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Jacques Boileau

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Everything posted by Jacques Boileau

  1. Do I understand correctly: since I have the full Syntronik 1, I only need a subset of the synths to have everything in Syntronik 2?
  2. Just to be nice to the guy who is having the promotion, why not give a like to his video! ? It is also a good educational video!
  3. Hi Bulent, I redid my steps (reinstalled the old version) to make sure I give you the right information. It is the SynthMaster 2.9 Player. I got it from Computer Music, although I don't see a CM in the title of the app the setup file is called 'SynthMaster29PlayerSetupCM.exe'. I reinstalled it and after starting the stand alone player I was asked if I wanted to enable the weekly update check and responded yes. Then, when I restarted the stand alone player, I got this message: I clicked yes and it downloaded the update. I ran it and it installed correctly, but then the app won't start anymore. If you think this matters and want my help testing it, I will be glad to help. Otherwise, don't spend too much time on this.
  4. So, just to make sure, are you saying you don't like it? ?
  5. I don't think it is in the CM instrument suite anymore. Probably an old outdated version. But the point is that when I launched it, it asked me if I wanted to update (or maybe I clicked 'check for update', I don't remember). But clicking yes to update and install the update killed it. If the versions are incompatible it shouldn't asked me to update.
  6. I only have the CM version, so can only say it trashes the CM version. I have no experience with the standard version. The CM version does ask you if you want to upgrade, but fails to upgrade it properly. Maybe KVR forget about that scaled down version in their upgrade.
  7. Does not work when updating SynthMasterCM. Nothing works anymore after the update. Standalone does not even launch. Never used it, so I'll check if uninstall works well! ?
  8. You are really, really good at keeping secrets Larry! ?
  9. And there others, 3 or 4, that have poped up on other channels, that have the same message. But it does seem like a great product. Kinda swiss army knife with even more blades added!
  10. Hum, it seems ownership is 9/10 of the fun here! ?
  11. Hopefully this is not the only group buy. It is just Syntronik, nothing else for now.
  12. I just finished this free series from Izotope. I really enjoyed it and it was as much fun to watch as it was educational. The other seasons where also very good, but this one is the best yet. It is the first time that there was a guest in addition to the excellent Jonathan Wyner. The guest is a mix engineer and Berklee professor: Enrique Gonzalez Müller. He is simply excellent and holds your attention throughout the series, very entertaining while he teaches. He has a great take on what mixing is. He focuses on: 'what do you want of achieve?' One of the best course of this kind I have had a chance to see. It beats many courses paid or free. Enjoy! Are you Listening Season 4 Previous seasons, although also interesting are not a prerequisite to watch this one. You can jump right in.
  13. Larry, Larry, Larry, you should be aware of this forum's proper etiquette! There is no link! ?
  14. One of the few I don't already have from TDR. Great! Has Nova GE ever been discounted this much?
  15. Dang, I guess its plugin companies merger season! ?
  16. @Craig Anderton I listened to your video of the clav patch above. Easy to hear and HUGE difference with the different sample rates! Quite an eye ear opener video. Thanks!
  17. I love thread like these where I learn stuff that elude me before. Thanks guys!
  18. @Craig Anderton Is there a simple recipe to create this distortion somehow? The point being, if I don't know how to recognize it, it makes oversampling more of a guessing game. Not a good thing. But yeah, I hear over 5k... err I mean my friend of course! ?
  19. Amp sims are like guitars. You need exactly: Amp sims needed = Amp sims you got + 1
  20. Asking for a friend of a friend of a friend etc.: if your earing does not reach very high anymore, be it because of age and/or abuse, will you ear the difference and could you need oversampling even if you can't ear the difference yourself?
  21. Almost forgot to report back as promised! IK Support did answer me back with the following: 'Thanks, this is a known issue and the dev team are looking at various way to optimize the code. If you are having heavy CPU loads then you may want to use the Freeze track functions.' They are aware of the problem, that part I already knew, and still working on it.
  22. Worked fine for me. Got it in about 30 minutes I would say.
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