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Jeremy Oakes

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Everything posted by Jeremy Oakes

  1. In Preferences - Audio make sure the Realtek Asio is de-selected (ie not ticked) and that only the Focusrite is selected (ticked) J
  2. I wanted to get Ozone 10 Advanced from my loyalty offers. 99 USD fine, but when translated to Euros 148. Something Euros. forget it, plus i also will have to pay 20% vat on top. i have a ticket open asking them to justify the difference in prices uds vs €. J
  3. The Oxygen keyboard(s) are class compliant, they don’t need specific drivers, which maybe why this issue is around. i’ve had this happen, and still have it every now and again. The only thing i’ve found to do is to un-tick the device in Preferences, close Cakewalk, then start the app without turning on the keyboard. Close Cakewalk again then turn on the Oxygen and then fire up Cakewalk, re-tick in Prefs if necessary. Long winded i know, but it works, if anyone has a different solution i’m all ears. J
  4. I upgraded many moons ago, never looked back. you.ll find some threads on the Computers part of this website about the same subject. One thing i do however is to automatically re-install the audio drivers (Focusrite and Soundcraft) just in case, The update from 10 to 11 is free anyway, if your PC can pass the MS mini specs. They have a tool that can help you check this. If you’re offered the update via Windows Update, then you’re good to go. J
  5. Had the pleasure of seeing him play in 2014. The best. R.I.P J
  6. I thought it was usually Cakewalk and Windows ? J
  7. I have this but it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. After all, what i want hear is the highlighted region, why go further ? Its good practice anyway that once you have corrected your track you bounce it to clip. Then in your project the cursor will move, YMMV J
  8. I stopped my subscription shortly after they stopped (or Craig A stopped) Cakewalk tech hints/workshops. J
  9. Buffalo Grill, the specialists in dried over cooked meet. J
  10. Go into Device Manager and disable any audio device that are not your Focusrite, such as HDMI or those from nVidia. Then make sure in Power Options that your USB devices do NOT sleep after a certain time. J
  11. I have Kontakt 6, latest version and I purchased/upgraded to v7 on a special offer from NI. This did NOT unistall v6 in fact it installed v7 as a separate vsti. Now I have the 2 in my vst directory and they both also show up in Native Access. Any project with v6 in it still opens fine, and loads v6. Maybe I'm not understanding what you did, but if you did not un-install the v6, then its still there. Installing v7 does not un-install v6. Good luck, J
  12. Agreed, and this is what its based on :
  13. To the OP. You should do some homework on their website : https://www.m-audio.com/oxygen-pro-mini never believe all you read ! FWIW i have the Oxygen 61 v4 which is class compliant (no drivers) and which works perfectly with CbB J
  14. For my part, me i’ve never had an issue with it. There are certain things like chop your vocals/bass/etc into small clips before using it, but no, its been easy for me to use. J
  15. I always write my codes down on an Excel sheet. That way if i forget them, (I’m also old) i just look them up. J
  16. Yes, but its the Edit version of Vegas and the Audio version of Sound Forge. still, not bad for the price. J
  17. I’ve always found the Focusrite pre-amps to be more than just ok. Cut out the pre-amp and see if that gets you back to normal levels. J
  18. I am currently using a Soundcraft MTK 22, which has its own Asio drivers. i have several DAWs that have tried to install their super duper low latency drivers. (cubase, Fruity Loops, Samplitude etc.) After each app’s update/upgrade I automatically delete all their drivers from the registry just leaving those from Soundcraft. If you have a good audio device with decent drivers, you do not need the crap installed by the above apps, nor the dreaded Asio4all……… YMMV, J
  19. My current go to : Bugera v55 Infinium (love that valve sound), Fender HH Strat and a Boss Gt-100. for certain songs i substitute a Fender Mim Tele HH. J
  20. I also use AOEMI Backupper, but all my HDD’s are cloned at least once a month. For a 4Tb drive it takes about 5 hours, overnight. J
  21. +1 for the MTK 22 - I use it for both live recordings and more currently I’m using it in the studio, both with CbB. Great pre-amps. Rock solid drivers that withstood the W11 upgrade, as against Focurite (18i20) which didn’t. J
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