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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. And you don't necessarily have to re-record the entire track; just use Punch-in recording.
  2. So, I can stop trying to write songs, now?
  3. If you right-click the clip and select Properties, you can see the exact time the clip starts. Write that down. After editing, import it to the same place using the time value you wrote down.
  4. So, you can get a trim while at the game? ?
  5. That's what I did. I was at the beach with a new laptop. I didn't have my old SONAR disks with me. I downloaded CbB to play around with, but when I returned home, I uninstalled it then loaded the SOANR disks and re-downloaded CbB.
  6. I have done this with the MFX arp in a MIDI track. I applied trim to the track. Or was it bounce to track(S)? It was a long time ago. ?
  7. Sorry. I didn't know you wanted to know how to do it, just if you could. That's exactly how to do it, making sure the keyboard's output is connected to the interface's input and that Input Echo is off or you might get feedback.
  8. It sounds like you have "Create MIDI Source Track" enabled in the insert options. If you already have a MIDI track, you can disable this setting and route your MIDI to the soft synth you inserted without it creating a redundant track.
  9. If you want to use the sounds that the M50 makes, then yes, you have to record its audio output.
  10. I read that the Chinese ideogram for trouble is two women under one roof.
  11. On MIDI tracks, ensure they are all using different channels. If there is any audio in the song, that may be why they tempo won't change. There are things that have to be done to audio (stretching, etc.) that might prevent the whole project from changing tempo. Sorry about your mother.
  12. Here in Raleigh, the GC and Sam Ash are right across the street from each other. I usually go to GC because it's on the 'right' side of the street. I've been going there for years, though. On the old forum I related this story, but I've never been afraid of repeating myself: I was looking to get a Stratocaster and GC had a nice-looking grey and black model for $399 in their flyer. Made in Japan with 3 single-coils. They didn't have one in stock and I was debating whether to order one online and spied a beautiful red Strat on the wall. Made in Mexico, with 2 singles and a humbucker. Played good, too. It was $499. Talked to the sales dude about my dilemma. He asked for my email, then sent me a $100 off coupon. He logged off and had me log in and get the email and coupon. Wala, a better guitar (maybe) for the same price. Bayoubill tells me his nephew works there.
  13. WASAPI is a newer driver from Microsoft. You said your computer is newer, then you should have it already. It should work better that WDM/KS . You also need to have an input set in the MIDI track. Presumably, you're using a USB cable to transmit the MIDI data to the computer. You need to download drivers for your keyboard to use USB. If the Input of your MIDI track has no options, you need the drivers and for Windows to recognize the drivers. What keyboard are you using?
  14. I believe the cursor must be in the 'right' place for certain editing functions. Expand the track and then move the cursor along the end of the clip until you get the desired cursor. Eventually, it will become second nature.
  15. I would check for any tracks you might have hidden and forgot about. That audio may be there. Next, if the original audio track the guitar was in is still in the project, I would set it's output to 'None' or mute the track. You must be using some soft synths if you want an audio mixdown. Set those synth outputs to a bus (Master) and select Buses for the Source and Master (or whatever you named the bus) making sure the errant audio track isn't also set to that bus. Good luck!
  16. Or, select all the clips you want panned and drag them to another track, do the panning there.
  17. Also check that the missing but audible notes didn't get pasted into a different track.
  18. A day without becan is like a day without coffee.
  19. When I retired 2 months ago, one thing I anticipated was having time to do some recording. I have hardly touched my DAW, or a guitar since then. No inspiration, except time.
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