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Jeremy Oakes

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Everything posted by Jeremy Oakes

  1. I use Ashampoo 2021 for burning a few CD’s per month. It does what i want it to. J
  2. I only have Emberton Sensuous Sax. Its always done as per your description. Ie lose the settings. Of all my plugs its the only one that does that. i’m tending towards the fact that its a (good albeit) shoddy piece of a vst. J J
  3. You’re still hung up about Gibson ?
  4. Well, maybe you should get upstairs more often, you’d have found the answer to your rhetoric question/statement a long time ago……….. ? But to answer your real question, yes, it does to my tired eyes.If you’re looking to get something 4k I would advise you to wait until Cakewalk Sonar appears with its scalable thingies. From what my limited brain cells understand, it will be better. J
  5. I’ve just updated my version of FL. Oh well, another dive into the registry to get rid of its faux Asio driver. J
  6. No, i think you’ll find most people think of Audacity’s editing features (some easier to use than CbB …….) but it is very limited in terms of if you think its a DAW. But anyway, why stop using CbB ? Its not going away.
  7. You Shook Me is in G amongst others, Back in Black i can’t remember etc …….ooops. But i’ll give you the fact they do love that A chord ! I’ll get my coat J
  8. Audacity is an editor, not a DAW. Its no where near as powerful as CbB. indépendance is a sampler not a DAW. J
  9. I’ve been on W11 since it was released. I upgraded in situ. No issues with Soundcraft drivers nor Focusrite.
  10. Maintenance yes, but replacing it (as you do) is different. No issues here since updating to W11 (none in W10 that i can remember except a Focusrite driver error, which they fixed) ….. But if it works for you, fair enough
  11. John, respect for the mods, they do a great job, really. BUT, why wouldn’t .Craig.s suggestion work here. I feel it would. J
  12. The team ? Er nope, simply curious. My e-mails have been sold on multiple times, but here in France we've got half decent anti-spam features on the ISP server that catch the majority. I do have one that I rarely give out, and its safe. No, you can't have it LOL
  13. I have no idea what you mean to say. i « joined » and can say their prices are not at all exceptional.. To avoid. J
  14. I use Thomann here in Europe. Only sold on one of them (a Strat) just couldn’t get to grips with it. The others no issues to note. However i generally let them acclimatise to my music room for a month or so before setting them up properly. J
  15. What i do : - first, make a copy of the original 3 sets i recorded (just in case ………) - each set has about 10 songs, so i split the set into songs - i then copy each one into its own project which i find is easier to work with than an hour long project. - for each new project (a song) there’s also has drum bus, a vocal bus and a guitars bus - once thats done, the real work starts, drums first, then bass, then guitars, then backing vocals then main vocal. Works for me ! J
  16. My main two e mail addresses have been sold on many times. To such an extent i created a third mail address that i give to no company, only to certain people i really trust (3 at the moment). i don’t have gmail address but in France the Wanadoo or Orange or Free etc addresses have been long pirated or sold on. I also check my spam boxes regularly, Outlook luckily catches the main offenders, but sometimes tags « real » mails.as spam. Price of becoming well sold ? J
  17. Everyone has there favourites. This is just one of mine. Status Quo’ version makes me puke ! Greatest intro evah !!
  18. Which version - my Nectar Advanced (note not Plus) is on v3.3 J
  19. Just so you know - us mere mortals who only have Nectar 3 Advanced (and not Plus, yes there is a difference)) are still on v3.3, with no update. Or so sez my Product Portal. J
  20. Disable all useless audio devices in Device Manager. Then, In the registry (back it up first, of course) : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO delete those entries that are nothing to do with your Presonus audio device ( especially Realtek or Asio4All) Reboot. If necessary go into the BIOS and cripple the on board audio. J
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