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Jeremy Oakes

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Everything posted by Jeremy Oakes

  1. Or you could simply disable the Wupdates service………. Personally in my set up it downloads automatically, but i choose when (or not) to install. Where’s the hassle ? J
  2. Agreed concerning gaming laptops fot audio work. unfortunately mine is not W11 compatible (bloody cpu !) J
  3. Yep, Melda did it for me. Funnily enough Mr Krupa, my go to Compressor is MCompressor from the bundle. Nice piece of kit. J
  4. 4 years ago I purchased an i5 Asus ROG gaming laptop for 1100€ with 8Gb of ram (which i upped to 32Gb), a 1Tb HDD with USB3 ports and a sole USB2 port. For live work its the bees knees. With CbB it can handle recording 16 audio tracks via full USB from a Soundcraft MTK22 during a 1hr set. Solid as a rock. But then Soundcraft drivers are well built. J
  5. I upgraded from W10 and Pro Channel is working as expected. J
  6. USB upgrade way will keep your programmes’ it certainly did when i upgraded. You can also create a folder on your C drive and copy the USB contents into it. I upgraded via this method, albeit a long time ago. J
  7. There was an update to EZBass since i last posted - the VST3 version now works as expected, as does the VST2, on my machine. J
  8. So how many do you call « too many » ? Even if Cakewalk crashes, the recorded audio will still be on your HDD. J
  9. Make sure the input within the Kontact gui is set to omni. Gets me everytime. J
  10. As a principle i always re-installed my sound card drivers after a major update in W10.. I did this after upgrading to W11 and no issues. J
  11. Not a fan of exporting, i prefer bouncing. i’ve never had an issue bouncing tracks (including midi - ezdrummer) and occasionally with ez bass. i bounce all to a stereo track. Works for me. J
  12. John, you might want to consider a Ryzen cpu and a B550 mother board (MSI or Asus). They are W11 compliant and now both MS and AMD have issued corrective updates for the latency issue they had, my machine purrs along. YMMV but i’m not going back to intel for the foreseeable future. Plus the price is great ! J
  13. I think you need to do some research here. Google DAW and audio device / audio interface and how to use them. Decide on the type of music you want to make and with what. Soundtrap is not a DAW. Cakewalk is. To learn how to use Cakewalk takes time, there is a learning curve, patience is a virtue, (as with every DAW). J
  14. If you have the Classic Rock add on, the volume starts out very low, if you expand « Effects » its down to zero. If you bump it up, dock the vst in the multi dock then collapse EZ Bass, it loses the volume focus and goes back to zero (ie no sound). All other add ons are ok. This happens in the VST3 and 2 versions, but not stand alone. I have opened a ticket with Toontrack. According to a thread on their website, for the vst3 version its an issue. J
  15. I would up the i/o buffers and run latency monitor to see what that throws up. 2 good places to start. J
  16. Yes this also happens to me. I get feeling its a bug with Toontrack FWIW, The Classic Rock bass expansion pack cannot save the volume setting (known bug at Toontrack). J
  17. No. I had this issue after an upgrade. Top righthand corner of the Cakewalk window - Workspace > None That should fix your issue J
  18. FWIW you can play the Quake games on a W10 machine, BUT, through the Steam platform. Doesn’t look good, imho.f J
  19. I use CbB for recording my own music (rock, blues) and for putting my own stamp on some covers. Also for recording our group live and in rehearsal (16 tracks of audio in 1 hour stretches) via a MTK 22 mixer which has full USB capabilities. J
  20. Have you activated the software yet ? Let it do that once, then you.re good to go. Note it needs re-activating every 6 months or so, which it does automatically when you open it and your PC is online. J
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