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Jacques Boileau

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Everything posted by Jacques Boileau

  1. Do you consider IK's Comprexxor or TDR's Kotelnikov in the same league?
  2. I got TDR Koletnikov and SlickEQ mastering for $9.99 each and SSL FlexVerb! Not a whole lot, but after getting all the stuff from IK's group buy, I have so much stuff to play with already.
  3. Lucky you! I am still waiting to get my hands on a PS5! Nowhere to be found here in Canada...
  4. After a few Unauthorized/Authorize and restore my purchases cycles it finally worked!
  5. Tried these step, but still no joy unfortunately. Time is a great healer, I'll let some of it pass before trying again... Being a guitar player, I am in no hurry to get this working.
  6. Yep, just wasted an hour and a half trying to get SyntroniK 2 CS to work without success. Still asking for authorization that I can't give. Giving up, not worth it!
  7. Me too, can't get this to work with the old synths...
  8. What a way to celebrate your 25th! ?
  9. You didn't mention what drive these machines have. Although, I would also expect your desktop to be faster, if your laptop has an SSD and not your desktop, that could make a difference. I mention this because some of the task you are comparing, freeze track, export, are drive intensive operation.
  10. The other way to look at it is that it was the other plugins you bought previously that you did not need and unfortunately that money is gone. These are the ones that you actually need, so go and get them! ? BTW, if anyone is thinking of buying both, I suggest you buy them separately: one now to get the free Melda plugin one in a couple of days to get the next free plugin at AudioDeluxe and use the 0.99 DeluxeBucks you get from the first purchase The current free Melda plugin ends nov 23, I suspect a new one will be available then.
  11. No retroactivity unfortunately. You must register the freebie in the months it is available. After that it is not available anymore, even if you are an owner of an interface. It use to be a monthly thing, but now its bimonthly or longer.
  12. ... and OrilRiver! https://www.kvraudio.com/product/orilriver-by-denis-tihanov
  13. One important lesson in life: Concentrate on those that appreciate you, the others are not worth your time! I just made that up, but feels its appropriate! ?
  14. Of course your not a god! Who would ever think that! On second thought... ?
  15. I found a small bug with the export. It seems some clips do not get exported. The clip in question for me, is a clip that has been stretched. For example, I have a track that has two clips. It was a single clip that I split in two. The last portion was stretched because it was too short. When I export, I can hear clearly the first portion of the track, the first clip, but the last portion, the second clip, is not heard at all. The sound of the track stops abruptly at the split in the exported file. If you can't reproduce this easily, which I think you should, I can make my project available. Edit: I checked with the new update and it is reproducible with it too.
  16. If it is slughish, it might be because of some of the TV's settings. Make sure all video enhancements are turned off. Things like 'true motion', 'noise reduction', etc are all off. This probably be already done if you choose the game picture mode, but double check. Also one important setting to select, if it is available for your picture mode, is 'just scan'. This one should be on so that the picture is not choped off all around.
  17. Wow! Very interesting. From what I gather the 710 is not much higher in power than the Intel HD 4600. This means that the internal Intel is some kind of bottleneck. A similar powered graphic card removes that bottleneck and frees the CPU for audio. Nice!
  18. Even the original AutoGain is still available. They all have a different degree of functionnality, but also a different degree of complexity.
  19. The more I watch Mike's video, the more I realize the little I know! ? Great stuff indeed!
  20. Hey @Peter - IK Multimedia, thanks for all your help during this group buy. Mucho appreciated!
  21. I just took all the remaining freebies I had left! Extraordinary group buy! Thanks IK! So long, and thanks for all the fish plugins!
  22. We've hit 30,000! ? Happy 30th in advance to IK! Wouhou!
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