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Jacques Boileau

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Everything posted by Jacques Boileau

  1. Anyone have suggestions for best banks for rock, prog rock?
  2. Happy new year everyone! Thanks Larry for a great 2021 of deals and your dedication.
  3. These are 2 different games. You install both and you get double the fun! They are Tomb Raider 1 and 2 of this reboot trilogy. Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration is a version of the second game with all the addons included.
  4. Wow, what a great freebie trio! I have played them on PS3 and PS4 a few times. Great franchise, in a similar vein to the Uncharted series. If you like those kind of games and haven't played the Tomb Raider series don't miss it! Just in time for some more covid restrictions! ?
  5. Might as well add: I was born in Montréal and I moved to Laval. I love winter as much as the other seasons. What I like most is the change of seasons here. This morning we had large slow falling snowflakes, just beautiful. So nice for a walk.
  6. What? It's Larry's birthday?!?! Dang it almost took me an IK group buy thread length to get it! I'm slow, but happy birthday anyway Larry!
  7. Could you make your font larger? Old people can't read small fonts! ?
  8. Waiting to see what new freebie Audio Deluxe will offer next week first...
  9. I didn't know we were allowed to do this! Did you clear it with Larry first? ?
  10. I told my wife about the freebie. Is that sharing enough to get it? ?
  11. Hum... aren't there things you can only do in the plugin manager still or am I just not Cakewalk knowledgeable enough to know otherwise?
  12. At least Omni is a great plugin... if your psychiatrist didn't tell you yet!
  13. TouchDAW to control your DAW from your phone. Like hitting record when you are some distance away doing vocals.
  14. It has been extended to January 20th. It seems these get extended more and more. Remember when they came out once a month like clockwork?
  15. Do you have the latest AT5 version? If you are still on 5.0.3, they will not show up, they where added in a later version.
  16. It has always been both. For this latest version I have only tested the standalone, but I see no reason for it to be different. Especially since support confirmed the fix is not there yet. If ever you want to play around with the new version, you know you can easily switch from one version to another and back, right?
  17. I contacted IK support and they acknowledged the fix is not included in this release. They said it will be addressed when its fully optimized...
  18. Tried the demo. Sounds good, but on my probably too slow PC and even at a buffer size of 16 on my Scarlett 2i4, I still get a slight delay when using the stand alone version. Too annoying for me. I do not get that using the standalone version of AT5, so I'll stick with that.
  19. Quickly jumped on it before I miss it! With just 1000 a day I thought it might go fast. I made it! ...and got the message: "You already have a license for GenMod. We have re-sent it via email." I gotta pay more attention to what I've collected over the years and probably use more of it! ?
  20. But still, it seems that all this protection against software piracy made another honest user a victim. Someone paid for a software that should run on the hardware he has, but can't because of an outdated protection software, he can't. Really not cool! Isotope can say to upgrade all they want, it does not make it right. I don't have a solution, but I feel the disapointment.
  21. I did some quick tests and the high CPU usage is the same as the previous version. Which means almost double than v5.0.3. The last report I had from IK support (November 1st) is that they had found the issue and that they were working on it for the next update. But not this update it seems. I was really excited when I saw this new update's announcement, but it didn't last long. @Zo: how to show the bug by changing the routing has still the same behaviour in this release.
  22. Yes TDR at least is transparent and has quite a bit of control too. Edit: but I have a hard time resisting SSL stuff when they are on sale for 90% off! ?
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