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Jeremy Oakes

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Everything posted by Jeremy Oakes

  1. After major updates and especially an upgrade from w10 to w11, i always re-install my audio device drivers. Couple of clicks, couple of minutes of time……. And peace of mind. Focusrite (desktop) and Soundcraft (laptop) drivers are rock solid. Jerry
  2. IMHO constructively written posts get constructively written answers. This was not the case. YMMV also. J
  3. W11 working fine on my laptop (Soundcraft audio device) and on my desk top (Focusrite audio device). I did however re-install both sets of drivers after the upgrade from W10. I do this also after a major update. Couple of clicks, 2 minutes max and its done. You don’t give many details about your set up - have you tried re-installing your audio devices latest drivers ? J
  4. I have never heard of them so i don’t know. Am i missing something ? Jerry
  5. I always Clone my HDD’s once every 3 weeks so that if one fails i can just insert its clone into my system. Other people will certainly clone more often. I don’t have to go through re-installation etc. Try a recovery software (Google, there are freebies out there). you have Acronis - did you make a start up disk from which you can boot then restore ? If not, you’re knackered. Jerry PS : use punctuation/paras in your posts, its easier to read ! (No offence).
  6. I have amps and pedals that have their own USB ASIO drivers. However, i would always recommend using a multi pedal line out into an instrument input of an audio device - Boss GT100 and Focusrite 18i20 in my case. i also have a Line6 and a couple of Digitech multis. Forget the AsIo’s, line out into the audio device is the way to go. Just my 2 Eurocents. Jerry
  7. Plugin not authorised or in demo mode ? Jerry
  8. I particularly enjoyed the Spanish guitar player - reminded me of some of Jan Akkerman's work from the early 70's (solo and Focus). Jerry
  9. Sorry, couldn’t resist. Is this what you mean ??
  10. Which interface ? What os ? I have the 18i20 running on its latest drivers with no issues. Rolling back will not necessarily help - any error messages, from CbB or in the event viewer ?. Jerry
  11. Great question. This enquiring mind would also like to know. I once asked Rick Beato how he got the isolated tracks when he analysed a song. He never replied. Jerry
  12. See Mr Cook's post above with a confirming gif. Not using workspaces. Jerry
  13. Weird one here : * open a drum midi track in the PRV * change the names of the piano keyboard to drum names *the small dialogue window pops up for kit selection. Select any one from the list * the piano notes change to drum names, as expected. * click on a drum note to edit it and ......... poof ....... the drum note names change back to the piano roll keyboard. Happens to any selected kit. I've just updated to 2022.02 Build 037 via the toast that popped up when opening CbB. This did not happen in previous versions. before. Cheers, Jerry PS : I tried to upload a gif video but the website reported "upload failed".
  14. Agreed, large projects are not an issue with Cakewalk. If we record a live set (1 hour +) we use a Soundcraft MTK 22 with full USB capability into an i5 laptop running a 16 track CbB template. Bees knees ! FWIW, Cubase, Samplitude, Magix audio products, Fruity Loops et al install their own version of our favourite wrapper. In most cases you’re given a choice during initial software installation if you want it or not. Just do the registry “hack” if it it slips through onto your system. Jerry
  15. The way to get rid of the Realtek driver coming back is to turn off the on-board audio device in the Bios, or, if you’re not comfortable delving under the bonnet, disable it in Windows device manager. You can then safely delete the dreaded Asio4All. There will be a registry key to delete too. You can then use your off-board audio device for both Windows and DAW work. You have not yet said if you have one and what it is. I have done this on my desktop and audio + W11 works just fine (Focusrite 18i20). Same goes for the laptop on W10. J
  16. If you use your audio device as a Windows sound card, check that the Windows settings are the same as your card. In your case they both need to be 48/24. My Focusrite 18i20 automatically syncs to 44.1/24 which is what Windows (11) is set to. That is what i use in Cakewalk. Just a thought. J
  17. I must be a little slow (like your bounce) but why would you bounce individual tracks to individual tracks ? What is the advantage over simply getting a great sound, using albeit some effects, then bouncing to a stereo mix track ? Just curious. J
  18. Have you asked this question chez Melodyne ? What did they say ? J
  19. FWIW, I get this « not enough memory » error (on a 64Gb machine) when i start a programme using midi (Guitar Pro for example) BEFORE i fire up Cakewalk. Once i close them both then launch Cakewalk followed by Gtr Pro the error goes away. My midi device is an Oxygen 61 v4 J
  20. I have a Project that contains muted tracks - mostly audio, some midi/audio, but each one is a riff or musical idea. Every now and again i solo each track, one bt one, incase i’ve thought of an extension to a particular track. i go to this project if i’m feeling a little « dry ». J
  21. Here are attached images of screenshots of my MTK22 settings as seen by Cakewalk. In settings01.jpg you'll see "Show Mono Tracks" is ticked, as per Mark's suggestions. J
  22. One of his best sketches. another is when he plays fast downward arpeggios,’ turns the music sheet round and its then plays the William Tell overture. A truely great performer J
  23. @John Vere : the Soundcraft drivers, for me have always been rock solid. (Better, dare i say, than Focusrite ?fyi i have a 18i20 in my studio, the MTK is for live and sometimes studio work). They were written at the beginning of W10 period and survived seamlessly the various feature upgrades to that OS. I will post a screenshot tomorrow am (its 11.30pm here in France) as to how they should look in Cakewalk. For me, the op is not in Asio mode. J
  24. I don’t think you’ll find many issues, been working perfectly here since my upgrade. J
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