces I have used, none had mono outputs. I suppose there could have been a setting in their software to switch between mono and stereo, but I never looked. Are you sure that these aren't stereo outputs being summed to a higher dB than your master bus is showing?
  14. I have heard of others having this problem and the answer I've read is, call the FCC.
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