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Jeremy Oakes

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Everything posted by Jeremy Oakes

  1. I clone my hdd’s using AEOMI Backupper. J
  2. I wasn’t aware there were issues. All purring along here. J
  3. You could always change your i/buffers upwards when mixing and mastering, especially for such vst’s as Melodyne and Ozone. i do that frequently, no issues. YMMV, J
  4. …….. and you have of course done something as simple as reading the other thread called : Cakewalk Activation Error (20) you being in IT and having an MBA ? That might help you plus you should dial down the anger a little. All the best, J
  5. I was only with my company for 32 years, but as i was productive when i worked, i was productive in music also. Since being retired (its when others pay your contributions Mr Dickins) i’ve certainly been less productive in music. I honestly don’t know if there is a correlation there but ……… For the last few weeks i’ve forced myself and i’m getting back (i hope) to where i was 3 years ago. YMMV of course….. J
  6. I did it upside down. I let my beard grow, which served me well for the grand kids at Xmas 2019. Then i shaved. But i haven’t shaved for a few months now, and have got past the itchy stage. To shave or not is now the question…… But it never made me a better player (or worse for that matter). YMMV J
  7. And how does CbB (or any other DAW) know which instrument VSTi (eg EZBass) to assign to your midi tracks ? i export as midi files from Guitar Pro 8. Then i import said midi into CbB it gives me the name of each track. Then its just a question of transferring the bass into EZ Bass’s midi track and the drums into EZDrummers’s midi track. Unless i’m missing something …’ J
  8. ……. But not necessarily with video. Its been said, CbB is NOT a video editor, so no its not that simple. If i want to edit a video file with soundtrack i use Vegas, not CbB YMMV, but ……. J
  9. Enjoy playing live : Boys are Back in Town, Rosalie, Here I Go Again, etc Do not enjoy playing live : Sweet Child of Mine and Knocking on Heavens Door, Roadhouse Blues J
  10. Hmmm, strange to use another brand name on a Cakewalk site. just saying……… J
  11. More than enough, much better than Reaper. your username is provocative, are you trolling ? J
  12. Yes. I get on with it just fine. Great for rock vocals. J
  13. https://www.loudersound.com/news/yes-drummer-alan-white-dead-at-72
  14. …… or download the up to date version of IPP from their website and install it over the broken one. J
  15. yes i also know how to read. So this is a help desk for S1 ? ok, fair enough.
  16. Ok, here we go …… what does Studio One have to to do in a Cakewalk sponsored forum ? Just saying ……. J ps : i’m closer to you than most - 465km SW of Paris (which is not the be all and centre of France ???) ….… pm me in french if you want to go further !
  17. Why not ask on the S1 forums ? J
  18. I had piano lessons from 5 to 7 years old. Was taught both to play and theory/notation. Then i studied classical guitar for a couple of years before changing to electric (circa 1969 - thank you Creedence). I can still (60 years on) read music, play by ear etc. Read music and notation. I thank my music teachers for all that. My son played pretty good guitar, but i could never get him to understand that notation or reading music would be beneficial for him. I’m also for basic music theory/notation in schools (here in France or anywhere, for that matter). J
  19. Mostly Demos, so not a big deal after all J
  20. You’re using imported midi file - check in the Event Viewer (if Home Studio 2002 - no comment - even has one) to make sure no wheel events occur before the notes. If there are, erase them. If it doesn’t, you’ll have to find another way to erase them. This has got me a few times in the past - midi bass files inEZ Bass. J
  21. Mr JamPro, please note we’re not talking about Mackie drivers here. I’m sure they are rock solid. Its the MS legacy one. I humbly recommend you try installing this legacy file and see if it makes any difference for you. FYI, W7 handled FW in a much better way than the current W10 installed one does……….. I have had success with this file/driver. https://www.startech.com/en-fr/faq/firewire-cards-windows-legacy-driver-swap Its merely a suggestion. You don’t have to at all. J
  22. Use the MS legacy firewire driver. AFAIA it doesn’t get installed automatically on a new set up. you’ll have to Google for it, but using that one worked for me when i used to use my Focusrite LS 56 on W10. J
  23. Why on a Cakewalk forum would you ask that ? J
  24. FYI there is a Magix Asio generic driver that gets installed with some of their music products. Fruity Loops does the same thing. A quick trip in the registry to nuke them takes care of potential issues. J
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