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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. What do you call a beatnik who lives by the river? A hippiepotamus!
  2. I don't know anything about the AL, but is your project starting at measure 1?
  3. Sounds like 1 clip is over the other. Try dragging the right-hand side of the clip you see to the left to see if there is another clip underneath it.
  4. He lived not far from you. Mesh; Daytona Beach. His ashes are going to be spread into the ocean by the Coast Guard, today or tomorrow. I should have added "world traveler" in my OP. He had lived in many different places in his life. He was also a music lover, and one of his last novels included a CD with melodies he wrote and recorded, to be played when the book prompted you. They are just simple melodies, and I would have liked to flesh them out a little more. I guess it's too late to ask him now.
  5. My friend Tim Brannan died this morning of multiple cancers. He was 75. He was a raconteur, author and scholar. He had several degrees from North Carolina State University and Florida State University. He was a lawyer and a politician, a connoisseur of coffee and cannabis. He was awarded the Bronze Star for bravery in the face of the enemy during the Viet-Nam War. He became a passionate advocate for veteran's rights, especially those suffering from Agent Orange exposure, as he was suffering, possibly the ultimate cause of his death. He was a cool guy, and my landlady/room mate's brother.
  6. How does a project in SONAR (with all the functions working for the Impulse) work when opened in CbB?
  7. There are bass players here? Are they late?
  8. How to tell if there are sharks in the water: Taste the water. Is it salty? If yes, there are sharks.
  9. I am completely lost in this fred, so FREEBIRD!
  10. What you're looking for is an Instrument Definition for the Yamaha. A search of the internet may return a positive result. It's also possible to make your own, and I believe there are directions on how to do that in the Cakewalk literature. I've never done one, but I understand it is time-consuming. The Yamaha should have a General MIDI sound bank, and if your tracks are each using different channels and patches, you should be able to playback what you recorded with the correct patch (sound).
  11. Dave, I didn't know you played bass.
  12. Are you using Punch-in recording? If yes, move the record start time earlier. If no, try it. You can play along with the song without it recording and then it will begin recording at a point you specify; maybe a few beats before the actual solo. Until someone can come up with a cause and solution, this will keep you on track. ?
  13. I have never used the 'eject' option and everything seems to work correctly. I will turn the computer off, then disconnect the drive.
  14. Right. You need a different track and channel for every TTS-1 channel you want to use. Make sure to turn off the inputs of the tracks you're not recording into.
  15. In TTS-1, are you selecting the channels and patches in the track pane? Not in the TTS-1 GUI.
  16. How do you keep the sand out of your keyboard?
  17. So, what are their velocities? In the cymbal MIDI track's Piano Roll View with velocities enabled, look for a velocity that is the volume you want, then raise the velocities of the other cymbal hits.
  18. From one Greg to another, read up on punch-in recording. You can start playback from anywhere and play along with it, then it will begin recording at the time you set it to start recording; no need to place the Now Time where you want to begin the new take.
  19. Huh. I just looked up "score" in my dictionary (I have several; remember them? ?) and the term "score" for a musical composition is, ironically, from Old Norse, "skor". Edit: Added smiley so I won't seem too smart-alecky. Also, can some of you English folk let me know if it is, indeed, ironic?
  20. When looking for lute, try the renaissance fair.
  21. I'm so sorry to hear that, Ken.
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